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Selected Activities
Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence journal by IOS Press (Founding Editor-in-Chief since 2023).
Semantic Web journal by IOS Press (Founding Editor-in-Chief 2009-2023).
Book series Studies on the Semantic Web, IOS Press and AKA Verlag (Editor-in-Chief since 2009)
Invited Keynotes, Tutorials, and Panels
- Artificial Intelligence panel at the 2024 Ag Innovation Forum of the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City, February 2024. (invited panelist).
- Keynote at KGSWC 2023, Sixth Ibero-American and Fifth Indo-American Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference, Zaragoza, Spain, November 2023.
- Keynote at AILA 2023, Artificial Intelligence Logic and Applications, China, August 2023. (slides (pdf))
- Keynote at PFIA'23, Plate-Forme Intelligence Artificielle, Strasbourg, France, July 2023. (slides (pdf))
- KGSWC 2022, Fourth Iberoamerican and Third Indoamerican Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference, Universidad Camilo Jose Cela, Madrid, Spain, November 2022. (keynote, Explainable Deep Learning using Concept Induction) (slides (pdf))
- Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence - some results regarding knowledge graphs. RBC Distinguished Speaker Series, Royal Bank of Canada, November 2022. (Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence - some results regarding knowledge graphs) (slides (pdf))
- Doctoral Consortium, at ISWC 2022, Hangzhou, China (remotely), October 2022. (invited panelist)
- Semantic Harmonization of Ontologies, at us2ts 2022, East Lansing, MI, September 2022. (invited panelist)
- Pascal Hitzler, Some advances regarding ontologies and neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence. Workshop on Meta-Knowledge Transfer/Communication in Different Systems at ECML/PKDD 2022, Grenoble, France, September 2022. (keynote, and invited panelist) (slides (pdf))
- Building the Future Knowledge Graph Infrastructure for the U.S. NSF Convergence Accelerator Expo 2022, virtual, July 2022. (invited panelist)
- Pascal Hitzler, Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence: A Brief History, and Recent Advances. 2022 European Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval (ECNLPIR 2022), Hangzhou, China, July, 2022. (keynote) (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Processing 2022 (AKIP’22), Hyderabad, India, July 2022. (keynote) (slides (pdf))
- AIxIA 2021, The 20th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Online, December 2021. (keynote, Neuro-Symbolic Deep Deductive Reasoning) (slides (pdf))
- KGSWC 2021, Third Iberoamerican and Second Indoamerican Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference, Online, November 2021. (keynote, Modular Schema Development for Wikibase) (slides (pdf))
- Semantic Web 20 Years in Finland Jubilee, Online, November 2021. (keynote, Semantic Web: A 20-year perspective) (slides (pdf))
- Workshop on Explainable Graph-Based Machine Learning at AKBC 2021, October 2021. (keynote on Knowledge Graphs in Neuro-Symbolic AI) (slides (pdf))
- Special Session on Reproducibility at ISWC 2021, October 2021. (invited panelist) (slides (pdf))
- NeSy 20/21 at ICLR 2021 (online), October 2021. (invited tutorial on Deep Deductive Reasoning over Semantic Web Logics with Monireh Ebrahimi, Aaron Eberhart, Federico Bianchi)
- GeoKG workshop at GIScience 2021, September 2021. (keynote on The KnowWhereGraph) (slides (pdf))
- Summer School on Interactive AI, University of Bristol (online), September 2021. (invited tutorial on Knowledge graph reasoning with deep learning (deep deductive reasoning). (slides (pdf))
- Artificial Intelligence Science Frontiers Online Lecture, August 2021. (Neural-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence: Deep Deductive Reasoning) (slides (pdf))
- Conference on Data Intelligence and Knowledge Service, Beijing, June 2021. (keynote) (slides (pdf))
- A Modeling Workshop for Data in Agriculture, Midwest Big Data Hub, June 2021. (keynote, Ontologies, Knowledge Graphs, and all that) (slides (pdf))
- KGSWC-INDIA 2020, First Indo-American Knowledge Graph and Semantic Web Conference, Online, November 2020. (keynote, Neural-Symbolic Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs) (slides (pdf))
- Knowledge Graph Design for Data Sharing, Integration, and Reuse. DECOR2020, The 3rd International Workshop on Data Engineering Meets intelligent food and Cooking Recipes, at the 36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2020, Dallas, TX, April 2020. (keynote and panel member on Current Challenges and Future Directions) (slides (pdf))
- Managing Data for Integration and Reuse. Global Food Systems Big Data Workshop, Manhattan, KS, October 2019. (slides (pdf))
- ICCS 2018, 23rd International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Edinburgh, UK, June 2018. (keynote speaker on Modular Ontologies as a Bridge Between Human Conceptualization and Data) (slides (pdf))
- Neural-Symbolic Integration and Its Relevance to Deep Learning and the Semantic Web. Keynote at DL4KGS 2018, Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Technologies at ESWC 2018. (slides (pdf))
- Semantic Web: The Silent Data Revolution on the World Wide Web. Institute For Learning in Retirement, Miami University, Oxford, OH, April 2018.
- OntologyWorkshop, Dayton, OH, February 2018. Invited speaker on (Some) Aspects of Quality Ontology Modeling.
- Knowledge Graphs and Data Exploration Workshop, Dayton, OH, January 2018. Invited speaker on Ontology Design Patterns and their role in the development of a knowledge graph.
- Towards Modular Ontology Modeling with Ontology Design Patterns. Keynote at WOMoCoE2017 at ISWC2017, Vienna, Austria, October 2017. (slides (pdf))
- Ontology Modeling 2.0: Next Steps. Keynote at WOP2017 at ISWC2017, Vienna, Austria, October 2017. (slides (pdf))
- 1st Annual Commonwealth Computational Summit, Lexington, KY, October 2017. (keynote speaker on A Brief Introduction to Semantic Web - and a Contribution to Explainable Artificial Intelligence (pdf))
- NeSy'17, Twelfth International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning, City, University of London, UK, July 2017. (keynote speaker on Combining Learning and Reasoning: A Semantic Web Perspective (pdf))
- ESWC 2017, 14th ESWC 2017, Portoroz, Slovenia, May/June 2017. (Invited Panelist on The Future of Proceedings Publication: The Perspective of the Semantic Web Community)
- CoCo2016, Workshop on Cognitive Computation: Integrating Neural and Symbolic Approaches. Workshop at NIPS 2016, Barcelona, Spain, December 2016. (keynote speaker - presentation had to be cancelled)
- Vienna Semantic Web Meetup, Vienna, Austria, September 12, 2016. (invited speaker on Linked Data as Part of the Big Data Landscape) (slides (pdf))
- SBD2016, Semantic Big Data workshop at ACM SIGMOD, San Francisco, CA, USA, July 1, 2016. (keynote on Semantic Technologies for Big Data Interation) (slides (pdf))
- 2016 UQAM Summer School on Reasoning, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 2016. (invited lecture on Ontology Modeling) (slides (pdf))
- MAICS 2016, The 27th Modern Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, Dayton, OH, April 2016. (keynote speaker on Knowledge Modeling for Data Sharing, Integration, and Reuse) (slides (pdf))
- Diversity++, Workshop at the 2015 International Semantic Web Conference, Bethlehem, PA, October 2015. (keynote speaker on Ontology modeling with domain experts) (slides (pdf))
- ACSW 2015, Australasian Computer Science Week 2015, 27-30 January 2015, Parramatta, Sydney, Australia. (keynote speaker on Advances in Semantic Web Technologies) (slides (pdf))
- EKAW 2014, 19th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, 24-28 November 2014, Linköping, Sweden. (keynote speaker on Ontology Design Patterns for Large-Scale Data Interchange and Discovery) (slides (pdf))
- Ontology Summit 2014, Ontolog online session, January 2014. (invited panelist and presenter on Towards ontology patterns for ocean science repository integration) (slides (pdf)) (page with audio recording)
- IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology (SWAO) SIG: Inaugural Meeting, Ontolog online session, November 2013. (invited panelist and presenter on Ontologies in a data-driven world: finding the middle ground) (page with audio recording)
- STIDS2013, The 8th International Conference on Semantic Technologies for Intelligence, Defense, and Security, Fairfax, VA, November 2013. (invited tutorial on OWL and Rules)
- COLD2013, Fourth International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data, Sydney, Australia, October 2013. (invited panel member on Opportunities and Challenges in Commercialising LOD)
- Articulating Cyberinfrastructure Needs of the Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics Community. NSF EarthCube End-User Workshop, Woods Hole, MA, October 7-8, 2013. (invited speaker on Cyberinfrastructure opportunities for geoscience reasearch)
- ICLP'13, 29th International Conference on Logic Programming, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2013. (keynote speaker) (youtube video)
- LHD+SemQuant2012, Joint Workshop on Large and Heterogeneous Data and Quantitative Formalization in the Semantic Web, Boston, USA, November 2012. (invited panel member on Making sense of the web of data)
- Chesapeake Large-Scale Analytics Conference (CLSAC), Annapolis, MD, October 2012. (invited speaker and panelist on big data and ontologies)
- Value Proposition of Ontology and Semantic Technology for the Earth Science Community, part of the ontolog Earth Science Ontology Dialog (EarthScienceOntolog), August 2012. (invited panelist and presenter on On the uptake of Semantic Web Technologies) (page with audio recording)
- GeoVoCampSB2012, Santa Barbara, California, February 2012. (invited panel member on Big Data GIScience.)
- Reasoning Web 2011 Summer School, Galway, Ireland, August 2011. (invited lecture on OWL and Rules)
- OWLED2011, Eighth International Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions, San Francisco, CA, June 2011. (invited tutorial on OWL and Rules)
- ICFCA2011, 9th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, Nicosia, Cyprus, May 2011. (invited keynote speaker)
- Emerging Trends in Scholarly Publishing Seminar, Washington DC, April 2011. (invited speaker) (page with video)
- EDOC2010, Fourteenth IEEE International EDOC Conference, Vitoria, Brazil, October 2010. (invited tutorial on RDF, OWL, and Rules - had to be cancelled on short notice)
- Linked AI, AAAI Spring Symposium "Linked Data Meets Artificial Intelligence", Stanford, CA, March 2010. (invited panel member on KR Needs For Linked Data - panel had to be canceled on short notice)
- GeoS2009, Third International Conference on Geospatial Semantics (GeoS 2009), Mexico City, Mexico, December 2009. (conference keynote speaker on Semantic Web - Past, Present, and Future)
- GeoS2009, Third International Conference on Geospatial Semantics (GeoS 2009), Mexico City, Mexico, December 2009. (invited tutorial on OWL 2 Rules)
- KogWis 2008, Symposium on Neural-Symbolic Integration as a Means for Computational Cognition at the 9. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft, Dresden, Germany, September 2008. (invited speaker on Integrating Symbolic and Subsymbolic Cognitive Processing)
- SWAP 2006, Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives, 3rd Italian Semantic Web Workshop, Pisa, Italy, December 2006. (invited speaker on Towards subsymbolic methods for semantic knowledge)
- ISDT06, 4th International Symposium on Domain Theory. (invited speaker on Perspectives on Formal Concept Analysis: Domain Logics and Commonsense Reasoning)
- ARW-05, Automated Reasoning Workshop, Edinburgh, UK, August 2005. (invited panel member on What contribution can automated reasoning make to e-Science?)
- WPT 2002, Workshop on Proof Theory, Dresden, Germany, 2002. (invited speaker on Fixed-point Semantics for Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning: A uniform approach)
Other Presentations
- Pascal Hitzler, Understanding Internal States of Deep Learning Systems, Geology Seminar at Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, April 2024.
- Pascal Hitzler, What's happening in AI - and what that may mean for Agriculture, Kansas Section of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), Manhattan, KS, April 2024.
- Pascal Hitzler, tbd, RPI Cognitive Science speaker series, Rensselaer Polytechnics Institute, April 2024.
- Pascal Hitzler, Understanding Internal States of Deep Learning AI Systems, Geology Seminar at Kansas State University, April 2024.
- Pascal Hitzler, Logic in Knowledge Representation, Interdisciplinary Logic Seminar at Kansas State University, November 2023.
- 80. Pascal Hitzler, Using Knowledge graphs and logical reasoning to explain hidden neuron activations. Bosch Research, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2023 (remotely). (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Neurosymbolic AI - a history and some recent results related to knowledge graphs. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institution, September 2023 (remotely). (slides part 1 (pdf)) (slides part 2 (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Explaining hidden neuron activations using Semantic Web methods, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, September 2023 (remotely). (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Graphs: Some Results, University of Missouri, September 2023 (remotely). (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Knowledge Graphs and Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence, HRL Laboratories, August 2022. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Semantic Guidelines for Cross-OKN Integration. Cross-cutting working group of the 2022 NSF Convergence Accelerator Innovation Sprint, April 2022.
- Pascal Hitzler, Knowledge Graphs, Guest Lecture CIS 115, Kansas State University, May 2022. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Current Research at the Data Semantics Laboratory: Knowledge Graphs and Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence, Research Seminar, Kansas State University, April 2022. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, The Semantic Web journal: open and transparent. IOS Press 35th Anniversary Celebration, March 2022. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Neuro-Symbolic AI: Explainability and Deep Deductive Reasoning. University of Ulster (online), February 2022. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Concept Induction for Explainable AI. Fraunhofer IIS project group Comprehensible AI (online), December 2021. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Deep Deductive Reasoning. AFRL (online), November 2021. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Deep Deductive Reasoners. Dutch National Graduate School SIKS, May 2021. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, The Upper Ontology Alignment Tool. OntoCommons Top-Level and Mid-Level Ontologies Multi-Disciplinary Workshop, 8 April 2021. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Neural-Symbolic Integration and Ontologies. Ontolgy Summit 2021, Ontolog online session, February 2021. (slides (pdf))
- Tutorial on Current and Future Trends of Neural Knowledge Graph Representation and Reasoning, at IJCAI-PRICAI 2020, January 2021. (slides part 1, introduction (pdf))
- Cogan Shimizu, Scott Nieman, Joe W. Tevis, Evan Wallace, Abhilekha Dalal, Pascal Hitzler, Frank Riddick, Farhad Ameri, Towards Ontology-based Data Integration for Grain Traceability through the Supply Chain. AgGateway Annual Conference, November 2020, online.
- Pascal Hitzler, Modular Ontology Modeling. Online Presentation for the Industrial Ontology Foundry (IOF) Technical Oversight Board. January 2020. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Knowledge Graphs, Schema Modeling, W3C Standards, and Tools. OKN VoCamp, Santa Barbara, CA, January 2020. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Why Semantic (Web) Technologies? OKN VoCamp, Santa Barbara, CA, January 2020. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Research at the Data Semantics (DaSe) Laboratory: Data Management, Artificial Intelligence, and Applications. K-State Computer Science Graduate Student Association, November 2019. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Research at the Data Semantics (DaSe) Laboratory. K-State Computer Science Advisory Board Meeting, October 2019. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Knowledge Graphs, Deep Learning, and What They Have To Do With Each Other. Invited talk at Raytheon BBN Technologies, Arlington, VA, April 2019.
- Pascal Hitzler, Knowledge Graphs, Deep Learning, and What They Have To Do With Each Other. Invited talk at Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, January 2019. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Bridging the Symbolic-Subsymbolic Divide. Invited talk at Robert Bosch LLC Research and Technology Center, Pittsburgh, PA, December 2018. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Knowledge Graphs, Explainable Deep Learning, and What They Have To Do With Each Other. Invited talk at University of Leeds, UK, January 2018.
- Pascal Hitzler, Knowledge Graphs, Explainable Deep Learning, and What They Have To Do With Each Other. Invited talk at University of Denver, CO, January 2018.
- Pascal Hitzler, A Primer on Modular Ontology Modeling. Guest Lecture in the Data Science class, University of Denver, CO, USA, January 2018. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, A Brief Introduction to Semantic Web -- and a Contribution to Explainable Artificial Intelligence. Invited talk at University of California, Santa Barbara, November 2017. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, A Brief Introduction to Semantic Web -- and a Contribution to Explainable Artificial Intelligence. Invited talk at University of Texas, Austin, August 2017.
- Pascal Hitzler, From Interpretable to Explainable Deep Networks. Invited talk at IBM TJ Watson Research Center, NY, August 2017. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Introduction to ODPs and first pattern examples. Tutorial on Modular Ontology Modeling with Ontology Design Patterns at ESWC2017, Portoroz, Slovenia, May 2017, Part 1. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Some patterns and their use in the chess ontology. Tutorial on Modular Ontology Modeling with Ontology Design Patterns at ESWC2017, Portoroz, Slovenia, May 2017, Part 2. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Modular Ontology Design and Use Case: The GeoLink Example. Tutorial on Modular Ontology Modeling with Ontology Design Patterns at ESWC2017, Portoroz, Slovenia, May 2017, Part 3. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Towards Explaining Neural Networks Through Background Knowledge. CITEC, University of Bielefeld, Germany, May 2017. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Understanding Neural Networks Through Background Knowledge. Dagstuhl, Germany, May 2017. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Selected Advances in Data Semantics. TU Dresden, Germany, April 2017. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Ontology Design Patterns for Linked Data Publishing - Chess Example. At the ISWC 2016 Tutorial on Ontology Design Patterns for Linked Data Publishing, Kobe, Japan, October 2016. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Neural-Symbolic Integration - Fragments. DaSe Lab Meeting, Wright State University, September 2016. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Pattern-based Ontology Modeling. Invited talk at the International Center for Computational Logic, TU Dresden, Germany, July 2016. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Ontologies, Vocabularies, Standards, and Linked Data. ESIP Winter Meeting 2016, Washington DC, January 2016. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Semantic Web: What's Next?, AIFB Kolloquium, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, July 2015. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, DaSeLab: Some Advances in Semantic Web Technologies, Oberseminar Wissensmanagement, AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, July 2015. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Ontology Design Patterns in GeoLink, VoCampND2015, University of Notre Dame, IN, May 2015. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Ontology Design Patterns in OceanLink and GeoLink, GeoVoCampSB2015, Santa Barbara, CA, March 2015. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, On the problem of ontological commitments and how to address it. RDA Metadata and Semantics Workshop, Indianapolis, IN, February 2015. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Ontology Design Patterns as the next step in Web Semantics. Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Galway, Ireland, February 2015. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Data Integration with Ontology Design Patterns. University of Sydney, January 2015. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, GeoLink group report. GeoVoCampSOCoP, Reston, VA, December 2014.
- Pascal Hitzler, Krzysztof Janowicz, Semantic Web journal open and transparent peer review, IOS Press, Amsterdam, November 2014.
- Pascal Hitzler, Combining Learning and Reasoning for Big Data. Dagstuhl Seminar on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning, Dagstuhl, Germany, September 2014. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Data Repository Integration with Ontology Design Patterns. EPA-NRMRL, Cincinnati, September 2014. (slides (pdf))
- Pascal Hitzler, Michelle Cheatham, Krzysztof Janowicz, Ontology Design Patterns for Data Repository Integration. EarthCube C4P RCN Webinar, August 2014. (slides (pdf))
- T. Narock, A. Krisnadhi, P. Hitzler, et al., Semantics and Linked Open Data: The OceanLink Project. Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Summer Meeting 2014, Frisco, CO, July 2014.
- P. Hitzler, K. Janowicz, A. Krisnadhi, Smart Data for Smart Software. Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Summer Meeting 2014, Frisco, CO, July 2014. (slides (pdf))
- P. Hitzler, K. Janowicz, Making data and software citation easy: The Semantic Web journal's approach. Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Summer Meeting 2014, Frisco, CO, July 2014. (slides (pdf))
- P. Hitzler, K. Janowicz, Ontology Design Patterns for EarthCube and Beyond. Federation of Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Summer Meeting 2014, Frisco, CO, July 2014. (slides (pdf))
- T. Narock, P. Hitzler et al. Semantics and Linked Open Data: The OceanLink Project. Poster presentation at the EarthCube 2014 All-Hands Meeting, Washington D.C., June 2014.
- Pascal Hitzler, Ontology Design Patterns: Some key ideas. EarthCube C4P RCN Paleobiology Workshop, Washington, D.C., May 2014. (slides (pdf))
- Adila Krisnadhi, Robert Arko, Suzanne Carbotte, Cynthia Chandler, Michelle Cheatham, Timothy Finin, Pascal Hitzler, Krzysztof Janowicz, Thomas Narock, Lisa Raymond, Adam Shepherd, Peter Wiebe, Cross-repository Information Discovery in the Earth Sciences. Center for Operator Performance Summer Meeting, Dayton, OH, May 2014. (slides (pdf)) (poster(pdf))
- Ontology Design Patterns for Ocean Science Data Discovery. Dagstuhl Seminar on Spatial reference in the Semantic Web and in Robotics, Dagstuhl, Germany, April 2014. (slides (pdf))
- OceanLink: Using Patterns for Discovery in EarthCube. GeoVoCampSB2014, Santa Barbara, March 2014. (slides (pdf))
- Metadata semantics: What Semantic Web technologies can contribute to scientific data and information sharing and discovery. Montana State University Library, March 4, 2014. (slides (pdf))
- Ontologies in a data-driven world. Montana State University Computer Science Department, March 3, 2014. (slides (pdf))
- OceanLink Building Block: Leveraging Semantics and Linked Data for Geoscience Data Sharing and Discovery. EarthCube Portfolio Workshop, Boulder, CO, February 2014. (slides (pdf))
- Ontologies in a data-driven world. IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, January 2014. (slides (pdf))
- Ontologies in a data-driven world. OCLC, December 2013. (slides (pdf))
- IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology (SWAO) SIG: Inaugural Meeting, Ontolog online session, November 2013. (invited panelist and presenter on Ontologies in a data-driven world: finding the middle ground) (slides (pdf))
- Thomas W. Narock, Eric A. Rozell, Pascal Hitzler, Robert A. Arko, Cynthia L. Chandler, Brian D. Wilson, Leveraging Crowdsourcing and Linked Open Data for Geoscience Data Sharing and Discovery. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2013 (presented by Thomas W. Narock).
- STIDS2013, The 8th International Conference on Semantic Technologies for Intelligence, Defense, and Security, Fairfax, VA, November 2013. (invited tutorial on OWL and Rules) part 1 (pdf) part 2 (pdf)
- Articulating Cyberinfrastructure Needs of the Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics Community. NSF EarthCube End-User Workshop, Woods Hole, MA, October 7-8, 2013. (invited speaker on "Cyberinfrastructure opportunities for geoscience reasearch")
- Recent Advances Concerning OWL and Rules. Keynote at the 29th International Conference on Logic Programming, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2013.
- ICCL Summer School Dresden 2013 Semantic Web - Ontology Languages and Their Use. Opening presentation at the ICCL Summer School Dresden, August 2013.
- OWL Syntax and Relation to RDF. Presentation at the ICCL Summer School Dresden, August 2013.
- Ontologies and Rules. Presentation at the ICCL Summer School Dresden, August 2013.
- Ontology Design Patterns Modeling Examples. Presentation at the ICCL Summer School Dresden, August 2013.
- Big Data, Semantic Web, and EarthCube. Invited talk at University of Notre Dame Indiana, April 2013. (slides (pdf))
- Semantic Data Analytics - the key to challenging Big Data. Invited talk at Siemens, Princeton, NY, February 2013. (slides (pdf))
- Guest lecture on Semantic Web, Internet Marketing class, Raj Soin College of Business, Wright State University, January 2013.
- Krzysztof Janowicz, Pascal Hitzler, Findings from the EarthCube Semantics Community Group. EarthCube Summit of the Open Geospatial Consortium Technical Committee Meeting, January 2013.
- Semantic Web and Big Data - Opportunities and Challenges. Indiana University Bloomington, November 2012. (slides (pdf))
- Neural-Symbolic Integration - Bridging the gap between subsymbolic neural networks and symbolic logic. Indiana University Bloomington, November 2012. (slides (pdf))
- LHD+SemQuant2012, Joint Workshop on Large and Heterogeneous Data and Quantitative Formalization in the Semantic Web, Boston, USA, November 2012. (panelist)
- Chesapeake Large-Scale Analytics Conference (CLSAC), Annapolis, MD, October 2012. (invited speaker and panelist on big data and ontologies) (slides on "Semantics and Big Data - Opportunities and Challenges")
- Value Proposition of Ontology and Semantic Technology for the Earth Science Community, part of the ontolog Earth Science Ontology Dialog (EarthScienceOntolog), August 2012. (invited panelist and presenter on On the uptake of Semantic Web Technologies)
- Integrating Description Logics and Rules for the Semantic Web.
Invited talk, International Center for Computational Logic, TU Dresden, Germany, May 2012.
[slides (pdf)] - Semantic Web and the Web of Data.
Invited talk, Cognitive Science Institute, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada, April 2012.
[slides (pdf)] - Semantic Web - The Next Generation World Wide Web.
Wright State University, March 2012. - Big Data GIScience.
Invited panel member at GeoVoCampSB2012, Santa Barbara, California, February 2012. - Semantic Web - State of the Art.
Invited talk, Iowa State University Ames, September 2011. (slides (pdf)) - Reasoning Web 2011 Summer School, Galway, Ireland, August 2011. (Invited lecture on OWL and Rules)
- OWLED2011, Eighth International Workshop on OWL: Experiences and Directions, San Francisco, CA, June 2011. (invited tutorial on OWL and Rules)
- Neural-Symbolic Integration - Bridging the gap between subsymbolic neural networks and symbolic logic.
Department of Computer Science, Wright State University, Dayton, OH, May 2011.
[pdf (presentation)] - ICFCA2011, 9th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis, Nicosia, Cyprus, May 2011. (invited keynote speaker)
- Emerging Trends in Scholarly Publishing Seminar, Washington DC, April 2011. (invited speaker)
[slides (pdf)] - Semantic Web - State of the Art.
Invited talk, University of Dayton, OH, March 2011. (slides (pdf)) - Semantic Web - State of the Art.
Invited talk, Southeast University in Nanjing, China, November 2010. (slides (pdf)) - OWL and Rules - Some New Results.
Invited talk, Southeast University in Nanjing, China, November 2010. - The Semantic Data Web Layer Cake.
Lightning Talk at ISWC2010, Shanghai, China, November 2010.
[slide (pdf)] - RDF and some OWL.
Invited talk, Janya Inc., Buffalo, NY, October 2010. - Ontology Alignment for Linked Open Data.
(with Prateek Jain, Amit Sheth, Kunal Verma, Peter Z. Yeh)
Regular talk at SWAP2010, the 6th Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives, Bressanone, Italy, September 2010. - Semantic Web - State of the Art.
Invited talk, CTSC, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, September 2010. - How to Make Linked Data More Than Data.
by Amit P. Sheth, with Prateek Jain, Peter Z. Yeh, Kunal Verma
Semantic Technology Conference 2010, San Francisco, CA, June 2010. - Semantic Web - State of the Art.
Invited Talk, Accenture, San Jose, CA, March 2010. (slides (pdf)) - Reasonable Semantic Web.
Invited talk, Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research, Stanford, CA, March 2010. (slides (pdf)) - Linked AI, AAAI Spring Symposium "Linked Data Meets Artificial Intelligence", Stanford, CA, March 2010. (panel member on KR Needs For Linked Data - cancelled on short notice)
- Semantic Web - Past, Present, and Future.
Invited Keynote, GeoS2009 - Third International Conference on Geospatial Semantics (GeoS 2009), Mexico City, Mexico, December 2009. (slides (pdf)) - GeoS2009, Third International Conference on Geospatial Semantics (GeoS 2009), Mexico City, Mexico, December 2009. (invited tutorial on OWL 2 Rules)
- Reasearch Profile and Interests.
Kno.e.sis Group Meeting, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, September 2009. -
Neural-symbolic Integration.
Invited talk, School of Computer Science, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, January 2009. (slides (pdf)) -
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for the Semantic Web.
Invited talk, School of Computer Science, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, January 2009. (slides (pdf)) -
Semantic Web.
Invited talk, Department of Computer Science, TU Rostock, Germany, January 2009. (slides (pdf)) -
Bringing WSML up to date with recent developments.
Oberseminar Wissensmanagement, AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), November 2008. -
Bringing WSML up to date with recent developments.
SOA4ALL meeting, Brussels, November 2008. -
Towards Scalable Ontology Reasoning
LarKC meeting, Stuttgart, October 2008. -
Integrating Symbolic and Subsymbolic Cognitive Processing.
Invited talk at the Symposium on Neural-Symbolic Integration as a Means for Computational Cognition, 9. Fachtagung der Gesellschaft für Kognitionswissenschaft, KogWis 2008, Dresden, Germany, September 2008. -
OWL 2 Rules.
Invited talk, CENTRIA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, September 2008. -
Semantische Technologien - Methoden und Anwendungen.
Invited talk, Universität Mannheim, Germany, September 2008. -
Semantische Technologien für Informationssysteme.
Invited talk, Universität Koblenz, Germany, September 2008. -
Some Advances in Tractable Description Logics.
Presentation at the meeting of the special interest group on Logic in Computer Science of the German Informatics society (GI) in Munich, Germany, September 2008. -
Tableaualgorithmen für Beschreibungslogiken.
Oberseminar Wissensmanagement, AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), July 2008.
[slides (pdf)] -
OWL 2 Rules.
Invited colloquium talk, University of Koblenz, Germany, June 2008.
Keys for Unlocking the World Wide Web.
Invited talk, University of Luxembourg, March 2008. (slides (pdf)) -
Intensivkurs Mathematik - report from an enhancement programme in mathematics.
Invited talk, University of Luxembourg, March 2008. -
Approximate Reasoning with OWL Ontologies.
Dagstuhl Seminar on Logic and Probability for Scene Interpretation, February 2008. -
Logic Programs, Iterated Function Systems, and Recurrent Radial Basis Function Networks.
(with Sebastian Bader)
Dagstuhl Seminar on Perspectives of Recurrent Neural Networks - Models, Capacities, and Applications, January 2008. - Applications of Semantic Technologies: Semantic MediaWiki, SmartWeb, and the added value of ontology reasoning.
Leipzig, November 2007. - Semantic Web Reasoning.
Invited Colloquium talk (group of Prof. Herre), Leipzig, November 2007. - Some Recent Issues in Tractable Description Logics.
LogInf meeting, Braunschweig, November 2007. - Neural-Symbolic Integration.
Cognitive Science Colloquium Osnabrück, November 2007.
[slides (pdf)] [audio (talk starts at 3 minutes)] - Relational Exploration - Reconciling Plato and Aristotle.
(presentation of a paper by Sebastian Rudolph)
FAInt-07, Osnabrück, September 2007. - Wissensverarbeitung für Semantische Technologien.
Antrittsvorlesung zur Habilitation in Angewandter Informatik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), May 2007. - Semantic Web Technologies
Presentation at T-Systems, Berlin, May 2007. - Applications of Semantic Technologies: Semantic MediaWiki,
SmartWeb, and the added value of ontology reasoning.
Invited talk at the Institut für Software- und Multimediatechnik, TU Dresden, Germany, April 2007. - Semantic Web Reasoning.
Invited talk at the International Center for Computational Logic, TU Dresden, Germany, April 2007. - A Tableaux Decision Procedure for Circumscriptive Description Logics.
(with Stephan Grimm)
Annual meeting of the Fachgruppe Deduktionssysteme, Koblenz, Germany, March 2007. (Presentation had to be cancelled.) - Neural-symbolic Integration.
(with Sebastian Bader, Steffen Hölldobler, Andreas Witzel)
Oberseminar Wissensmanagement at AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany, February 2007. - Neural-symbolic Integration: overcoming the propositional fixation.
Invited talk at the Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Ulm, Germany, January 2007. - Towards subsymbolic methods for semantic knowledge.
Invited Keynote at the 3rd Italian Semantic Web Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives, Pisa, Italy, December 2006. - Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for the World Wide Web.
Colloqium at CENTRIA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, December 2006. - Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for the World Wide Web.
Invited talk for the Seminar at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio, November 2006. - A domain-logical perspective of answer set programming
LogInf meeting, Dortmund, Germany, October 2006. - Knowledge Technologies, Hybrid Approaches and Neural
(with/by Steffen Hölldobler and Jeff Pan)
Tutorial at the 16th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, ICANN06, Athens, Greece, September 2006. - OWL 1.1 and OWL 2.0.
Oberseminar Wissensmanagement, AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, June 2006. - Ontologieinfrastruktur in SmartWeb.
(with/by A. Ankolekar, P. Cimiano, M. Krötzsch, R. Studer, C. Schmidt, M. Weiten, P. Buitelaar, M. Kiesel, M. Sintek, M. Romanelli, N. Reithinger, B. Loos, R. Porzel)
Second SmartWeb Projektstandssitzung, Berlin, June 2006. - Interview on SmartWeb
made at the 3rd European Semantic Web Conference, ESWC06, Budva, Montenegro, June 2006. -
Perspectives on Formal Concept Analysis: Domain Logics and Commonsense Reasoning.
Invited talk at the 4th International Symposium on Domain Theory, Changsha, China, June 2006. -
Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies.
4th International Symposium on Domain Theory, Changsha, China, June 2006. -
Semantically Enabled Knowledge Technologies: Logic and the Web.
Invited talk at Peking University, China, June 2006. - Wissensverarbeitung als semantische Basistechnologie: symbolische KI
wird ubiquitär.
GIBU Annual Meeting 2006, Dagstuhl, Germany, April 2006. - Dynamics of Networked Ontologies.
(with Peter Haase)
Knowledge Transfer talk at the NeOn kick-off meeting, Rome, Italy, March 2006. - Visual Ontology Modeling for Electronic Markets
(by S. Brockmans, with R. Studer, A. Geyer-Schulz, P. Haase)
IME Doctoral Colloquium, Bad Herrenalb, February 2006. -
Wissensverarbeitung im WWW.
Invited talk at the Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Ulm, Germany, January 2006. -
Neuro-symbolische Integration: Grundlagen und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten.
Scientific talk for achieving the requirements for a Habilitation, Department of Computer Science, TU Dresden, Germany, December 2005. -
Die Zukunft des Semantic Web.
Test lecture for achieving the requirements for a Habilitation, Department of Computer Science, TU Dresden, Germany, December 2005. - Logic and the Web.
Invited talk for the graduate college on Mathematical Logic and Applications, University of Freiburg, Germany, December 2005. -
Semantischer Zugriff auf Webservices.
(by D. Oberle, with A. Ankolekar)
2. SmartWeb Projektlenkungssitzung, EML, Heidelberg, December 2004.
Oberseminar Wissensmanagement, AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe, December 2005. -
Level mapping characterizations for the any-world assumption?
Presentation at AIFB Karlsruhe, November 2005. -
Extending DL-KBs by Fuzzy Rules.
(by S. Agarwal, with S. Lamparter)
Presentation at AIFB Karlsruhe, November 2005. - DLP isn't so bad after all.
(with P. Haase, M. Krötzsch, Y. Sure and R. Studer)
Oberseminar Wissensmanagement, AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe, October 2005. - Web, Rules, and W3C.
Oberseminar Wissensmanagement, AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe, September 2005. - Screech - Faster OWL Using Split Programs.
(with D. Vrandecic)
Software Demo.
Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning, PPSWR 2005, Dagstuhl, Germany, September 2005.
[slides (pdf)] - The KAON2 OWL Reasoner.
(with B. Motik and R. Studer)
Dagstuhl Seminar 05371
Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning, PPSWR 2005, Dagstuhl, Germany, September 2005. - What contribution can automated reasoning make to eScience? - A Semantic Web perspective
Panel member at the 12th Workhsop on Automated Reasoning, ARW 2005, Edinburgh, UK, July 2005. - Faster OWL Using Split Programs.
(with Denny Vrandecic)
12th Workshop on Automated Reasoning, ARW 2005, Edinburgh, UK, July 2005. - Topological Aspects of First-Order Neural-Symbolic Integration
Invited talk for the lecture on Logic Programming and Connectionist Systems, International Master Programme in Computational Logic, TU Dresden, Germany, June 2005.
[zipped ps (slides)] [pdf (slides)] - Approximate Resolution for OWL.
(with D. Vrandecic)
KnowledgeWeb Meeting, Iraklion, Greece, June 2005. - Non-monotonic Reasoning.
Oberseminar Wissensmanagement, AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe, May 2005. - Approximate Resolution for OWL ABox Reasoning.
(with Boris Motik)
Oberseminar Wissensmanagement, AIFB, Universität Karlsruhe, February 2005.
[pdf (slides)] - Approximate Resolution for OWL ABox Reasoning.
(with Boris Motik)
KnowledgeWeb Meeting, Hannover, Germany, January 2005.
[pdf (slides)] - A categorical perspective on ontology merging.
(by Markus Krötzsch, with Marc Ehrig and York Sure)
KnowledgeWeb Meeting, Hannover, Germany, January 2005. - Symbolic knowledge representation with artificial neural networks.
(with S. Bader)
International Workshop on the Theory of Computation at INFORMATION'2004, Tokyo, Japan, November/December 2004.
[gzipped postscript (slides)] [pdf (slides)] - Computing First-Order Logic Programs by Fibring Artificial Neural Networks
(by S. Bader, with A.S. d'Avila Garcez)
International Workshop on the Theory of Computation at INFORMATION'2004, Tokyo, Japan, November/December 2004.
[gzipped postscript (slides)] [pdf (slides)] - Ontologien in SmartWeb
1. SmartWeb Projektlenkungssitzung, DFKI, Saarbrücken, November 2004.
- Neural-symbolic integration.
Oberseminar, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, November 2004.
[zipped postscript (slides, 3.5MB)] [pdf (slides)] - Description Logic Programs.
(with/by A. Eberhart)
SmartWeb Ontology Workshop, Karlsruhe, October 2004 - Language Weakening for OWL?
KnowledgeWeb Research Meeting, Manchester, September 2004 - Rule-based reasoning over conceptual knowledge.
International Workshop on Proof, Computation, Complexity, Dresden, Germany, June 2004.
[gzipped postscript (slides)] [pdf (slides)] - Representing first-order knowledge by artificial neural networks.
Invited talk for the Graduiertenkolleg Specification of discrete processes and systems of processes by operational models and logics, Dresden University of Technology, May 2004.
[gzipped postscript (slides, 3MB)] [pdf (slides)] - Nichtmonotones Schließen über hierarchischem Wissen.
Presentation for the Knowledge Management group, AIFB institute, University of Karlsruhe, April 2004. - Reasoning with Formal Concepts.
Presentation for the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning group meeting, Artificial Intelligence Institute, Dresden University of Technology, January 2003.
- Non-monotonic reasoning - domain-theoretic aspects.
Invited talk for the Colloquium/Seminar at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, December 2003.
[gzipped postscript (slides)] [pdf (slides)] - Logic and Connectionism.
Invited talk at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University, New York, December 2003.
[gzipped postscript (slides, 3MB)] [pdf (slides)] - Non-monotonic Reasoning.
Invited talk for the colloqium at the Boole Research Centre in Informatics, Cork, Ireland, July 2003.
[gzipped postscript (slides), page 17] [pdf (slides), page 17] - Domain Theory and Nonmonotonic Reasoning.
Workshop on Proof Theory, Computation, Complexity, Dresden, July 2003.
[gzipped postscript (slides)] [pdf (slides)] - Some Corollaries on the Fixpoint Completion.
Teleteaching Talk on the occasion of a visit by researchers from CENTRIA (Universidad Nova de Lisboa), Dresden, Germany, February 2003.
[gzipped postscript (slides)] [pdf (slides)] - Semantic Operators in Logic Programming.
Invited talk for the Graduiertenkolleg Wissensrepräsentation, Leipzig, February 2003.
- Some Corollaries on the Fixpoint Completion.
Teleteaching Test Talk, Dresden, Germany, December 2002.
[gzipped postscript (slides)] [pdf (slides)] - Logic of Domains for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning.
Colloqium at CENTRIA, Group of Prof. Luis Moniz Pereira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, November 2002.
- A uniform approach to logic programming semantics.
(with M. Wendt)
Colloqium at CENTRIA, Group of Prof. LuÃs Moniz Pereira, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, November 2002.
- Circular Belief in Logic Programming Semantics
Presentation for the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning group meeting, Artificial Intelligence Institute, Dresden University of Technology, October 2002.
[gzipped postscript (slides)] [pdf (slides)] - Substitute for Gerhard Brewka, delivering the talk Implementing Logic Programs with Ordered Disjunction by Gerhard Brewka, Ilkka Niemelä and Tommi Syrjänen.
Workshop on Cognitive Robotics at the 25th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, KI2002, September 2002. - Fixed-point semantics in logic programming and nonmonotonic reasoning: A uniform approach.
Guest talk for the Workshop on Proof Theory and Computation, Dresden, June 2002.
[gzipped postscript (slides)] [pdf (slides)] - (Default) Negation for Logic Programming in Algebraic Domains.
Invited address at the Dagstuhl Seminar 02221, Mathematical Structures for Computable Topology and Geometry, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, May 2002.
[gzipped postscript (slides)] [pdf (slides)] - A "Converse" of the Banach Contraction Mapping Theorem (and why it does not serve us for integrating logic and connectionism).
Presentation for the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning group meeting, Artificial Intelligence Institute, Dresden University of Technology, May 2002.
- Resolution and Logic Programming in Algebraic Domains.
Invited address at the Workshop Proof, Computation, Complexity, Tübingen, Germany, April 2002.
- Logikprogrammierung, Stetigkeit und künstliche neuronale Netzwerke.
Invited talk for the Bonn International Graduate School in Mathematics and Physics and the Oberseminar Mengenlehre of the Mathematical Logic Group, Department of Mathematics, University of Bonn, Germany, February 2002.
[gzipped postscript (slides, 2.8 MB)] [pdf (slides)] - Resolution in Algebraic Domains.
Presentation for the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning group meeting, Artificial Intelligence Institute, Dresden University of Technology, December 2001.
- Logic and Neural Networks.
DAAD Alumni Meeting, Jakarta, Indonesia, and Promotion Tour Engineering Sciences in Germany, Indonesia, November 2001.
Event was scheduled, then cancelled.
[gzipped postscript (slides, 2.2 MB)] [pdf (slides)] - Computer Science at TU Dresden.
Postgraduate Expo 2001, Jakarta, Indonesia, November 2001.
Event was scheduled, then cancelled. - Logic Programming and Continuity.
Presentation for the Department of Computer Science, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, October 2001.
Event was scheduled, then cancelled. - Continuity of Semantic Operators and Their Approximation by Artificial Neural Networks.
(with A.K. Seda)
Invited address at the Second International Symposium on Domain Theory 2001, Chengdu, China, October 2001.
(also: Presentation for the Knowledge Representation and Reasoning group meeting, Artificial Intelligence Institute, Dresden University of Technology, October 2001.
[gzipped postscript (slides)] [pdf (slides)] - Convergence Classes and Spaces of Partial Functions.
(by A.K. Seda)
Invited address at the Second International Symposium on Domain Theory 2001, Chengdu, China, October 2001.
[abstract (gzipped postscript)] [abstract (pdf)] - Towards a Semantical Hierarchy of Logic Programming Classes.
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning group meeting, Artificial Intelligence Institute, Dresden University of Technology, April 2001.
[abstract (gzipped postscript)] [abstract (pdf)] [gzipped postscript (slides)] [pdf (slides)] - Verallgemeinerte Metriken in der Logikprogrammierung.
(with A.K. Seda)
Invited talk for the Kolloquium Logik und Sprachtheorie, Department of Computer Science, University of Tübingen, December 2000.
[abstract (gzipped postscript)] [abstract (pdf)] - Logic Programs and Neural Networks.
(with A.K. Seda)
Invited talk for the Graduiertenkolleg Specification of discrete processes and systems of processes by operational models and logics, Department of Computer Science, Dresden University of Technology, November 2000.
[abstract (gzipped postscript)] [abstract (pdf)] - Generalized Metric Spaces in Logic Programming Semantics.
(with A.K. Seda)
Invited address at the Dagstuhl Seminar 00231 Topology in Computer Science: Constructivity; Asymmetry and Partiality; Digitalization, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, June, 2000.
[gzipped postscript (slides)] [pdf (slides)] - Characterizing Classes of Logic Programs via Unique Fixed-Points of Monotonic Operators.
(with A.K. Seda)
Workshop on Domains 5, Darmstadt, Germany, September 1999.
Presentation had to be cancelled.
[gzipped postscript (slides)] [pdf (slides)] - Some Issues Concerning Fixed-Points in Computational Logic.
(by A.K. Seda)
Invited talk at the 14th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications: Special Session on Topology in Computer Science, New York, August 1999.
- The Fixed-Point Theorem of Priess-Crampe and Ribenboim in Computational Logic.
(by A.K. Seda)
Invited address at the International Conference on Valuation Theory: Special Session in Honour of Paulo Ribenboim, Saskatchewan, Canada, July 1999. - Generalized Ultrametrics, Domains and an Application to Computational Logic.
(by A.K. Seda)
11th IMS September Meeting, University of Ulster at Coleraine, September 1998. - Scott-Domains, Generalized Ultrametric Spaces and Generalized Acyclic Programs.
Invited talk at the AG Domains und Typtheorie, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, June 1998.
[gzipped postscript (unpublished script)] [pdf (unpublished script)] - Stratified Programs Revisited: The use of topology in computational logic.
(by A.K. Seda)
Irish Formal Methods Special Interest Group Meeting, Trinity College Dublin, September 1997. - Fixpunktsemantik logischer Programme.
Department of Computational Linguistics, University of Tübingen, Juli 1997. - Fixpunktsemantik.
Emmy-Noether-Tagung, Ulm, 1997.