CIS705 Text Materials

  1. Background:
    Some history about programming-language design
    Programming-language paradigms and machine models
    Grammars, trees, and interpreters

  2. Namespace-based language modelling

  3. Domain-specific languages

  4. An Introduction to Programming-Language Semantics. A revision of the article in the CRC/ACM Computer Science Handbook, 2d ed., 2004.

  5. The Lambda Calculus, from The Structure of Typed Programming Languages, D.A. Schmidt, MIT Press, 1994.

    Background and motivations for the lambda-calculus,
    Encoding arithmetic and commands in lambda-calculus
    Denotational semantics based on lambda-calculus

  6. An Introduction to Milner's CCS, by L. Aceto and K.G. Larsen, Aalborg University, Denmark, 2005

    CCS notes
    Model Checking: A Tutorial Introduction from Proc. SAS'99, LNCS 1694.
    Model checking and the mu-calculus, by E. Allen Emerson, from Descriptive Complexity and Finite Models 1996: 185-214.

  7. Introduction to computability

  8. The logical paradigm: From a boolean core to Prolog

Here is a text about DSLs that looks relevant: Domain-Specific Languages by Martin Fowler. You are welcome to buy it after you complete the course.

David Schmidt   das at

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