4. Using Recordsets to Interact with the Database inside of an ASP page

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This simple example uses an ASP script to create a form that allows the user to submit their personal information to a contact list. The form stores the information in an Access database, and the entire contact list displays on another HTML page.  Important!  This example will only work with a server that has ASP extensions.   It will work with web sites located on the Oznet server, but it will not work with sites located on K-States unix server.  

This example uses the contact.mdb database created in the 1st part of the tutorial.  The database should be placed inside of a folder called "fpdb."  This database is creating by following these 3 parts: 

1.1 Creating the form fields
1.3 Naming the Form Fields
1.4 Creating a Database for the form

4.1 Creating an Include page containing the DSN-less Connection

By saving the the connection inside of an include page, which allows us to include the information stored in the include page inside of any ASP page, we can store the connection string in only one location.  Then if changes need to be made to the connection, we only need to do this in one place. 

  1. Create a new folder called "contact", and inside of this folder create another folder called includes.
  2. Place adovbs.inc inside of the includes folder.  
  3. Create a new text page called contactConn.inc, and place the following code at the top of the page.  The contactConn.inc page should also be placed inside of the includes folder.
    <!--#Include file="adovbs.inc" --> 
  4. Next, add the connection information below to the contactConn.inc page.  Be sure to add this code to the bottom of the contactConn.inc page.


    set conntemp=server.createobject("adodb.connection")

    DSNtemp="DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; "

    DSNtemp=dsntemp & "DBQ=" & server.mappath("../fpdb/contact.mdb")

    conntemp.Open DSNtemp

  5. The connection for the contact form is now stored in an includes page.  You can open a connection to the database on any page by including this page at the top of your form pages by using the following code.

    <!--#Include file="includes/contactConn.inc" -->


4.2 Creating a Form page (front end)

The Form page will allow the user to enter information into text boxes.

  1. Open a new page in FrontPage, and save it with the name "editContact.asp" inside of the contact folder.

  2. Using the Menu at the top, select Insert/Form/One-Line Text Box. (See Figure 1)

  3. Figure 1

  4. Hit the Enter key to return to the next line, and again select Insert/Form/One-Line Text Box. (see Figure 1)
  5. Hit the Enter key to return to the next line, and select Insert/Form/Scrolling Text Box. This text-box allows the user to enter multiple lines of text.
  6. Once you hit the Enter key to return to the next line, your form should look like the form in Figure 2.

    Figure 2
  7. Place your cursor in front of the first One Line Text-Box. To position the cursor directly in front of the Text-Box, just select the Text-Box with the mouse, and then use the left arrow key on the keyboard. Now, type the word "Name:".
  8. Select both the text "Name:" and the Text-Box following the text. (See Figure 3)

    Figure 3
  9. From the top menu, select Insert/Form/Label. (See Figure 4) After you create the label, a dotted box will surround "Name:".
    Figure 4
  10. Create a label for the next Text-Box called "Email Address:" using steps 1 through 3 again.
  11. Create a label for the Scrolling Text-Box called "Mailing Address:" using steps 1 through 3 again.
  12. When you finish, the form should look like the form in Figure 5.

    Figure 5
  13. Using the mouse, right-click on the first text-box. Select Form Field Properties. (See Figure 6)

    Figure 6
  14. In the Text Box Properties Menu, type "Name" as the Name. (See figure 7)

    Figure 7


  15. Name the second form field "EmailAddress". Follow steps 1 and 2 for the Text Box labeled "Email Address:".
  16. Name the third form field "MailingAddress". Follow steps 1 and 2 for the Text Box labeled "Mailing Address:".
  17. Right-Click anywhere inside of the form, which is marked by a box created from dashed lines.
  18. Select the menu option called Form Properties. (See Figure 8)

    Figure 8
  19. In the Form Properties menu, select the Send to database option as in Figure 9.

    Figure 9
  20. In the html view look for the <form> tag, and change it from:
    <form method="POST" action="--WEBBOT-SELF--">
    <form method="POST" action="

    This will allow the information from editContact.asp to be sent to addContact.asp where the information will get added to the database.

4.3 Creating an ASP page to store the results in the database (back end)

Now we need to create addContact.as

  1. Open a new page in FrontPage, and save it with the name "addContact.asp" inside of the contact folder.

  2. In the html view, remove the html code from the page, and place the following code at the top of the page in the html view.

  3. The previous code opens up a recordset containing all of the contact information from the Results table in the contact.mdb database.  It adds a new row or contact, inserts their information, and closes the recordset.  Then, we reopen the specific contact that we just added, and send the ID number to the contactConfirmation.asp page using a querystring.

4.4 Displaying the information in the database

After inserting the information into the database, it should be retrieved and displayed on a confirmation page.

  1. Open a new page in FrontPage, and save it with the name "addContact.asp" inside of the contact folder.

  2. In the html view, remove the html code from the page, and place the following code at the top of the page in the html view.

  3. The code above opens up a recordset containing the information from the contact that was just added.  It opens the recordset using a query instead of opening the whole table.  The query is filtered using the ID number stored in the querystring in the URL.  
  4. The contact database application is now finished.  You should now be able to use editContact.asp to add new contacts to the database.