Angela Johnston
CIS 798 Project
Faculty Database Application


Dr. Hankley's Page

Project Description

Faculty Application Demo


Use-Case Diagram

Object Model (Web Diagram)

Database Relationship Diagram




Source Code Listing

Terms and Definitions



For this application to work it must be run on a Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) with ASP components and Microsoft FrontPage extensions. This tutorial assumes a basic understanding of MS Access, describes different ways to create a database connection, and shows how to use connections and recordsets to access a database from within your web pages.

In order to create an ASP Database application, you must be able to create a  connection to your database, and connect to it from within your ASP page.   There are several ways to create a Connection to an Access database using Frontpage.

First, You can use the Microsoft FrontPage Wizards.  Second, You can use Microsoft FrontPage to create a connection to an Access database.  Third, You can create your own DSN-less connection.

This tutorial contains the following steps:

  1. Learn how to use the Microsoft FrontPage wizards to create a simple form connected to a database.
  2. Learn how to use Microsoft FrontPage to create a Database connection.
  3. Learn how to open a database connection using either a Microsoft FrontPage connection or a DSN-less Connection.
  4. Learn how to use an open database connection, and recordsets to allow an ASP page to interact with the database.

1 Creating a Form and Access Database Using Microsoft FrontPage Wizards

2 Using Microsoft FrontPage to Connect to an Access Database

3 Opening a Database Connection for use in an ASP Page

4 Using Recordsets to Interact with the Database inside of an ASP page