Package EDU.ksu.cis.calculator

This package contains all of the classes and interfaces needed for defining an aribitrary-precision integer calculator, except those specific to a particular calculator model.


Interface Summary
Calculator An interface abstracting a calculator.
CalculatorUI An interface abstracting user interface for a calculator.
EncodedOperation An interface abstracting any operation explicitly encoded within the implementing class.
Operation An interface abstracting any operation.

Class Summary
ConvertBase The convert base operation.
DefaultUI The default user interface.
Deque A double-ended queue which grows as needed.
LargeInteger A class which implements aribitrary-precision integer arithmetic.
NumericDocument A Document for storing an arbitrarily large number in an arbitrary base, 2-36.
UserInterface This is the driver class for the arbitrary-precision integer calculator.

Exception Summary
EmptyDequeException An Exception thrown when an attempt is made to access an element in an empty Deque.

Package EDU.ksu.cis.calculator Description

This package contains all of the classes and interfaces needed for defining an aribitrary-precision integer calculator, except those specific to a particular calculator model. Also included is a class LargeInteger, which implements arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic.