CIS705a Exercise 3A

Question A1. Recall that a redex is an expression of the form, ((lam x. E1) E2).

Leftmost-outermost reduction repeatedly locates the leftmost occurrence of a redex and applies the β-rule to it. Here is a leftmost-outermost reduction step:

(lam x. (a x))((lam y. y) z)  =>  (a ((lam y. y) z)
The above expression holds two redexes, namely, (lam y. y) z and also (lam x. (a x))((lam y. y) z) --- the first one is embedded in the second. But the second one is "outermost" or "to the left of" the first one.

Sometimes leftmost-outermost reduction is called call-by-name evaluation. Apply leftmost-outermost reduction to these examples to rewrite them to their normal forms:

(i) (lam y. (lam z. z)(y y))((lam x. x) z)
(ii) (lam y. (lam z. a)(y y))(lam x. x x)

Question A2. Say that a redex is visible if it is not embedded within an abstraction expression, that is, the redex is not resting in the E part of some (lam x. E).

Innermost reduction repeatedly locates a redex that is visible and does not contain any other visible redexes and applies the β-rule to it. Here is an innermost reduction step, the only one that can be done:

(lam x. (lam a. a) x)((lam y. y) z)  =>  (lam x. (lam a. a) x) z 
There are three redexes, and two are visible, but only the redex, (lam y. y) z, is visible and contains no other visible redexes.

Sometimes innermost reduction is called call-by-value evaluation. Apply innermost reduction to the expressions (i) and (ii) above to compute the normal forms, if they exist.