CIS501 Lectures: Software Architecture
Week 1
Reference material: Using C# with Visual Studio and Nclass
Lecture 1: Introduction to software architecture; using Visual Studio
VS exercise
Exercise postmortem
Week 2
Lecture 2: Classes model reality; unit testing
VS exercise
Lecture 3: Storage and object diagrams; using a debugger
VS exercises
sample solution
Week 3
Lecture 4: Class diagrams
VS exercise
sample solution to exercise
Week 4
Lecture 5: Interfaces and Delegates
VS exercise
Class-diagram solution to exercise
Week 5
Lecture 6: Coupling and the MVC software architecture
Tuesday VS exercise
Thursday VS exercise
Week 6
Lecture 7: Use cases and realizations via communication and sequence diagrams
Lecture 8: State diagrams and controllers
VS Exercise
Week 7
state diagram(s) for Assignment 3
Lecture 9: Multi-threaded execution and locks
Tuesday VS Exercise
Thursday VS Exercise
Week 9
Design-patterns prelude: Review of interfaces and delegates
Design Patterns I: Factories and Iterators
Factory Method VS Exercise
Week 10
Design Patterns II: Proxies
Virtual Proxy VS Exercise
Design Patterns IV: Composite Pattern
Composite VS Exercise
Sample solution
Week 11
Remote Proxies
Remote Proxy VS Exercise
communication diagrams for exercises
the same diagrams as a jpg image
Design Patterns III: Wrappers
Week 12
Wrapup on design patterns and introduction to version control
Week 13
Software architecture concepts
: component/connector configuration, standard architectures, architecture-description languages, domain-specific design, product lines, middleware, aspect-oriented programming.
Review from Tuesday, preview of Thursday
David Schmidt
das at
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