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Requirement one

The first two requirements can be expressed using BSL's assertion facility. There are three kinds of assertions in BSL: precondition, location, and postcondition assertions. For example, to state Requirement 1 we can use a precondition assertion by inserting the following Javadoc comment immediately above the constructor method for the BoundedBuffer class.

    * @assert
    *   PRE PositiveBound: (b > 0);
The role of the tag @assert is similar to that of observable but is used indicate that an assertion is being defined instead of a proposition to be used in a temporal formula (the two roles cannot be interchanged without changing the tag). The label PRE indicates that this is the precondition assertion that needs to hold right before we enter the constructor code. The name of the assertion is PositiveBound.

Since we are expressing this requirement as an assertion, we do not need to instantiate a temporal pattern as we did for the requirement in the Pipeline example. Rather, Section 5.6.8 will show that we simply define a session and enable this assertion for checking.

Roby Joehanes
Wed Mar 7 18:30:51 CST 2001