All News
- [12/17] Tool paper on Algorithmic Verification for Stability (AVERIST) accepted at HSCC'18 (CPSWeek'18).
- [07/17] Miriam García Soto successfully defended her thesis. Congratulations!
- [07/17] Co-organized the Verification Mentoring Workshop at CAV'17 (Thanks to NSF).
- [07/17] Two papers accepted at CDC'17.
- [07/17] Invited speaker at the Cyber-Physical Systems Symposium at IISc, Bangalore.
- [02/17] Received the Young Investigator Award from the Office of Naval Research (ONR YIP).
- [01/17] Named the Michelle Munson-Serban Simu Keystone Research Faculty Scholar.
- [12/16] Co-organizing the second workshop on Design and Analysis of Robust Systems co-located with CAV'17.
- [12/16] Paper on hybridization for nonlinear hybrid systems accepted at TACAS'17.
- [12/16] Paper on abstractions for stochastic hybrid systems accepted at ICCPS'17.
- [12/16] Two papers on Stabilizable Controller Synthesis and Robust Verification accepted at HSCC'17.
- [12/16] Invited talk at the AVERTS workshop (Co-located with FSTTCS'16 in Chennai, India)
- [10/16] Serving on the PC of CAV'17.
- [09/16] Serving on the PC of QEST'17.
- [06/16] Paper on Global Asymptotic Stability verification accepted at EMSOFT'16.
- [05/16] Co-organizing the first workshop on Design and Analysis of Robust Systems co-located with CPSWeek.
- [04/16] Paper on CEGAR for stability analysis accepted at CAV'16.
- [03/16] Awarded Summer Faculty Fellowship from Air Force Research Lab.
- [02/16] Co-organizing Dagstuhl seminar on Robustness in Cyber-Physical Systems.
- [02/16] Invited speaker at the Mysore Workshop on Trends and Challenges in Quantitative Verification.
- [01/16] Received the NSF CAREER Award for Robust Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems. (More.)
- [01/16] Jake Ehrlich started as an undergraduate research student.
- [01/16] Ratan Lal started as a PhD student at KSU.
- [12/15] Paper on hybridization for stability analysis accepted at HSCC'16.
- [12/15] Paper on hybridization based CEGAR for safety verification accepted at TACAS'16.
- [11/15] Co-chairing the 8th Numerical Software Verification workshop co-located with CAV.
- [11/15] Will be serving on the CAV ERC.
- [10/15] Ratan presented our paper on bounded error approximations for parameterized linear dynamical systems at EMSOFT'15.
- [10/15] Ratan presented our paper on bounded error approximations for parameterized linear dynamical systems at EMSOFT'15.
- [10/15] Proposal to organize a workshop on robust design and analysis of systems at CPSWeek accepted.
- [10/15] Presented at the Midwest Verification Day.
- [10/15] Invited to serve on QEST'16 PC.
- [09/15] Presented a paper at MEMOCODE (one of the best papers).
- [09/15] Attended the Heidelberg Laureate Forum.
- [August'15] Started at Kansas State University.
- [06/14] Invited paper presentation at American Control Conference (ACC), 2014.
- [05/14] Invited Speaker at the Tools and Methods of Competitive Enginnering (TMCE'14) - Sustainability and Cyber-Physical Systems Conference.
- [03/14] Organizing Dagstuhl seminar on “Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems” with Rupak Majumdar (MPI-SWS, Germany) and Richard Murray (Caltech, US)
- [12/13] Marie Curie Career Integration Grant awarded to the project “Formal Verification of Stability of Embedded Control Systems”.
- [Nov'13] Invited talk at the Automatic Control Laboratory, KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
- [Nov'13] Invited talk in the Department of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield.
- [Nov'13] Invited talk in the Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford.
- [07/13] Invited speaker at the Cyber-Physical Systems Summer School at Grenoble, France, organised by EIT ICT Labs/PERSYVAL-Lab.
- [Feb'13] Invited talk at the Centre Federe en Verification, University Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
- [Oct'12] Invited talk at the session on “Verification of Cyberphysical Systems: Tools and Algorithms” at the 50th Annual Allerton Conference.
- [06/12] Invited talk at the Center for Control, Dynamical Systems, and Computation (CCDC) Seminar at University of California, Santa Barbara.
- [04/12] Invited talk at PRECISE Seminar Series, University of Pennsylvania.
- [04/12] Best Paper honorable mention award for the paper at Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control with Geir Dullerud and Mahesh Viswanathan.