Assymetry experiment data and results

This page provides links to data files used in the experiment described in Asymmetry between galaxies with clockwise and counterclockwise handedness. Instructions for replicating the experiments can be found in the appendix. The purpose of this page is to open the experiment to discussion and criticism.

Input file for WEKA

Input file for WEKA with randomized handedness

Input file for the WND classifier
The file is meant to be used with the UDAT implementation of WND, which is an executable compiled from the WNDCHRM source code.

Input file for the WND classifier with randomized handedness

Automatically-generated output of the classification by the WND algorithm.

Automatically-generated output of the classification by the WND algorithm when the handedness is randomized.

Paper reference:
Shamir, L., Asymmetry between galaxies with clockwise handedness and counterclockwise handedness, The Astrophysical Journal, 823(1), 32, 2016.