Deploying a Web Application to Oracle Application Server 10g

In this tutorial, you use Oracle JDeveloper 10g to deploy a Web application to Oracle Application Server 10g or a standalone OC4J.

30 minutes


The tutorial covers the following topics:

Starting the Environment
Creating Connections and Testing the Application
Creating Deployment Profiles
Deploying the Application and Managing the Application Server
Running the Application

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In the tutorial, you use JDeveloper to create a deployable J2EE web archive that contains your application and a few required deployment descriptors. You deploy the application to Oracle Application Server 10g using the JDeveloper deployment mechanism. You can then test the application and view its performance by using Oracle Enterprise Manager.

After the application is completed and works as planned, the next step is to deploy it to a location where customers can use it.

The general steps to deploy an application to any application server are basically the same. The differences come from the specific connection requirements of the server.

JDeveloper has the built-in capability to deploy applications to a number of application servers. In this tutorial, you deploy your application to a standalone instance of OracleAS Containers for J2EE (OC4J).

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Before starting the tutorial, you should:


Have access to or have installed Oracle JDeveloper 10g Studio Edition Release 3 (10.1.3) Production. You can download it from Oracle Technology Network.



Have access to or have installed Oracle Database 10g (Release 2 or Release 1). You can download it from Oracle Technology Network (



Have access to or have installed the Oracle Sample Schemas.

This OBE uses the OE schema included with Oracle Database 10g .

Instructions for installing the OE schema and creating a connection to it in JDeveloper are available online at:


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Starting the Environment

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Start the Application Server

Oracle JDeveloper includes a standalone application server (standalone OC4J). The following steps describe the way to work with standalone OC4J.


Open the <jdev_home>\jdev\bin directory on your system, and double-click the start_oc4j.bat file to launch the standalone oc4j application server.



If this is the first time you have run OC4J, it automatically installs and prompts you for a password for the administrator account. The administrator account is oc4jadmin. Enter the password welcome.



The installation asks you to confirm the password by entering it a second time.



When the install and startup are complete, you will see the following message:
Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g <> initialized

Once ready, leave the command window open. OC4J is now running and ready for use.


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Connect to Standalone OC4J using Enterprise Manager

Oracle Application Server 10g comes with a browser-based Enterprise Manager (EM). Through this EM interface, you can monitor activities and applications deployed to the application server. After the application server is running, you can connect to EM using a browser. The next few steps open this interface and briefly explore the application server. The standalone OC4J that comes with JDeveloper also includes Enterprise Manager.


Open a browser of your choice (Firefox, Internet Explorer, or another browser) and enter the following address: If you are not using standalone OC4J, the address is :



Enterprise Manager 10g prompts you for a username and password. The username is oc4jadmin with a password of welcome (or your administrator password). Click Login to enter EM.



After successful login, the browser looks like the following:



You can now explore applications, Web services, and other components of Oracle Application Server 10g.



Click the Applications link to see which applications are loaded and running.



Close the browser window.


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Install the Required Application and Start JDeveloper

Before starting the tutorial, you should:


Right-click the following link to download the predefined application. Save the file locally on your system. (i.e. c:\temp)




Double-click the file you just downloaded and click the Extract icon.



Specify the folder where to extract the file (i.e.<jdev_home>\jdev\mywork)



Start JDeveloper. Double-click the JDeveloper executable (jdeveloper.exe) found in the root directory where you unzipped it.

If the Migrate User Settings dialog box opens, click NO.

Close the Tip of the Day window.



Click the Applications tab and from the Menu select File > Open



Navigate to <oracle_home>\jdev\mywork\, select the OrderEntry.jws file and click Open.



The application is now loaded into JDeveloper.


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Creating Connections and Testing the Application

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Creating a Database Connection

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is a standard application programming interface (API) that is used for connecting a Java application to relational databases. JDeveloper uses a connection navigator to maintain connection information for your application. The connection navigator makes it easy to create, manage, and test database connections.

If you haven't already created a JDBC connection to the OE schema, then perform the following steps:


Click the Connections tab on the Applications Navigator. If the Connections tab is not showing, choose View > Connection Navigator from the JDeveloper main menu.



Right-click the Database node and choose New Database Connection from the context menu.


In the Create Database Connection Wizard, review the information on the Welcome page and then click Next.



In the Connection Name field, enter oeconn. Click Next to continue.



On the Authentication page: enter oe in the Username field and oe in the Password field. Select Deploy password.

Note: It is secure to deploy the password since it gets encrypted.

Click Next to continue.



On the Connections page, the default values for the connection should be the following:

Driver: thin

Host name: localhost

JDBC Port: 1521


Leave the fields set to these default values.

Click Next to continue.



Click Test Connection. If the database is available and the connection details are correct, you see the word Success! displayed in the Status window.

If an error occurs, verify the connection settings, click Back to make any necessary changes, and then retest the connection.

If the connection is successful, click Finish to complete the connection.



You have just created a connection to the database that will supply data for the application you deploy in this tutorial.


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Creating an Application Server Connection

The differences between creating a connection to Oracle Application Server 10g are fundamentally the same as creating a connection to standalone OC4J. There are only a few differences in the arguments you supply.


Click the Connections tab on the Applications Navigator. If the Connections tab is not showing, choose View > Connection Navigator from the JDeveloper main menu.



Right-click Application Server in the Connections window and select New Application Server Connection from the context menu.


Click Next to skip the Welcome page of the Create Application Server Connection Wizard .



In step 1, name the connection OC4J and choose Standalone OC4J 10g 10.1.3

Then Next

Note: In case you're not connecting to the standalone OC4J server, select the appropriate connection type from the drop down list.



In Step 2, enter oc4jadmin as the username and welcome as password.

Click Next to continue.



In Step 3 Enter localhost as the Host Name

Click Next to continue.




In Step 4 click Test Connection. If the application server is available and the connection details are correct, you see the word Success! displayed in the Status window.

If an error occurs, verify the connection settings, click Back to make any necessary changes, and then retest the connection.

If the connection is successful, click Finish to complete the connection.



You have just created a connection to the application server that will host the deployment of your application.


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Testing the Application

Prior to deploying your application, you test it with the embedded OC4J server.
To do this, perform the following steps:


Click the Applications Navigator tab, and expand the OrderEntry node.


Right-click index.jsp in ViewController > Web Content > WEB-INF\temp\adf and select Run from the context menu.


The index page displays in your default browser. Click the link to enter the application.




In the search page, you can specify search criteria to query customers having a specific string in either first or last name and having a total order comprised between low and high values that you can specify. Then click Find to execute the query.




In the detail part, select a row and click the Edit button.



The edit page displays detail for the selected record.



Close the browser window.


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Creating Deployment Profiles

Deployment profiles are project components that manage the deployment of an application. A deployment profile lists the source files, deployment descriptors (as needed), and other auxiliary files that will be included in a deployment package.
There are three parts of the deployment package for the service request application: The Model project (.jar), the ViewController project (.war), and the Deployment project (.ear.) files. You create deployment profiles for each of the three parts in this section of the tutorial.

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Deploying the Model Project

The first deployment profile you create is for the Model project. The contents of this project are primarily the Java classes that make up the data model portion of the application. The deployment type for this project is a JAR (Java Archive) file.
To do this, perform the following steps:


Return to JDeveloper. In the Applications Navigator, right-click OrderEntry > Model and select New from the context menu.


In the New Gallery, in the Categories pane, select General > Deployment Profiles then select the JAR File Item.

Click OK.



In the Deployment Profile, change the Deployment Profile Name to ModelArchive,

Click OK



In the JAR Deployment Profile Properties leave the default options,

Click OK.



A new entry appears in the Applications Navigator.



Click the Save All icon on the JDeveloper menu bar, or select File > Save All from the menu.


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Deploying the ViewController Project

The second deployment profile you create is for the ViewController project. This project is where you created the user interface components of the application. The deployment file for this project is a .war file (Web Archive, for the Web components).

To do this, perform the following steps:


In the Applications Navigator, right-click the ViewController node and select New in the context menu.


In the New Gallery, select Deployment Profiles as the Category and choose WAR File as the item.

Click OK.



In the Deployment Profile, change the Deployment Profile Name to ViewArchive.

Then OK



In the WAR Deployment Profile Properties select the General node then in the Web Application’s Context Root, select the Specify j2EE Web Context Root option and enter OrderEntry.

Click OK


A new entry appears in the Applications Navigator.


Click the Save All icon on the JDeveloper menu bar, or select File > Save All from the menu.


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Creating a Deployment Project

To keep all the elements of your application organized and cleanly separated, you will create a project to hold all of the deployment components for your application. This project will hold the deployment profiles and the deployment files (.ear, .war, .jar). The approach of creating a deployment project is convenient and offers a better separation of application code and deployment settings but is not necessarily needed.

Now that you have created the .jar and.war (Web Archive) files, you can assemble the application into a deployable package. In the assembly part of deployment, you create a deployment profile that includes any .jar and .war files you need for your application, along with other server configuration files that may be required like the data-sources.xml file.

In some cases you may also want to add a jazn-data.xml file i.e. for testing reasons or when the user population is small and it makes sense to deploy a pre-configured jazn-data.xml file. Therefore, using OID or a 3rd party LDAP server that can be configured through Enterprise Manager is a better choice for production systems.

If there are any OC4J specific deployment files needed in an application, they need to be added to either the model project (in the EJB case) or the web application project. For the sake of having a portable ear file, recommendation is to do all the OC4J specific configurations in the EM console after deployment.


In the Applications Navigator, right-click the OrderEntry node and select New Project from the context menu.



In the New Gallery, click General > Projects and select Empty Project.

Click OK



In the Create Project dialog, enter Deployment as the project name.



Right-click the new Deployment project in the Applications Navigator and select New.



Select Deployment Profiles and click the EAR File option.

Click OK.



Enter OrderEntryApplication as the Deployment Profile Name.

Click OK



In the EAR Deployment Profile Properties, select the Application Assembly node. Then select all the selectable check boxes.

Click OK



A new entry appears in the Applications Navigator.




Click the Save All icon on the JDeveloper menu bar, or select File > Save All from the menu.


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Deploying the Application and Managing the Application Server

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Deploying the Application in the Application Server

JDeveloper provides a one click option to deploy an application to an application server. After you have assembled the application into an EAR file, you can right click the deployment profile and select the target application server.

To deploy the application, perform the following steps:


Right-click the OrderEntryApplication.deploy node in the Applications Navigator and select Deploy to > OC4J (which is the name of the connection you created earlier)



In the Configure Application dialog, click OK to accept all defaults.

Note: During deployment, JDeveloper re-creates the .jar and .war files and then assembles the .ear file. After the file is assembled, JDeveloper deploys the file and unpacks it in a directory on the application server, depending on the target environment.


Open the log window if not already opened and check that deployment was successful.


Open the command window where you started OC4J, you can see that the deployment was performed.


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Managing the Application Server


Open a browser window an type the following URL to open the Enterprise Manager console. Note If you are not using standalone OC4J, the address is :



Login using oc4jadmin/welcome and click Login.



On the Home page, click the Applications link. You should be able to see the application you just deployed in a running status.

Click the OrderEntryApplication link to provide access to the Application Administration page.



Click the Administration link.


You can review what services have been created during deployment. Click Go To Task for the JDBC Resources


Applications deployed to Oracle Application Server 10g or standalone OC4J use a data source and connection pool to manage database access. You should be able to see the Data Sources and the Connection Pools entries created for the OrderEntryApplication. Select the jdev-connection-pool-oeconn in the Attributes Connection Pool column.


You can review the connection parameters. Notice that the password for oe is not visible.

Click the Back button twice.


In the Administration page, select the Security link.



This is the page where you set security rules for your deployed applications.

Close the Browser window.


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Running the Application

Now that you've deployed the application, you can run it from the application server.

The next few steps take you through the testing process.


Open a Browser window and enter the following URL:, click the Enter the Application link.


Reenter search criteria and click Find to execute the



Select a row from the order list and click Edit



The edit page displays the Order detail.



Close your browser window. You've successfully deployed a predefined application in Oracle Application Server, and tested it.


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In this tutorial, you started the OC4J server, then you created deployment profiles for a predefined application, and then you deployed the application in standalone OC4J. Finally, you tested the application and reviewed the Administration page of the application server using Enterprise Manager. You learned how to:

Start the environment

Create connections and test the application

Create deployment profiles

Deploy the application and manage the application server

Run the application


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