Historical Theology

Phase One Definitions Quiz


1. Match the term in column one with the definition in column two:

Theism  _c___

a. Doctrine of the last days/things.

Soteriology  __d___

b. Belief in a personal God who exerts influence on man or on the universe itself.

Eschotology  __a__

c. Belief in the existence of one God.

Teleological  __e___

d. Theology dealing with salvation as offered by Jesus Christ.

Deism  __b___

e. The creation of Nature demands an infinite designer.


2. Name the following definitions:

___Christo-centric_______: Christ centered theology; deals with the incarnation, i.e., God being incarnate in others.

___Experientialism______: Revelation of God in man.

___Pantheism___________: The universe is God. No personal God, only the force of the universe itself.

___Liberalism__________: Spirit of inquiry where nothing is sacred. It became a radical re-interpretation of the Christian faith.

___Dogma_____________: Official doctrinal teaching of a church.


3. Give the meaning of the term historical theology.

The study of the interpretation of Scripture and the formulation of doctrine by the church of the past.