(Note: This page was written when I actually had time at school to take an hour or two every other day and lift. Since then, school has gotten more hectic and time more precious; consequently, my lifting has suffered. I would greatly love to have the time to lift again, because of the feeling of accompolishment and the gains I was making. Hopefully, I will have the time to do my sit-ups again because I feel so much better when I can take the time to do some activity, besides... I need to get buff for my wedding).

I have been lifting for more than two years now and am noticing some good increases. I take a general approach to my schedule. When I am just wanting to stay fit and toned I do 3 sets of 10 reps for each excercise with moderate weight, but when I look for big gains I do 3-4 sets of 6 reps with heavy weight. The big gain workout is what I usually put my upper body through with a moderate workout on my legs. Currently I can lift over 380 pounds doing squat, but only about 150 pounds on bench press. A typical workout includes, but is not limited to; bench press, squat, curls, tricep extensions, lateral pull-downs, seated-row, leg press, dead lift, high press, and finished off with 100-150 sit-ups.
I have time to go to the gym only three times a week and only for about an hour at a time. Once I get there it is non-stop work untill it's time to get to my next class. The soreness does pay off. I feel in complete control of my weight and body. I can practically eat what I want and feel good about it (I do stay away from soda and fat though).
The most important thing for anyone wanting to get their body under control is determination. Yeah you're going to be a little sore, and that last last rep of your burnout set feels like torture, but tomorrow you can wake up and say I did it and nobody made me do it. I did it for me and I feel great.
I credit my weightlifting, cross-country running, and determination in practices with the reason I made it to the state wrestling tournament my senior year. You've got to want it.

Let's get back to Matthew's page.