Not many fish, in fact none right now.

My tank

It was Joseph who got me interested in Aquariums. He had a 29 gallon tank, which I bought from him after his 7 inch piranha passed away in August '99. He had three ten gallon tanks that also are home to nothing. I bought my first ten gallon tank about six or seven years ago. My first fish were some darters I had caught in the creek by our house. These gave way to an angel fish and several guppies. The angel fish started out about the size of a nickel. He quickly grew to about a 3 inch diameter. He was very pretty with his long fins and black stripes, but very shy. I could never keep the guppies alive for longer than a couple months. I always had to add more. I think the angel fish was a bit terretorial as he was the first alone in the tank. I have been in search of a ramirezi apistogramma, a dwarf cichlid with rainbow colors and beautiful fins, ever since my angel fish died when I was a freshman at K-State. This particular cichlid is not supposed to be terretorial so I could then add another small school of guppies or neons.

I haven't had any fish in the tank, since my angel fish died, but I keep it full of water and heated so I can put a fish in if I get one. The running water is very soothing to listen to as I try to get to sleep.

I think Joseph and I got my dad started on this hobby, he put a 140 gallon tank in his office. He is trying to reconstruct a Kansas lake. The tank is home to several large mouth bass, some bull- head catfish, a flat-head catfish, a school of sunfish and various minnows, darters, and crawdads. This is quite an impressive display.

Let's get back to Matthew's page.