Verification of Concurrent and Reactive Systems


Systems composed of elements (threads/processes) that can operate concurrently and communicate with each other


1.     Each component can be viewed as a reactive system, i.e., a system that continuously interacts with its environment. (telephone switch, disk control system, etc.)

2.     State machines in objects may be implemented as parallel programs, and many of the ways in which these parallel components interleave their operations are not obvious to the programmer

3.     Traditional software testing techniques are of limited help because test coverage is bound to be a minute fraction of the total number of possible behaviors; furthermore, scenarios leading to errors may be very difficult (or impossible) to reproduce

4.     In parallel programming, the hardest bug is one that is not reproducible and treating a concurrent program as a “black box” is almost useless because the (correct) external behavior may be different on each test

5.     Because of nondeterministic scheduling (from lower level schedulers) many different (correct) orderings of external behavior may result

6.     We need a tool to model the interaction of concurrent components and verify their correct behavior by exploring all possible states of interleaving of threads (tasks, processes, etc.)

7.     Must build test harness that is closed to the environment (otherwise, the number of states may be infinite)

8.     Some current systems

a.     Promela/Spin Model-checker (well-established)

b.    Java Pathfinder (JPF)

c.      Verisoft (not supported)

d.    Zing for C# (from Microsoft Resarch)






Typical Parallel Program Environment




































Modeling Decisions

1.     Why build a model?

a.     Design a new system (construct a model)

b.    Reverse Engineering (extract a model)

2.     Technical Challenges in Model Verification

a.     formulation of specifications

b.    state explosion

c.      model construction

3.     Number of States vs. "real code"

a.     sizes (buffers, arrays, etc.)

b.    number of threads

c.      loops

d.    atomic step (once validated)

e.      "closed environment"

4.     Important Properties

a.     ordering of events/values

b.    proper initiation

c.      proper synchronization (safety)

d.    proper termination

e.      proper content

f.      proper response







Promela/Spin Modeling

Gerard Holzman-Bell Labs


1.     C-like language

a.     Active processes to model real-world processes

b.    Channels to synchronize processes (nice model for ports)

c.      Assertions to specify conditions that must hold at a particular statement

d.    Condition-scheduling to easily specify process continuation

e.      Atomic sequences for safety and state reduction

2.     Automatic exhaustive state-space exploration

a.     Trace-back from error states for manual (graphical) playback

b.    Checks assertions, detects deadlocks, and validates temporal logic specifications

3.     Used successfully in a wide variety of real-world applications from telephone switches to hardware circuits to space exploration vehicles

4.     Concerns: size of model and state-space explosion

5.     Advantages

a.     Validating complex parallel programs automatically

b.    Successfully used in wide variety of applications

6.     Disadvantages

a.     Must recode model into real implementation language

7.     Example – Sojourner

8.     Tools

a.     Spin

b.    ispin




















/*NASA's Pathfinder landed on Mars releasing a small rover named */

/*Sojourner to roam the surface. A software design fault caused  */

/*the craft to lose contact with earth at unpredictable moments. */

/*The flaw was a conflict between a mutual exclusion rule and a  */

/* priority rule used in the real-time task scheduling algorithm:*/

/* a priority inversion. If the designers of the parallel real-  */

/*time program had modeled the design with the following abstract*/

/* model in Promela, they would have solved the problem before   */

/* writing the code.                                             */

/* This code is from Gerard Holzmann's paper entitled            */

/*"Designing Executable Abstractions"                            */


mtype = {free, busy, idle, waiting, running};


show mtype h_state = idle;

show mtype l_state = idle;

show mtype mutex = free;


active proctype high_priority()


end:  do

      ::h_state = waiting;

      atomic{mutex == free -> mutex = busy};

      h_state = running;


      /*produce data*/


      atomic{h_state = idle;

             mutex = free}




active proctype low priority()

       provided(h_state == idle)


end:  do

      ::l_state = waiting;

      atomic{mutex== free -> mutex = free};

      l_state = running;


      /* consumer data */


      atomic{l_state = idle;

             mutex = free}









Java PathFinder

Klaus Havelund-NASA


1.     Programs as Models

a.     Build architecture of concurrent Java program with threads, objects, etc.

b.    Insert assertions which are automatically checked during execution

2.     Compiled into special JVM for model-check

3.     Concerns - size of model and state-space search

4.     Advantages

a.     Model-check the architecture of the reactive program

b.    "atomic" statement to reduce state-space explosion

c.      Just remove assertions and fill-in specific details

d.    Solid understanding of the underlying parallel model

5.     Disadvantages

a.     Large state space

b.    Need to iteratively test different sections of the model

6.     Example: Deadlock 










Patrice Godefroid-Bell Labs



1.     A tool for systematically exploring the state space of systems composed of several concurrent processes executing arbitrary C code

2.     State space is a directed graph that represents the combined behavior of all the components of the system (recorded only at VeriSoft synchronization points)

3.     Semaphores and message exchange

4.     When an error is detected during state-space exploration, a scenario leading to the error state is saved in a file for later manual playback

a.     Assertion violation, deadlock, livelock, and divergences detected

5.     Supports special operations to simulate nondeterminism

a.     VS_Toss(random)

6.     Verisoft has been successfully applied to testing, debugging, and reverse-engineering of telephone switches

7.     Need to build test harness which enables VeriSoft to explore all states which result from the test harness

8.     Automatically generate, execute and evaluate thousands of tests per minute, with complete control over nondeterminism, thus quickly revealing behaviors which are virtually impossible to detect using conventional testing techniques

9.     Concerns

a.     Not used very often

10.                        Advantages

a.     Real C Code

b.    Reduced state space because assertions only checked at visible operations

11.                        Disadvantages

a.     Must provide Unix processes in operational environment

b.    Threads are still unimplemented

c.      Only model-checked at synchronization points

d.    Cannot use temporal logics

12.                        Example: Dining Philosophers




#include <verisoft.h>



 * phil.c : dining philosophers with 1 deadlock                             *



#include <stdio.h>

#include <sys/types.h>

#include <sys/ipc.h>

#include <sys/sem.h>


#define N 5




     int i, semid;


  while (1)


      printf("philosopher %d thinks\n",i);



      printf("philosopher %d eats\n",i);










  int semid, i, pid, status;


  semid = semget(IPC_PRIVATE,N,0600);







      if((pid=fork()) == 0)





