Invited talks (since 2000)

Program Slicing and its Correctness (History and Recent Trends). Midwest Verification Days 2014, University of Missouri in Columbia, October 4th, 2014.

Correctness of Slicing Finite State Machines. Harvard University, August 19th, 2013.

Hoare-like Logics for Verifying and Inferring Conditional Information Flow. 19th CREST Open Workshop on Interference and Dependence, University College London, May 1st, 2012.

Slicing for Modern Program Structures: a Theory for Eliminating Irrelevant Loops. King's College London, July 22nd, 2009; Technical University of Denmark, June 2nd, 2008.

Verification Condition Generation for Conditional Information Flow. Northeastern University, May 30th, 2007.

A Logic for Information Flow in Object-Oriented Programs. Technical University of Denmark, May 23rd, 2006; University of Copenhagen, May 22nd, 2006.

Information Flow Analysis in Logical Form. University of Copenhagen, August 5th, 2004; Open Source Quality Project Retreat (Santa Cruz, California), May 14th, 2004.

The Semantic Soundness of a Type System for Interprocedural Register Allocation and Constructor Flattening. Boston University, June 2nd, 2003; Northeastern University, May 28th, 2003. (These presentations were assisted by Robert Muller.)

Causal Type System for Ambient Movements. Boston University, December 16th, 2002.

Causal Type Systems for Ambients. Technical University of Denmark, August 17th, 2001.

What are Polymorphically Typed Ambients? Kansas State University (interview talk), April 26th, 2001; Universita Ca' Foscari di Venezia, April 10th, 2001; NEPLS at Brown University (Providence, RI), December 7, 2000.

Faithful Translations between Polyvariant Flows and Polymorphic Types. University of Copenhagen, April 3rd, 2000; NJPLS (New Jersey Programming Language Seminar), September 1, 1999.

Behaviour Analysis for Validating Communication Patterns. Northeastern University, March 15th, 2000.