QUESTION 5 Solution Hints

There is no longer a division between the environment and the store.
We have only a "State":

State = Id -> Storable

Storable = Int + Proc

Proc = State -> State

The key clauses:

D : Declaration -> State -> State

D[[ var I ]] = lam s.  declare(I, s)   // adds  I  to  s,  
                                       // initializes to  {I: inInt(0)}

C : Command -> State -> State

C[[ I = E ]] = lam s.  update(I, E[[ E ]]s, s)   // any update goes

C[[ call I ]] = lam s.
    case (find(I, e))  of
       inInt(n): error               // must check that I names a Proc
       inProc(p):  p(s)

E : Expression -> State -> Storable

E[[ N ]] =  lam s. inInt( (int)N )

E[[ { B } ]] =  inProc( B[[ B ]] )  // what seems to be missing here?

B : Block -> State -> State

B[[ D ; C ]] = lam s.  
     let s' = mark s
     check( (lam s''. releaseTo(s', s'')),   C[[ C ]](D[[ D ]]s') )

   WHERE  releaseTo "forgets", up to the  mark s,  all the local vars 
          created by  D  and updated  by  C.

   The "function space",  State = Id -> Storage,  must be modelled with
   some form of namespace stack.