Copyright © 2010 David Schmidt

Chapter 5:
Component extension by abstraction, parameterization, and qualification

5.1 The abstraction principle: Phrases may be named
    5.1.1 Procedures
    5.1.2 Functions
    5.1.3 Other forms of abstracts
    5.1.4 Limitations of the abstraction principle
5.2 The parameterization principle: phrases may be arguments
    5.2.1 Semantics of abstracts and parameters: Extent, scope, and namespaces
    5.2.2 The activation stack for compiler-based languages like Java and C#
    5.2.3 Data types for parameters
    5.2.4 Patterns for parameters
5.3 The qualification principle: phrases may own private definitions
    5.3.1 Semantics of procedures with local variables
5.4 Summary

Programs are usually assembled from pieces, or components, like functions, modules, and classes, and a programming language must provide structure for defining and assembling components.

In this chapter, we see that component mechanisms in programming languages are a product of several principles first proposed by Robert Tennent of Queen's University, Canada, in the 1970s. Tennent studied the origin of naming devices for functions, procedures, modules, and classes and discovered that they were based on one and the same theme. He later saw a similar theme in the development of varieties of block structure. Schmidt (your instructor at KSU) noted that Tennent's ideas also applied to the forms of parameters that can be used with functions.

The results were the abstraction, parameterization, and qualification principles of language extension. The three principles help us understand the structure, origins, and semantics of component forms and they provide us with advice as to how to add such forms to languages we design.

In this chapter, we briefly survey the principles and in subsequent chapters we apply them to develop sophisticated languages.

5.1 The abstraction principle: Phrases may be named

The abstraction principle is stated as
The phrases in any syntax domain may be named.
This suggests, if our language has a syntax domain of commands, for example, then we can name commands (they are procedures) and we can execute (call, invoke) them by mentioning their names in any position where a command might be used.

If our language has a syntax domain of expressions, then we can name expressions (they are (pure) functions) and we can call them by stating their names in any position where an expression might be used.

Tennent titled the named phrases abstracts. That is, procedures are ``command abstracts'' and functions are ``expression abstracts'' and so on.

Indeed, every syntax domain of the language might be nameable and callable. This is the impact of the abstraction principle, which is the elegant alternative to ``copy-and-paste'' programming.

Say we have this baby assignment language:


P : Program             D : Declaration
E : Expression          I : Identifier
C : Command             N : Numeral

P ::=  D ; C

D ::=  int I  |  D1 ; D2

C ::=  I = E  |  C1 ; C2  |  while E { C }  |  print E

E ::=  N  |  E1 + E2  |  E1 != E2  |  I

N ::=  0 | 1 | 2 | ...

I ::=  alphanumeric strings

We have Declarations of variables, that is, assignable (``mutable'') ints. Soon we will have declarations of procedures, pure functions, etc.

5.1.1 Procedures

Let's give names to Command phrases; then we have procedures:

D ::=  int I  |  D1 ; D2  |  proc I = C end

C ::=  I = E  |  C1 ; C2  |  while E { C }  |  print E  |  I()

The declaration, proc I = C, makes I name command C. (Other possible forms of syntax are proc I(){C} or def I(): C or void I(){C}, but the point is that I names C.)

To reference (``call'') a procedure, we state its name where a command can appear; this is why we added

C ::=  . . .  |  I()
to the syntax for commands. (Perhaps you prefer call I or just I for the syntax --- take your pick.)

Here is an example that uses a procedure:


int i;  int ans;  int n;
proc factorial =
    i = 0;  ans = 1;
    while i != n {
        i = i + 1;
        ans = ans * i
n = 4;
print ans

So, that's the syntax; what about the semantics? The semantics of procedure definition is to save the procedure's name and its code body in the virtual machine's namespace. The semantics of a procedure call executes the code body with the current value of storage at the position where the procedure is called. The previous example executes like this:
n = 4 
factorial() +--> # factorial's body commences:
                 i = 0 
                 ans = 1 
                 while i != n {
                    i = i + 1
                    ans = ans * i }
  < -----------+
print ans
The program executes as if the procedure's body is copied in place of its call --- this is the ``copy rule'' semantics of procedure call. (A newcomer would say it is copy-and-paste!) A computer implements copy-rule-style semantics with an instruction counter and a stack of namespaces (activation records), as we see later in this Chapter.

Procedures that call themselves

The factorial example has a well-known coding that uses recursive call:

int i;  int ans;  int n;
proc factorial =
      if i != n {
          i = i + 1;
          ans = ans * i;
The copy-rule semantics of execution shows that each self-call is just a call to a "fresh copy" or "clone" of the procedure's body:

n = 3;
i = 1;
ans = 1;
factorial() ---> # In storage,  n == 3,  i == 1  and  ans == 1
                 if i != n   # computes to True
                 i = i + 1 ;
                 ans = ans * i ;
                 factorial() ---> # Now,  i == 2,  ans == 2
                                  if i != n  # computes to True
                                  i = i + 1 ;
                                  ans = ans * i ;
                                  factorial() ----> # Now, i == 3, ans == 6
                                                    if i != n  # False!
                                                    # do nothing
# In storage,  n == 3,  i == 3,  and  ans == 6

A computer implements copy-rule-style semantics with an instruction counter and stack of namespaces (activation records), as we see later in this Chapter.

Assignable procedures

Given that a procedure is declared like a variable is declared, can we update ("mutate") procedure code by assignment? In scripting languages, you can. Here's a Python example:


x = 2
def p(): print x

q = p             # q is assigned p's code
p = "x = x + 1"   # p is reset to a _string_ holding code ("quoted code")
exec p            # execute the quoted code
q()               # can call q directly; prints  3

In the example, p and q are variables and the value assigned to q is a handle to a closure object that holds code. Closures come later in the chapter.

Most compiler-based languages disallow assignment to procedure names, because it ruins the compiler's usual optimization of replacing a procedure call by an instruction-counter jump. But there is this trick you can do in C# with delegates:

delegate void Proc()          // defines a "procedure type"  Proc
Proc q;                       // declares var  q,  it can be assigned Proc code

q = delegate(){ i = i + 1; }  // assign a  Proc _value_ to  q
q()                           // call it
In these examples, command code are values, just like ints are values. C# implements delegate values with closures, which come later in the chapter.

5.1.2 Functions

If we can name commands, then we might name expressions as well; these are called (pure) functions:

E ::=  N  |  E1 + E2  |  E1 != E2  |  I  |  I()

D ::=  int I = E  |  D1 ; D2  |  proc I() { C }  |  fun I() E

Function-declaration semantics is different than assignment semantics, for sure: There is a big difference between an int value and a code value:
int i = 0;
int f = i + 1;  
fun g() i + 1;  
i = 8;
print f;         # prints  1
print g();       # computes meaning of code,  i + 1, and prints 9
We might say that the expression for f is computed eagerly (immediately) and the expresson for g is computed lazily (when demanded). These two notions are relevant to the semantics of parameter passing, which comes later in the chapter.

Impure functions

Most general-purpose languages omit pure functions in favor of procedures that quit with a return E command. Here is factorial, written as a procedure that returns an answer:


int count = 0;
proc fac(n) { count = count + 1;
              if n == 0 { return 1; }
              else      { int a = fac(n-1);
                          return n * a; }
print fac(5);

Many people call fac a ``function,'' but more precisely it is a procedure that returns an answer. The function-procedure's commands can change global variables (like count in the example). A function-procedure that changes global variables is called an impure function.

Now, impure functions need not be a "hack". Indeed, in C (and Python), they are a consequence of the abstraction principle, because the the syntax of C states that every command returns a value, just like an expression does! You've probably used this C trick:

int x = 2;
int y = (x = x + 1);   // updates x to 3 and sets y to 3 also,
                       // because the assignment is used as an expression
The syntax of commands and expression in C are in fact merged together:

E : Expression/Command

E ::=  L = E  |  E1 ; E2  |  if ( E ) E1 else E2  | ...
    |  N  |  L  |  ( E1 + E2 )  |  return E  | ...

Procedures (functions) in C are just "impure" functions.

By the way, what is the difference in semantics in these two C-examples?

int x = 2;                      int x = 2;
int y = ++x;                    int y = x++;

5.1.3 Other forms of abstracts

We can go further than procedures and functions --- looking at the syntax definition at the top of this chapter, we might define Declaration abstracts and Numeral abstracts and even Identifier abstracts!

Declaration abstracts are important --- they are known as modules or packages. All modern languages let you collect a family of declarations into a module/package and later import the module (link it) to the main program.

For example, if we extend the baby language at the start of the chapter with declaration abstracts, we have this syntax:


D ::=  int I  |  D1 ; D2  |  proc I = C end
    |  module I = D  |  import I

This means we can "package" some declarations, name them, and activate them:
module Clock =  int time;
                proc init =  time = 0  end;
                proc tick =  time = time + 1  end;
int x;
import Clock;   // activates the declarations in Clock
tick();  tick()
and so on.

Modern languages let you save a module/package in a separate file. To reduce confusion, these languages request that you use dot-notation to refer to the declarations in an imported module, like this:

// one file:
module Clock =  int time;
                proc init =  time = 0  end;
                proc tick =  time = time + 1  end;

// another file:                
int x;
import Clock;   // activates the declarations in Clock
Clock.tick();  Clock.tick()
It is possible to avoid the dot-notation in these languages with a special invocation construction:
int x;
from Clock import *;   // or maybe,  import Clock.*;
init();  tick();  tick()

The semantics of module/package importation is again a copy rule --- the declarations are activated/"copied" into the program. But there is one special restriction in most modern languages: you can activate a module in any program at most once. This is a hack-fix to this modern problem:


// file  Clock:
module Clock =  int time;
                proc init =  time = 0  end;
                proc tick =  time = time + 1  end;

// another file, Part 1:
module Part1 =  int x;
                import Clock;   

// another file, Part 2:
import Clock;
import Part1;   // is there one Clock or two?  Just one!
x = 3;
tick()          //  ticks the one and only Clock

We will study modules/packages in more detail in a later chapter.

Numeral abstracts are sometimes called final variables or consts. Does your favorite language have these?

Identifier abstracts are called aliases. An alias copies the address of one variable as the address of another. This idea reappears when we study "var" or "ref" (call-by-reference) parameters.

5.1.4 Limitations of the abstraction principle

The abstraction principle lets us name constructions that already exist in the core language. It cannot introduce new concepts on its own. For example, the baby assignment language at the top of the chapter is not object-oriented --- there is no way to construct a "new" object. For this reason, there is no way that the abstraction principle can define classes for us. The core language must first be extended by object construction in order to give names to code phrases that construct objects. This happens in the next chapter.

5.2 The parameterization principle: phrases may be arguments

The abstraction principle is a kind of "copy and paste" principle --- you name a phrase so that you can "paste" it into its calling/invocation position.

There is another kind of "pasting": a program might have a "hole" in it where some data must be inserted later, when the program executes. The "hole" is usually represented by an identifier, called a parameter. An argument must be supplied to "paste" (bind) into the "hole" marked by the parameter. Here is the principle of parameterization:

The phrases in a syntax domain may be arguments that bind to parameter names.
You can use a parameter as a marker for reading an input value into a program, but the most common use of parameters are with abstracts, where an abstract becomes more useful because we can insert data into its "holes" (parameters) each time the abstract is invoked.

We return to the little assignment language and revise procedures so that they have parameters. The parameterization principle sugguests that any expression phrase can be an argument for a procedure's parameter. For the example language, we have


E ::=  N  |  E1 + E2  |  E1 != E2  |  I

C ::=  I = E  |  C1 ; C2  |  while E { C }  |  print I  |  I ( E )

D ::=  int I  |  D1 ; D2  |  proc I1 ( I2 ) { C }

The procedure is proc I1(I2){ C }, where I2 is a parameter name, and the procedure must be called with I1(E), where E is an expression that is bound to I2.

The syntax is usually generalized so that you can have zero or multiple parameters:

C ::=  I = E  |  C1 ; C2  |  while E { C }  |  print I  |  I ( E,* )
       where  E,*  means zero or more of Es, separated by commas

D ::=  int I  |  D1 ; D2  |  proc I1 ( I,* ) { C }
       where  I,*  means zero or more of Is, separated by commas

Within the procedure, the parameter is used by mentioning its name. Here is a factorial procedure with a parameter:


int ans;
proc fact(n) {
    ans = 1
    while n != 0 {
        ans = ans * n;  n = n - 1
int x = 2;
fact(x + x);
print ans

When fact is called, x + x is bound to parameter name, n. How is this done? Here are some possibilities:

Parameter semantics: Call by value

Almost all modern languages use ``assignment binding,'' also known as call by value --- a new variable, n, is declared, and the value of the argument, x + x, is assigned to it. The program executes like this:

int x = 2
fact(x + x)  
     x + x computes to 4 +-->  int n = 4  # note the "declaration" of n
                               ans = 1
                               while n != 0 {
                                  ans = ans * n
                                  n = n - 1 
# once the procedure finishes,  variable  n  cannot be seen
The new variable is declared and used only with the body of the called procedure. We study the implemention in the next section. It is not good style to update parameter n in the loop, with n = n - 1 (after all, n is a "hole" where we pasted an expreesion!), but this call-by-value implementation allows it.

Call-by-value does an eager evaluation of the argument, x + x, to its int. This is simple and efficient.

Parameter semantics: Call by name

What if we didn't evaluate the argument to fac eagerly --- what if we used lazy evaluation. This is like building a function out of the argument and calling the function each time the parameter's value is needed.

Here is the above example with lazy evaluation, which was first titled "call-by-name" semantics:


int x = 2;
int ans;
proc notfact(n) {
    ans = 1
    while n != 0 {
        ans = ans * n;  x = x - 1

notfact(x + x) +--> 
                    fun n(): x + x  end;
                    ans = 1;
                    while n() != 0 {
                        ans = ans * n()    
                        // n() = n() - 1  // oops!  I can't use an expression
                                          // on the left-hand side of an assignment!
                        x = x - 1;        // I guess I'll do this  )-:
// computes ans == 1 * 4 * 2 == 8

Since the parameter is recomputed at each use, we get a new value for n() each time it is required. Lazy evaluation is a kind of "copy-rule semantics" for parameters. It is as if x + x was pasted into the proc body every place where n appears, like this:

int x = 2;
int ans;
proc notfact(n) {
    ans = 1
    while n != 0 {
        ans = ans * n;  x = x - 1

notfact(x + x) +--> ans = 1;
                    while (x + x) != 0 {
                        ans = ans * (x + x)
                        x = x - 1 }
// computes ans == 1 * 4 * 2 == 8

A few languages, notably Algol60 and Haskell, support call-by-name parameters, but most don't. The reason is that lazy evaluation is easily mimicked with a call-by-reference parameter:

Parameter semantics: Call by reference

Many languages (e.g., C#) offer call-by-reference parameter binding. (This is sometimes called a "ref parameter" or a "var parameter".) Simply stated, the argument computes to a "pointer" that is assigned to the parameter. Here is an example with a ref-parameter:

int ans = 1;
int x = 2;
proc fact(ref n, ref a) {  # both params are call-by-reference
    while n != 0 {
        a = a * n;
        n = n - 1
int arg = x + x;
fact(arg, ans);
print arg, ans  # prints  0  24

The call to fact passes L-values (locations/pointers). We use the & and * operators of C to denote ''location of'' and ''contents of'', respectively in the semantics:
int ans = 1
int x = 2
proc fact(...) { ... }
int arg = x + x
fact(arg, ans) +----> int* n = &arg   // n  is assigned var  arg's location
                      int* a = &ans  // same with  a  and  ans
                      while *n != 0 {  // we must dereference the pointers...
                         *a = (*a) * (*n);
                         *n = (*n) - 1
print arg, ans  # prints  0  24                

The above explanation can be simplified: A ref-parameter is really a "left-hand-side parameter", where the language syntax has a LeftHandSide syntax domain, like this little language of ints and arrays:


C: Command              D: Declaration
E: Expression           L: LeftHandSide

D ::=  int I  |  int[ N ] I  |  proc I1 ( I2 ) { C }  | ...
C ::=  L = E  |  ...  |  I ( L )
E ::=  N  |  L  |  ( E1 + E2 )  | ...
L ::=  I  |  L [ E ]

Notice that an assignment is structured as L = E, where the meaning of L is an L-value (a location or a base-offset pair). Review the semantics of assignment for the languages in Chapter 2.

A call of form, I(L), eagerly evaluates L to its L-value for use in the body of procedure I. Here is an example of a LeftHandSide parameter --- a "ref" parameter:

proc square(ref x) {  // x  will bind to a LeftHandSide (it's a "ref" param).
   x = x * x }        // It squares the number at the coordinates named by  x
int a = 4;     
square(a);  // sets value in  a's  cell to  16

int[9] r;
  . . .
// squares all the ints in array  r:
for (int i=0, i!=9, i++) {

// this call is illegal:  square(4)   because  4  is not a LeftHandSide

Other parameter forms

Other phrase forms can be parameters.

We already have in place the semantic machinery to use commands as parameters:


C ::=  I = E  |  C1 ; C2  |  while E { C }  |  print I  |  I ( C )  |  I

D ::=  int I  |  D1 ; D2  |  proc I1 ( I2 ) { C }

What might be the semantics of this example?
int x;
proc twice(p) { p; p }   //  many languages write the body as  { p(); p() }

x = 2;
twice(x = x + 1);   // this is sometimes coded   twice( ()=>(x = x + 1) )
                    //   The  ()=>  is "quoting" the command argument.
twice(twice(x = x + 1));
Unlike expression-parameter semantics, which is eager, the semantics of I(C) uses lazy evaluation for the argument --- C's code is bound to the procedure's formal parameter name, effectively declaring a new procedure. We will study later how this is implemented with closures.

In Python, command parameters are used just like expression parameters:

x = 2
def p(y):  x = x + y 
def q(z):  z(x + x)      
q(p)   // sets  x  to  6
This same example is done in C# with the delegate declaration:
delegate void Ptype(int y);   // declares a "type" of proc code
public void p(int y) { x = x + y; }
public void q(Ptype z) { z(x + x); }
Many languages let you use a piece of code as a command parameter. Here is how the above looks in Scala (a Java-variant):
var x = 2;
def q(z) { z(x + x) }
q( (y)=> x = x + y )   // "(y)=> " makes  y  into a parameter
The copy-rule semantics of parameters works well here.

When you pass an event-handler procedure as an argument to a set-up method for a widget in a graphics library, you are using a command parameter.

5.2.1 Semantics of abstracts and parameters: Extent, scope, and namespaces

The copy-rule semantics gives a simple way of understanding procedure calls and parameter passing. But it has its limits. Here's a small example, where x is used as both a parameter and as a global variable:
int x = 0;
proc p(){ x = x + 1 };
proc q(x){ p();  print x };
What should this program print --- 1? 3? 4? And what is the final value of the global variable, x? Here's the sequence of commands that execute, as listed by copy-rule semantics:
int x = 0;
q(3) +-----> int x = 3;
             p() +---------> x = x + 1   # which  x  is incremented ???
             print x   # which x is printed ???
# what is the final value of the global  x ???
These important questions are answered like this in modern-day languages:
  1. The global x is incremented by p's code, because p was declared at the same "level" (namespace) as the global x.
  2. 3 prints, because the x within procedure q refers to local parameter x and not the global variable.
  3. The final value of global x is 1.
Our naive, "copy and paste", copy-rule semantics is imprecise about conflicts between global and local variables. We should now state the semantics of procedures and parameters with a virtual machine.

The machine uses an activation stack to remember which procedures have been called and are not yet finished. Each time a procedure is called a new namespace is constructed, which holds the procedure's parameter-argument bindings plus a link (handle) to the global variables the called procedure is allowed to reference. The (handle to the) new namespace is pushed onto the activation stack and is used to execute the called procedure's code body. Once the procedure finishes, the activation stack is popped, signalling that the new namespace is no longer in use.

The activation stack

Here is an example program:


int x = 1;  int[3] y;
proc p(z) { #(c) 
            y[x] = z  }

proc q(y, z) {  #(b)
                p(x + y)
                x = z + 1  }
# (a)
q(3, x)


The virtual machine uses an activation stack to remember the namespaces in use. (This is also called the or activation-record stack, or namespace stack, or dynamic chain.) For the above program, when we reach point (a), the machine looks like this:

At (a):

The array is allocated as a stand-alone object, and y in namespace α is bound to handle β, where the array's cells live.

A declared procedure is saved in an object called a closure, that holds (at least) two items:

  1. the code for the procedure (or, a pointer to the address where the code is stored) and
  2. the handle of the parent (global) namespace that the procedure's body will use to locate nonlocal variables.
For procedure p, its code part is (z){y[x] = z} (notice the parameter!), and its link to global variables is α. q is similar.

n.s. is the namespace stack. The top handle on n.s. is the handle to the variables that are visible to the currently executing command..

Finally, each namespace holds a field, parentns, which links to the namespace where nonlocal/``more global'' variables can be found. In our example, there are no ``more global'' variables to the main namespace, α. (But parentns becomes important in a moment!)

(IMPORTANT: The layout shown here is for an interpreted object language, like Smalltalk or Ruby or Python. Compiled object languages, like Java and C#, use a simpler layout, because the compiler pre-computes the closure and parentns linkages. In a later section, we examine the differences.)

At point (a), the interpreter must compute q(3, x), so it first finds q's value, in namespace α --- it is handle δ. Next, x is found --- its value is 1. q's closure at δ is used to do these steps:

  1. A new namespace is allocated in the heap; say its handle is ε. The new namespace is called an activation record or a frame.
  2. Parameter variables y and z are allocated within namespace ε and are assigned 3 and 1, respectively. The α handle extracted from closure δ is assigned to parentns in ε.
  3. ε is pushed onto the namespace stack, n.s.. It becomes the ``active namespace'', used by p's code.

Here is the resulting storage configuration at procedure entry, point (b):

At (b):

Within q's body, name lookups are done with the top handle on n.s. (ε), and if a name is not found in ε, then ε's ``parent namespace'' (parentns) α, is used, and so on.

Procedure q calls p(x+y). The machine searches ε for p with no luck. But a search of the parentns, α, locates p and its value, γ, the handle to a closure. Next, the argument x+y is evaluated, finding x's value in α and y's in ε. A new namespace, τ, is allocated and initialized and τ is pushed onto n.s.. p's code (extracted from closure γ) computes with τ. We arrive at (c) in the program:

At (c):

Now p's code executes: The assignment, y[x] = z, is correctly executed with array object β, global variable x, and parameter z. (How are these values found, starting from τ?) When procedure p finishes, its namespace handle is popped from the namespace stack, n.s., giving this configuration at (d):
At (d):

Namespace τ is an unneeded object and can be erased from storage. Some programming languages do this immediately; others wait and let the heap's garbage-collector program erase the orphaned object.

Procedure q finishes its work (x = z + 1) and returns, giving this final configuration:

At the end:

Important: Each time a procedure is called, a brand new namespace is created for the call --- namespaces are never reused. See the subsection that follows, "Recursively defined procedures", to see why this implementation technique is the right one.

Scope and extent

Here are two important concepts:

Each name in a program has a scope, which is the portion of the program where the name is visible. In the above example program, the scope of procedure p's parameter z is just the body of procedure p, and the scope of x is the entire program. The scope of the first, outer declaration of y is the entire program except for procedure q.

Each name in a program has a lifetime, or extent, which is the part of the program's execution when the name and its value are saved in storage. In the previous example, the extent of p's parameter z is the time during which a call of p executes. (When p finishes, the namespace holding z can be erased.) The extent of global variable x is the entire time from when x is declared until the program stops. Even when x is invisible (e.g., when p's body executes), the global variable is present in heap storage.

Exercise: Implement procedures with expression parameters within the interpreter for object languages. You must model the namespace stack and closure objects.

Recursively defined procedures

The beauty of the namespace stack is that it naturally supports procedures that call themselves. For this little example, which computes the factorial of 4,


int x;
x = 1;
proc f(n) {
   if n > 0 {
      x = x * n;
      f(n - 1)   

the storage configuration when f is entered the first time is

Namespaces for the main program and f's initial activation are present in the heap. When the procedure calls (restarts) itself, a fresh namespace is created for the fresh call:

The namespace stack now holds δ as the current namespace, and references to n are resolved by δ and references to global variable x are resolved by the parent namespace, α, whose address is held within namespace δ. (And this is why the closure object for f remembers both a pointer to its code as well as a pointer to the appropriate parent namespace. This linkage from the current namespace to its parent namespace(s) is sometimes called the static chain.)

Here is the state at the next call:

Eventually, n ``counts down'' to 0, the sequence of self-calls complete, and the namespaces pop one by one from the namespace stack, leaving only α.

5.2.2 The activation stack for compiler-based languages like Java and C#

If you know something about storage layout for Java and C#, you were probably surprised to see the activation stack in the previous examples represented as a stack of handles, where the handles named objects in the heap. Perhaps the closures were also new to you.

The diagrams for the examples match the implementation of interpreter-based object languages, like Smalltalk, Ruby, and Python.

Compiler-based object languages, like Java and C#, compile programs into target code that use computer storage differently --- the namespaces (frames) themselves for called procedures are allocated as the activation stack and when a procedure finishes, its namespace is immediately erased from the top of the stack.

For the earlier example, with procedures p and q, the compiled Java/C# program would generate this memory layout at point (c):

and this layout at point (d), when p's call is finished:

Only the array is saved in the heap, and even the closures disappear.

There is no need for closure objects in Java/C# because the Java/C# compiler knows the addresses where the code for p and q reside. The Java/C# compiler also knows that the global variables for the two procedures will be found in the namespace at the bottom of the activation stack, because Java/C# use a C-style, simplistic nesting structure, where a command executes with one ``local namespace'' and one ``global namespace'' and that's it.

Now, the Java/C# approach works fine provided that a procedure never returns an answer that is itself a procedure (or never allows a procedure's value to be assigned to a global variable). Java certainly disallows this, but C# provides a delegate definition that can return and save procedures as values. For example, if we write in C#,

delegate int IntToInt(int x)   // defines a "procedure type" 
// assigns a closure's handle to var p:
IntToInt p = delegate(int i){i = i + 1; return i}
Console.WriteLine(p(2))       // prints 3
the C# compiler generates code that will construct a closure object for p, exactly like the ones seen in the previous section, and the call, p(2), operates like in the previous section. Further, in an example like this:
delegate int IntToInt(int x);
class C { int i = 1;
          public void inc() { i = i + 1; }
          public IntToInt makeFun() {
              int j = i;
              return delegate(int k){ i = j + k; return j; }
C ob = new C();
IntToInt f = ob.makeFun(); //  assigns a closure's handle to  f                   //  resets  ob.i  to  2
Console.WriteLine(f(3));   //  resets  ob.i  to  4  (1 + 3)  and prints  1
the delegate value returned as the result makes the C# compiler move the activation record for ob.makeFun()'s call to the heap!

When an object language allows multiple levels of nonlocal variables or allows procedures to be assignable values, then the simplistic stack-heap storage layout shown in the previous picture fails. The virtual-machine model always works, however, and will be used later in this chapter in the section, ``Semantics of procedures with local variables.''

5.2.3 Data types for parameters

Since argument-parameter binding is a kind of variable declaration, it seems sensible to include declaration information --- data types --- with parameter names, say, like this:

int x;
int y[3];
void p(int x, int[] z) {
    z[x] = x;
 . . .
p(x+1, y)

A compiler uses data types to allocate storage for variables and to check for well-formedness properties, e.g., z[x] = x is a sensible assignment, because the types of z and x are compatible. Also, when the procedure is called, the compiler checks whether the arguments that bind to the parameters match the types listed with the parameter names. In this way, the data types attached to parameter names assert a simplistic precondition for a procedure.

Important: Once a variable is declared with a data type, then only values of that type can be assigned to that variable's location.

Some languages (e.g., Ocaml and Scala) let us write typed procedures that take functions as arguments. For example, procedure p in the following example expects a function on ints and an int as its two arguments:


int a;

fun f(int x) = x + 1;   
// the data type of  f  is   int -> int 
//   because it receives an int argument and returns an int answer

proc p((int -> int) q, int m) {
    a = q(m)

p(f, 3)  // this is a legal call and assigns  4  to  a

The data type, int -> int, stands for a function that receives an int argument and produces an int answer. This is why the call, p(f, 3) is legal. Note that the call, p(a, 3) is illegal, as is p(a + 1, 3) --- in both cases, the first argument is not a parameterized function.

C# uses the delegate operator to define a function type:

delegate int IntArrowInt(int x);
int a;
int f(int x) { return x + 1; }
void p(IntArrowInt q, int m) { a = q(m); }
p(f, 3)

What is the type of a function that takes no arguments?

int a;
fun f() = a + 1;
//  f's  data type is  void -> int

a = 1;
a = f();   //  sets  a  to  2
We use void to mean ``no argument.''

Similarly, void can mean ''no answer,'' like what a procedure produces:


int x;
proc f() {      // f  has type  void -> void
   x = x + 1

// g  requires another procedure as its argument:
proc g(void -> void  p) { 
   // call  p  twice:

// h  requires a proc that requires a proc:
proc h(((void -> void) -> void) q) {
// these are all legal procedure calls:

As an exercise, recode these in C#.

The previous examples are not entirely artificial --- control structures, like conditionals and loops, are commands that take other commands as arguments. For example, a while-loop is a procedure, defined like this:


proc while(void -> boolean b, void -> void c) {
    if b() {
        while(b, c)

In this sense, procedures that accept commands as arguments are control structures --- you can even write your own control structures this way.

Here are two last interesting questions:

  1. Can we write an expression (not a function or proc definition) of type, say, int -> void?

    Some languages let you do this; it is called a lambda abstraction. One looks like this: lambda x : print x * 2 --- it is a procedure that doesn't have a name. How do we use it? Well, we give it an argument, just like we do when we call a procedure:

    (lambda x : print x * 2)(4)
    This command prints 8. Or, we might write this:
    (int -> void) p;
    p = lambda x : print x * 2;
    where we declare p and later use it.

    Now we realize that

    proc d(x) {
        print x * 2
    is the same thing as
    d = lambda x : print x * 2;
    Both are called by supplying an argument, e.g., d(4).

    C# encodes a lambda abstraction like this, reusing the delegate operator:

    delegate void Comm(int x);
    Comm d = delegate(int x) { print x * 2; }

  2. Can a procedure take itself as an argument?

    Consider this example, which can be written in a language like Scheme, Lisp, or Python:

    def p(f, n) :
        if n > 2.0 :
            f(f, n/2.0)
        else :
            print n
    Parameter f must be a procedure-like abstract --- a control structure --- because it takes control at f(f, n/2.0). But we can call p like this: p(p, n). In this way, p hands control to itself, like a loop does.

    Now, what is the ``data type'' of p? Using the simplistic -> notation, we cannot write a (finite) type for p. This is a famous sticking point in data-type theory.

5.2.4 Patterns for parameters

A data type attached to a parameter name restricts the range of values that might be bound to the parameter. The data type is a kind of ``pattern'' that the argument must match.

Keyword patterns

There are other kinds of patterns for parameters and arguments. The first is called the keyword pattern, because we label each argument to a procedure call with the name (``keyword'') of the formal parameter to which it should bind. For example,


proc p(x, y) { ... };

p(y = 3, x = [2,3,5])  # 3 binds to parameter y,  [2,3,5] binds to x

Procedure p expects two arguments, and the call provides two arguments, but the keywords that are attached to the argument, not the order of the arguments, defines the bindings. Keyword parameters are useful in practice to making library procedures easier to read and call.

Keywords in the declaration line of the procedure can set default values for parameters. For example,


proc p(x = [0,0,0], y = 0) = ...

gives default values that are used if p is called with fewer than a full set of arguments, e.g., p(y = 1) omits an argument for x so the default applies. This use of defaults is helpful when you call a library procedure that can receive many possible parameters, but you wish to use the default values for all but a few.

Exercise: Implement keyword patterns with default values for expression parameters to procedures in the interpreter for object languages. (Hint: use dictionaries to collect the keywords and their default values.)

Structural patterns

In addition to keyword patterns, there are structural patterns which state the form of data structure that should be bound to a parameter. For example, say that procedure p must receive an argument that is an array (list) with 3 elements. We might define p with a structural pattern, like this:


proc p([first, second, third], y) =
    y = first + second + third;   // add the three elements
    print y

Then the procedure might be called like this:
int[] r = [2,3,5];
We might also have a pattern that says the array (list) has at least 3 elements:
proc p([first, second, third | rest], y) =  ...
This form of pattern is found in Prolog. The rest part represents a list that holds element 4 (if any) onwards.

Structural patterns are crucial to languages that let us define our own data types with equations. In an earlier chapter, we used a data-type equation like this to define binary tree structures that hold integers:


datatype  bintree =  leaf of int | node of int * bintree * bintree

Here is a bintree value; it is constructed with the keywords, leaf and node:
mytree = node(2, leaf(3), node(5, leaf(7), leaf(11)))
We use structural patterns to write functions that process bintrees. Here's one that sums all the integers embedded in a tree:

def sumTree(leaf(n)) = n
  | sumTree(node(n,t1,t2) = n + sumTree(t1) + sumTree(t2)

The function ``splits'' its definition into two clauses, one for each pattern of bintree argument. Of course, the above is merely a cute replacement for an if-command:

def sumTree(tree) =
    if isinstance(tree, leaf(n)) :
        return n
    elif isinstance(tree, node(n,t1,t2)) :
        return  n + sumTree(t1) + sumTree(t2)

When we call the function, e.g., sumTree(mytree), the structure of the argument is matched against each of the two patterns in sumTree's definition to select the appropriate computation:


= sumTree(node(2, leaf(3), node(5, leaf(7), leaf(11))))

=> 2 + sumTree(leaf(3)) + sumTree(node(5, leaf(7), leaf(11))))

=> 2 + 3 + sumTree(node(5, leaf(7), leaf(11))))

=> 2 + 3 + (5 + sumTree(leaf(7)) + sumTree(leaf(11)))

=> 2 + 3 + (5 + 7 + 11)  =   28



If you stare long enough at the structural patterns for lists and trees, you realize that an ``ordinary'' procedure definition, like

proc p(x,y,z) = ...
uses a structural pattern for a tuple data structure --- a tuple of arguments. When we call p, we build a tuple argument to match the tuple parameter pattern:
p(2, 3, [0,0,0])
Because of this coincidence, some languages let you write tuple data structures as expressible values, like this:
int[] r = [0,0,0];
tup = (2, 3, r);   # tup names a tuple data structure
p(tup)             # or,  p tup
which calls p with its argument tuple.

In a similar fashion, keyword patterns are just a struct data structure:

proc p(struct int x; int[] y end) = ...x...y...
 . . .
struct int x; int[] y end  mystruct;
mystruct.x = 2;
mystruct.y = [2,3,5];
This little example would be clearer if we named the struct pattern, like in C and Pascal:
type S = struct int x; int[] y end;

proc p(S) = ...
  . . .
S mystruct;
mystruct.x = 2;
mystruct.y = [2,3,5];
We develop this idea in the next chapter.

5.3 The qualification principle: phrases may own private definitions

A procedure's parameter names are local or ``private'' variables --- only the procedures's body can use the parameters. This suggests a third, powerful principle, the qualification principle:
The phrases in any syntax domain may own private (local) definitions.
A private definition is just that --- a definition that is used by a phrase and not by the entire program. This principle is sometimes called ``hiding'' or ``encapsulation.''

This concept was invented for the language, Algol60, a forerunner of all modern assignment languages. It looks like this: Say that we let a command have private definitions by means of a ``begin-end'' block in the command syntax:


C ::=  I = E  |  C1 ; C2  |  while E { C }  |  print I  |  I(E) 
    |  begin D in C end

D ::=  int I = E  |  D1 ; D2  |  proc I1(I2) = C

The new construction, begin D in C end, is called a command block. Command blocks in Algol60 revolutionized the way programmers thought about assembling programs, because programmers started thinking of programs as units that nest together. (Algol60 also introduced the modern, structured form of if-then-else, where the code for the then and else arms were command blocks! Prior to Algol, conditionals were Fortran-like: ''IF test THEN GOTO labelnumber.'')

Here is a small example with a command block:


int x = 1;  # (a)
  int y = 3
in          # (b)
  y = y + x
  x = y + y # (c)
# y  is not visible here  # (d)
print x  # prints 8

The command block is an enclosed unit that owns a local (private) variable, y, which cannot be referenced outside the block --- y is protected from unauthorized use. Within the block both the ``global'' variable x as well as the ``local'' variable y can be used.

Algol60 was designed to operate on a machine with a symbol table and a memory (like the C-machine), but where both symbol table and memory are implemented as stacks: declared variables are allocated (pushed) on the memory stack and are popped once they are no longer needed. Here is the the execution of the above example:

At position (a):
symbol-table-stack = | x:0 |   // that is,  x  names location 0 in memory
memory = | 1 |

At position (b):
symbol-table-stack = | x:0 | y:1 |
memory = | 1 | 3 |

At position (c):
symbol-table-stack = | x:0 | y:1 |
memory = | 8 | 4 |

At position (d):
symbol-table-stack = | x:0 |
memory = | 8 |
The program's symbol table is also restructured as a stack that grows and shrinks along with the memory. The dual-stack setup helps a compiler and programmer precisely manage storage use. In the 1960s, the Burroughs company built hardware computers with stack memory. But it is so easy to emulate stacks with conventional memory that the Burroughs machines disappeared from use after a few years.

These days, blocks are bonded to procedures, so that you declare local variables along with parameters when you write a procedure. Here is a standard example:


proc factorial(int n) {
    int i = 0;
    int ans = 1;
    while i != n {
        i = i + 1;
        ans = ans * i
    print ans
end }

The body of factorial is a command block. A call to factorial constructs one new namespace, which holds parameter variable, n, as well as local variables, i and ans. We see this in the next section.

5.3.1 Semantics of procedures with local variables

We study an example that shows why the heap machine, with its multiple namespaces, is needed for modern programming languages. The example shows a procedure (impure function) that owns a local procedure and returns (a handle to) the local procedure as its answer. (Almost every "modern" language can do this. C can't, and the original version of Java couldn't.)


proc f(n) {
  begin var i = 1;
        proc g(m) {  # (d)
           print m + n + i
  in  # (b)
      return g
var i = 9;     # (a)
var h = f(2);  # (c)
h(3)           # (e)

The call, f(2), returns the handle to a closure object that holds the code for procedure g. When the closure , now named h, is called at h(3), the code within the closure object is activated, and local variable m is assigned 3. Now, within g, what is the value of n? Of i? These should be found from the local variables that were declared in f's namespace when f was called earlier. But f is no longer active. How is this implemented? Not with a stack!

Here are a series of diagrams that show how this program executes. When execution reaches program point (a), global names f and i are declared and their values are saved in the main namespace, α:

At (a):

f's value is the handle to a closure object, which holds (a pointer to) f's code and the address of f's parent namespace, α.

The call, f(2), causes the closure at β to execute: a new namespace, γ, is constructed and n has 2 in the namespace. The local variables, i and g, are added to namespace γ, giving us the configuration at point (b):

At (b):

Variable g's value is a handle to another closure, named δ, and that closure uses γ as its parent link!

When f's code finishes, δ is returned as the answer and is assigned to variable h in α's namespace. Although the call to f has finished, its namespace may not be erased, because it is needed by closure δ:

At (c):

Next, we call h(3), which activates the code attached to closure δ and uses handle γ: This creates namespace ε to hold m = 3. The namespace is used by the code body of g, and we reach point (d) in the program:

At (d):

What names are visible at point (d)? Entering namespace ε, we find m. Following the parentns link, γ, we find n, i, and g. Following the link to the (grand)parent namespace, we find f (but not i) and h(!) So, g's code can locate meanings for all of m, n, i, g, f, and h. The collection of names visible from g's code is called g's environment --- here, it is collected from three distinct namespaces.

The program finishes by printing m + n + i (6) and popping the activation stack. The example shows that the namespaces constructed for procedure calls cannot be automatically erased/popped when a procedure finishes, because data inside the namespace might be needed later. Here is another example of this, using an assignment:

var p;
proc q(x): var y = 2;
           proc r(): print (x + y)  end;
           p = r;
p()  // executes  r's  code,  using  q's  x  and  y
A final remark: you cannot eliminate this "issue" by outlawing procedures as values. When you have a language that uses handles and when you can assign handles to variable names, then you have this "issue." The original version of Java used some awkward restrictions to try to avoid it, but in the end, Java was changed.

Exercise: Augment the interpreter for object languages to interpret procedures with local variables.

5.4 Summary

Each name in a program has a scope, which are the program phrases where the name is visible.

Each name in a program has a lifetime, or extent that is it saved in storage.

The collection of names whose scope cover a procedure's body is called the procedure's environment.

The abstraction principle: The phrases in any syntax domain may be named.

The parameterization principle: The phrases in any syntax domain may be arguments.

The qualification principle: The phrases in any syntax domain may own private (local) definitions.