Copyright © 2010 David Schmidt

Chapter 1:
Grammars, trees, interpreters

1.1 Grammars (BNF)
    1.1.1 Example: arithmetic expressions
    1.1.2 Example: mini-command language
1.2 Operator trees
1.3 Semantics of operator trees
    1.3.1 Interpreter semantics of expressions
    1.3.2 Translating from one language to another
    1.3.3 Semantics of commands: interpreter architecture with global store
    1.3.4 Simplistic commmand compiler
    1.3.5 Semantics of commands: interpreter architecture with parameter passing
    1.3.6 When to interpret? When to compile?
1.4 Parsing: How to construct an operator tree
    1.4.1 Scanning: collecting words
    1.4.2 Parsing expressions into operator trees
    1.4.3 Parsing commands into operator trees
1.5 Why you should learn these techniques

When I speak to you, how do you understand what I am saying? It is important that we communicate in a shared language, say, English, and it is important that I speak grammatically correctly (e.g., ``Eaten house horse before.'' is an incorrect, useless communication). Finally, you must know how to attach meanings to the words and phrases that I use.

The same ideas are as important when you talk to a computer, by means of a programming language: the computer must ``know'' the language you use. This includes:

  1. syntax: the spelling and grammatical structure of the computer language
  2. semantics: the meanings of the language's words and phrases.

This chapter gives techniques for stating precisely a language's syntax and semantics in terms of parser and interpreter programs.

1.1 Grammars (BNF)

In the 1950s, Noam Chomsky realized that the syntax of a sentence can be represented by a tree, and the rules for building syntactically correct sentences can be written as an equational, inductive definition. Chomsky called the definition a grammar. (John Backus and Peter Naur independently discovered the same concept, and for this reason, a grammar is sometimes called BNF (Backus-Naur form) notation.)

A grammar is a set of equations (rules), where each equation defines a set of phrases (strings of words). The best way to learn this is by example.

1.1.1 Example: arithmetic expressions

Say we wish to define precisely how to write arithmetic expressions, which consist of numerals composed with addition and subtraction operators. Here are the equations (rules) that define the syntax of arithmetic expressions:

OPERATOR ::=  +  |  -
NUMERAL  is a sequence of digits from the set, {0,1,2,...,9}

The words in upper-case letters (nonterminals) name phrase and word forms: an EXPRESSION phrase consists of either a NUMERAL word or a left paren followed by another (smaller) EXPRESSION phrase followed by an OPERATOR word followed by another (smaller) EXPRESSION phrase followed by a right paren. (The vertical bar means ``or.'')

If the third equation is too informal for you, we can replace it with these two:

DIGIT ::=  0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 
but usually the spelling of individual words is stated informally, like we did originally.

Using the rules, we can verify that this sequence of symbols is a legal EXPRESSION phrase:

(4 - (3 + 2))
Here is the explanation, stated in words:
  1. 4 is a NUMERAL (as are 3 and 2)
  2. all NUMERALs are legal EXPRESSION phrases, so (3 + 2) is an EXPRESSION phrase, because + is an OPERATOR and 3 and 2 are EXPRESSIONS
  3. (4 - (3 + 2)) is an EXPRESSION, because 4 and (3 + 2) are EXPRESSIONs, and - is an OPERATOR.

Next, here is the justification, stated as a derivation, where we calculate with the equations (rules) the phrase, (4 - (3 + 2)):

   =>  (4 + EXPRESSION)
   =>  (4 + ( 3 OPERATOR EXPRESSION ))
   =>   . . .
   =>  (4 + (3 - 2))
The derivation is compactly drawn as a derivation tree:

Indeed, a sequence of words is an EXPRESSION phrase if and only if one can build a derivation tree for the words with the grammar rules.

In this way, we use grammars to define precisely the syntax of a language. This is a crucial first step towards building programs --- compilers and interpreters --- that read sentences (programs) in the language and calculate their meanings (execute them).

Exercise: Write a derivation and derivation tree for ((4 - 3) + 2). Why is 4 - 3 + 2 not a legal EXPRESSION phrase?

1.1.2 Example: mini-command language

We can use a grammar to define the structure of an entire programming language. Here is the grammar for a mini-programming language:

             |  print VARIABLE
             |  while EXPRESSION : COMMANDLIST end
OPERATOR ::=  +  |  -
NUMERAL  is a sequence of digits
VAR  is a sequence of letters but not  'print', 'while', or 'end'

The definition says that a program is a list (sequence) of commands, which can be assignments or prints or while-loops. The body of a while-loop is itself a list of commands. The grammar does not explain what the phrases mean, so we have no information that tells us how a command like, while x : x = (x - 1) end, operates --- this is an issue of semantics, which we consider momentarily.

Here is the derivation tree for the program, x = (3 + 2); print x:



Exercise: Draw the derivation trees for these PROGRAMs:

1.2 Operator trees

A derivation tree shows the complete internal structure of a sentence. But the groupings of the words are what matter. We can reformat a derivation tree so that the groupings are preserved but the internal nonterminals are omitted. This more compact representation is called an operator tree or abstract-syntax tree

Here is the operator tree produced from the derivation for (4 - (3 + 2)):

It is called an ``operator tree'' because the operators rest in the places where the phrase names once appeared. It's lots more compact than the original derivation tree, but it has the same branching structure, which is the crucial part.

When we program with grammars and trees, we should use a dynamic data-structures language, like Python or Scheme or Ruby or ML or Ocaml, that lets us build nested lists. Then, we can represent an operator tree as a nested list. Here is the nested-list representation of the above operator tree:

["-", "4", ["+", "3", "2"]]
Here is a second example: For ((2+1) - (3-4)), we have this operator tree (nested list):
["-", ["+", "2", "1"], ["-", "3", "4"]]

Finally, this program, x = 3; while x : x = (x -1) end; print x, has this operator tree:

which can be coded as this nested list:
[["=", "x", "3"],
 ["while", "x",  [["=", "x", ["-", "x", "1"]]]],
 ["print", "x"]
(You can read it all on one line, if you wish: [["=", "x", "3"], ["while", "x", [["=", "x", ["-", "x", "1"]]]], ["print", "x"]}.)

The COMMANDLIST is formatted as a list of command operator trees.

Exercise: Draw graphical and nested-list operator trees for all the derivation trees you have drawn in the previous exercises.

1.3 Semantics of operator trees

Every operator tree has a semantics, a meaning. For example, the arithmetic expression, (4 + (3-2)), has the integer meaning, five, which is computed in stages, like this:

The meanings of the subtrees (subphrases) are combined to determine the tree's overall meaning.

What about commands? The meaning of a command is a storage-update function. That is, we determine a command's meaning once we supply it a storage vector to examine and update. Here is an example semantics for the compound command, x = 2; y = (x + 1), where the value of global storage is initially empty (represented by {}):

The cyan arrows indicate the progress of the storage vector through the semantics calculation. You can pretend the store is an argument or a parameter to the subtrees, or you can pretend there is an access-right/capability/pointer/handle to the storage vector that is given to the subtrees, or you can pretend the store is a global variable that can be inspected and altered by the subtrees in turn --- we have all these options for implementing the semantics in code.

Finally, the semantics of a loop command causes multiple calculations of the loop's test and body. Consider the loop, while x : x = (x - 1) end, with the input store, {'x':two}: (Note: read the test, x, as saying "x != 0").

The loop starts with input store, {'x':two}, and evaluates the test, x. Since x's value is nonzero, the body computes its meaning from the input store, producing {'x':one}. Now the loop must calculate meaning for {'x':one}, which makes the body compute a second time, producing the meaning, {'x':zero}. The loop's test now computes to zero, and the output meaning of the loop is {'x':zero}.

Our job is to write an interpreter that calculates semantics of operator trees like the ones suggested by the pictures.

1.3.1 Interpreter semantics of expressions

When a compiler or interpreter processes a computer program, it first builds the program's operator tree. Then, it calculates the semantics of the tree with a recursively defined tree-traversal function, like the ones you learned in CIS300.

The list-based operator trees for arithmetic have just two forms, which we can define precisely with a grammar rule, like this:

OP ::=  +  |  -
NUMERAL ::=  a string of digits
That is, every operator tree is either just a single numeral or a list holding an operator symbol and two subtrees/sublists. We will write a function, eval, that implements recursive calls that match the recursions in the grammar rule.

For example,


for tree,  "2",  eval("2")  returns  2;

for tree,  ["+", "2", "1"],   eval(["+", "2", "1"])
                                 calls  eval("2")  which returns  2
                                 calls  eval("1")  which returns  1
                              and returns  2 + 1 == 3

for tree, ["-", ["+", "2", "1"], ["-", "3", "4"]],
    eval( ["-", ["+", "2", "1"], ["-", "3", "4"]] )
       calls  eval(["+", "2", "1"])  which returns  3
       calls  eval(["-", "3", "4"]])  which returns  -1
    and returns 3 - (-1) == 4


The interpreter (written in Python) is a function that calls itself:


def eval(t) :
    """pre:  t  is a list-represented  TREE, 
             where TREE ::= NUMERAL | [ OP, TREE, TREE ]
                   OP ::=  "+" | "-"
                   NUMERAL ::=  a string of digits
       post: ans  is the numerical meaning of t
       returns: ans
    if isinstance(t, str) and t.isdigit() : # is  t  a string of all digits?
        ans = int(t)                        # cast the string to an int
    else :  # t is a list, [op, t1, t2]
        op = t[0];  t1 = t[1];  t2 = t[2]
        ans1 = eval(t1)  # assert:  ans1  is the numerical meaning of t1
        ans2 = eval(t2)  # assert:  ans2  is the numerical meaning of t2
        if op == "+" :
            ans = ans1 + ans2
        else :  # op == "-":
            ans = ans1 - ans2
    return ans

The function's recursions match exactly the recursions in the grammar rule that defines the operator trees. The recursion computes the numerical meanings of the subtrees and combines them to get the meaning of the complete tree.

Exercise: Copy the function into a file named, and start Python on it: python -i Call the function: eval( ["-", ["+", "2", "1"], ["-", "3", "4"]] ). Try more examples.

Here is a sketch of the execution of eval(["-", ["+", "2", "1"], ["-", "3", "4"]]), which computes to 3 - (-1) = 4. Each time eval is called, we copy freshly its body, to mimick how a computer restarts eval (and creates a new activation record). The way we write this is called copy-rule semantics.


eval( ["-", ["+", "2", "1"], ["-", "3", "4"]] )

=>  op = "-"
    t1 = ["+", "2", "1"]
    t2 = ["-", "3", "4"]
    ans1 = eval(t1)      =>  op = "+"
                             t1 = "2"
                             t2 = "1"
                             ans1 = eval(t1)  =>  ans = 2
                                  = 2
                             ans2 = eval(t2)  =>  ans = 1
                                  = 1
                             ans = 2+1 = 3
         = 3
    ans2 = eval(t2)      =>  op = "-"
                             t1 = "3"
                             t2 = "4"
                             ans1 = eval(t1)  =>  ans = 3
                                  = 3
                             ans2 = eval(t2)  =>  ans = 4
                                  = 4
                             ans = 3-4 = -1
         = -1
    ans = 3 - (-1) = 4
= 4

Each => represents a recursive call (restart) of eval on a subtree of the original operator tree. Each restart keeps its own namespace (activation record) of its local variables, which it uses to compute the answer for its subtree. Eventually, the answers are returned and combined. The pattern of calls to eval matches the pattern of structure in the original operator tree.

1.3.2 Translating from one language to another

A compiler (translator) is a program that converts a program into an operator tree and then converts the operator tree into a program in a different programming language (e.g., machine language or byte code) that will compute the semantics. Think about a compiler for C, which translates a C program into a machine-language program that, when executed, does the semantics of the original C program.

We use the coding style shown above to compile an operator tree for arithmetic into its postfix-string representation, which these days is called ``byte code.'' This is essentially what a Java compiler does --- translates Java programs into byte code:


def postfix(t) :
    """pre:  t  is a TREE,  where TREE ::= NUM | [ OP, TREE, TREE ]
       post: ans  is a string holding a postfix (operator-last) sequence
             of the symbols within  t
       returns:  ans
    if isinstance(t, str) and t.isdigit() : # is  t  a string holding an int?
        ans = t              #(*)  the postfix of a NUM is just the NUM itself 
    else :  # t is a list, [op, t1, t2]
        op = t[0]
        t1 = t[1]
        t2 = t[2]
        ans1 = postfix(t1)
        # assert:  ans1  is a string holding the postfix form of t1
        ans2 = postfix(t2)
        # assert:  ans2  is a string holding the postfix form of t2
        # concatenate the subanswers into one string:
        if op == "+" :
           ans = ans1 + ans2 + "+"    #(*)
        elif op == "-" :
            ans = ans1 + ans2 + "-"   #(*)
        else : 
            print "error:", t, "is illegal"
            raise Exception   # stops the program
    return ans

This code is exactly the code for eval except for the positions marked #(*), where postfix strings are generated instead of numerical semantics.

For example, postfix(["+", ["-", "2", "1"], "4"]) builds the postfix string, "21-4+". The string states what to compute for the semantics but in postfix style. We draw the compilation like this:


postfix(["+", ["-", "2", "1"], "4"])

=> op = "+"
   t1 = ["-", "2", "1"]
   t2 = "4"
   ans1 = postfix(t1)  =>  op = "-"
                               t1 = "2"
                               t2 = "1"
                               ans1 = postfix(t1) => ans = "2"
                                    = "2"
                               ans2 = postfix(t2) => ans = "1"
                                    = "1"
                               ans = "2" + "1" + "-"
                                   = "21-"
        = "21-"
   ans2 = postfix(t2)  => ans = "4"
        = "4"
   ans = "21-" + "4" + "+"
       = "21-4+"

Again, each => represents a recursive call (restart) of postfix on a subtree of the original operator tree.

If the previous explanation was not enough for you, you can insert print commands into postfix so that the computer shows you the path it takes to translate the tree:


def postfixx(t, level = 0, trace = True) :
    """pre:  t  is a TREE,  where TREE ::= INT | [ OP, TREE, TREE ]
             level is an int, indicating at what depth  t  is situated
               in the overall tree being postfixed.  The default value is 0.
             trace  is an optional boolean parameter that states whether
               the function should print a trace of its computation.
               If not supplied, the param defaults to True.
       post: ans  is a string holding a postfix (operator-last) sequence
             of the symbols within  t
       returns:  ans
    if trace : print level * "   ", "Entering subtree t =", t
    if isinstance(t, str) :  # is  t a numeral?
        ans = str(t)
    else :  # t is a list, [op, t1, t2]
        op = t[0]
        t1 = t[1]
        t2 = t[2]
        ans1 = postfixx(t1, level + 1)
        ans2 = postfixx(t2, level + 1)
        ans = ans1 + ans2 + op  # the answer combines the two subanswers
    if trace : print level * "   ", "Exiting subtree t =", t,  "  ans =", ans, "\n"
    return ans

If you use Python and call this function, say, postfixx(["+", ["-", "3", "2"], "4"]), you will see this printout:

 Entering subtree t = ['+', ['-', '3', '2'], '4']
    Entering subtree t = ['-', '3', '2']
       Entering subtree t = 3
       Exiting subtree t = 3   ans = 3 

       Entering subtree t = 2
       Exiting subtree t = 2   ans = 2 

    Exiting subtree t = ['-', '3', '2']   ans = 32- 

    Entering subtree t = 4
    Exiting subtree t = 4   ans = 4 

 Exiting subtree t = ['+', ['-', '3', '2'], '4']   ans = 32-4+ 


The computer descended into the levels of the tree from left to right, computing answers for its leaves that were combined into an answer for the entire tree.

The Java compiler works like the above example: a Java program is parsed into its tree form and the tree is translated into postfix (byte code). The Java-byte code for the above example is wordier and looks like this:

loadconst 3
loadconst 2
loadconst 4
Here is the postfix function reformatted to produce byte code:
def translateETREE(e, trace = False) :
    """pre: e  is an expression represented as an ETREE:
                  ETREE ::=  NUMERAL  |  [OP, ETREE1, ETREE2]
                             where OP is either "+" or "-"
            trace  is an optional boolean parameter that states whether
                   the function should print a trace of its computation.
                   If not supplied, the param defaults to False.
      post:  ans  holds the byte code that computes the meaning of  e
    if trace :
        print "enter with", e
    if isinstance(e, str) and  e.isdigit() :   # a numeral
        ans =  "LOADCONST " + e + "\n"      
    else :   #  [op, e1, e2]
        op = e[0]
        ans = translateETREE(e[1], trace) + translateETREE(e[2], trace)
        if op == "+" :
            ans = ans + "ADD\n"
        elif op == "-" :
            ans = ans + "SUB\n"
        else :
            print "illegal arithmetic operator"
            raise Exception   # stop computation
    if trace :
        print "exit with", e, "whose meaning is", ans
    return ans

We can also do translations from one form of tree to another form of tree. For example, maybe we wish to reformat our operator trees so that the operator comes last in the list representation:

PTREE ::=  NUM  |  [ PTREE1, PTREE2, OP ]
so that postfixTree(["+", "2" , ["-", "3" , "4"]]) returns this PTREE: ["2" , ["3" , "4", "-"], "+"]. Here's how we use the recursion pattern:

def postfixTree(t) :
    """pre:  t  is a TREE,  where  TREE ::= NUM | [ OP, TREE1, TREE2 ]
       post: ans  is  t  reformatted as a PTREE so that the operators are last:
                PTREE ::=  NUM | [ PTREE1, PTREE2, OP ]
    if isinstance(t, str) :  # is  t  an instance of a NUM (a simple string)?
        ans = t              # just the NUM itself
    else :  # t is a list, [op, t1, t2], that is,  isinstance(t, list)
        op = t[0]
        ans1 = postfixTree(t[1])
        # assert:  ans1  is the PTREE form of t[1]
        ans2 = postfixTree(t[2])
        # assert:  ans2  is the PTREE form of t[2]
        ans = [ans1, ans2, op]    # combine the subanswers into a PTREE
    # assert: ans holds the PTREE form of  t
    return ans


1.3.3 Semantics of commands: interpreter architecture with global store

We use the techniques from the previous section to give semantics to the little assignment-based programming language. Here again is its grammar:

             |  print VARIABLE
             |  while EXPRESSION : COMMANDLIST end
OPERATOR is  +  or  -
NUMERAL  is a sequence of digits from the set, {0,1,2,...,9}
VAR  is a string beginning with a letter; it cannot be  'print', 'while', or 'end'

For program,
x = 3 ;  while x : x = x - 1 end ;  print x
here is its operator tree:
[["=", "x", "3"],
 ["while", "x",  [["=", "x", ["-", "x", "1"]]]],
 ["print", "x"]
The operator tree has a commandlist level, a command level, and an expression level. A program is just a commandlist. Here is the grammar of operator trees:
CLIST ::=  [ CTREE+ ]
           where  CTREE+  means  one or more CTREEs
CTREE ::=  ["=", VAR, ETREE]  |  ["print", VAR]  |  ["while", ETREE, CLIST]
           where OP is either "+" or "-"
So, we write four interpreter functions (why?), and the functions define the semantics of the computer language.

The interpreter has a simple virtual-machine architecture:

The input is an operator tree, which is traversed by the interpret functions, which share a global variable, ns, that models a storage vector. Here is the coding:

"""Interpreter for a mini-language with variables and loops.
   There is one crucial data structure:

ns = {}      # ns is a namespace/dictionary --- it holds the input program's
             # variable names and associated values. 
             # For example, if
             #   ns = {'x': 2, 'y': 0},  then variable  x  names int 2
             # and variable  y  names int 0.

def interpretPTREE(program) :
    """pre:  program is a  PTREE ::=  CLIST
       post:  ns  holds all the updates commmand by  program
    global ns  # Python requires that we state intention to alter global var, ns
    ns = {}
    print "final namespace =", ns

def interpretCLIST(p) :
    """pre: p  is a program represented as a  CLIST ::=  [ CTREE+ ]
                  where  CTREE+  means  one or more CTREEs
       post:  ns  holds all the updates commanded by program  p
    for command in p :

def interpretCTREE(c) :
    """pre: c  is a command represented as a CTREE:
         CTREE ::= ["=", VAR, ETREE] | ["print", VAR] | ["while", ETREE, CLIST]
       post:  ns  holds all the updates commanded by  c
    operator = c[0]

    if operator == "=" :   # assignment command, ["=", VAR, ETREE]
        var = c[1]                      # get left-hand side
        exprval = interpretETREE(c[2])  # evaluate the right-hand side
        ns[var] = exprval  # do assignment.  NOTE: we are altering part of  ns,
                           # not  ns  itself, so "global ns" not required (!)

    elif operator == "print" :   # print command,  ["print", VAR]
        var = c[1]
        if var in ns :     # see if variable name is defined
            ans = ns[var]  # fetch its value
            print ans
        else :
            crash("variable name undefined")

    elif operator == "while" :   # while command, ["while", ETREE, CLIST]
        expr = c[1]
        body = c[2]
        if interpretETREE(expr) != 0 :  # check if text expr is nonzero
            interpretCLIST(body)        # yes, so execute loop body
            interpretCTREE(c)  # repeat by restarting semantics with updated ns
        else :    # test was false, so  exit loop
            pass  # means "do nothing"

    else :  # error
        crash("invalid command")

def interpretETREE(e) :
    """pre: e  is an expression represented as an ETREE:
           ETREE ::=  NUMERAL  |  VAR  |  [OP, ETREE, ETREE]
                      where OP is either "+" or "-"
      post:  ans  holds the numerical value of  e
      returns:   ans
    if isinstance(e, str) and  e.isdigit() :   # a numeral, all digits
        ans = int(e)
    elif isinstance(e, str) and  e[0].isalpha() :  # var name, all letters
        if e in ns :     # see if variable name is defined
            ans = ns[e]  #   look up its value
        else :
            crash("variable name undefined")
    else :   #  [op, e1, e2]
        op = e[0]
        ans1 = interpretETREE(e[1])
        ans2 = interpretETREE(e[2])
        if op == "+" : 
            ans = ans1 + ans2
        elif op == "-" : 
            ans = ans1 - ans2
        else :
            crash("illegal arithmetic operator")
    return ans

def crash(message) :
    """pre: message is a string
       post: message is printed and interpreter stopped
    print message + "! crash! core dump: ", ns
    raise Exception   # stops the interpreter

The interpretPTREE function starts the interpreter:
interpretPTREE([["=", "x", "3"],
      ["while", "x",  [["=", "x", ["-", "x", "1"]], ["print", "x"]]],
This program assigns 3 to "x"; decrements "x"'s value to 2 to 1 to 0; prints each decrement; then stops the loop.

Exercise: install and test the interpreter.

Another name for the interpreter is a virtual machine, because the interpreter adapts the computer hardware we have into a machine that understands the instruction set of a new language.

1.3.4 Simplistic commmand compiler

Perhaps a program with commands must be translated into a language that a specific processor understands. This is the case with Java, which must be translated into a language called byte code, that is a machine-language variant easily understood by a wide range of processor chips.

As we saw in the section on postfix expressions, we can revise the interpreter for commands so that it generates a compiled program. Here is the command interpreter revised the same way that we did earlier to generate postfix, bytecode expressions:


"""Compiler for a mini-language with variables and loops.
   Translates a program into byte code using these instructions:
       LOADNUM n         # int  n  is pushed on top of the value stack
       LOAD v            # looks up value of var  v  and pushes it
       ADD               # pops top two ints, adds them, pushes answer
       SUBTRACT          # like ADD
       STORE v           # pops top int and stores it in  v's  memory cell
       PRINT v           # prints value in  v's  memory cell
       IFZERO EXITLOOP   # pops top int and if =0 exits innermost enclosing loop
       BEGINLOOP         # marks the code of a loop test+body
       ENDLOOP           # goto the corresponding BEGINLOOP

symboltable = []  # list of variable names that will be stored in runtime memory;
                  # used for simple "declaration checking" of the program

def compileCLIST(p) :
    """pre: p  is a program represented as a  CLIST ::=  [ CTREE+ ]
                  where  CTREE+  means  one or more CTREEs
       post:  ans holds the compiled byte code for  p
       returns:  ans
    ans = ""
    for command in p :
        ans = ans + compileCTREE(command)
    return ans

def compileCTREE(c) :
    """pre: c  is a command represented as a CTREE:
         CTREE ::= ["=", VAR, ETREE] | ["print", VAR] | ["while", ETREE, CLIST]
       post:  ans  is a string that holds the compiled byte code for  c
       returns:  ans
    operator = c[0]
    if operator == "=" :   # assignment command, ["=", VAR, ETREE]
        var = c[1]   # get left-hand side
        exprcode = compileETREE(c[2])
        symboltable.append(var)  # remember the var in the symboltable list
        ans = exprcode + "STORE " + var + "\n"  
    elif operator == "print" :   # print command,  ["print", VAR]
        var = c[1]
        if var in symboltable :   # see if variable name is defined
            ans = "PRINT " + var + "\n"
        else :
            crash("variable name undefined")
    elif operator == "while" :   # while command
        expr = c[1]
        body = c[2]
        exprcode = compileETREE(c[1])
        bodycode = compileCLIST(c[2])
        ans = "BEGINLOOP \n" + exprcode  \
              + "IFZERO EXITLOOP \n" + bodycode + "ENDLOOP \n"
    else :   # error
        crash("invalid command")
    return ans

def compileETREE(e) :
    """pre: e  is an expression represented as an ETREE:
           ETREE ::=  NUMERAL  |  VAR  |  [OP, ETREE, ETREE]
                      where OP is either "+" or "-"
      post:  ans is a string that holds the compiled byte code for e
      returns:   ans
    if isinstance(e, str) and  e.isdigit() :   # a numeral
        ans = "LOADNUM " + e + "\n"
    elif isinstance(e, str) and  e[0].isalpha() :  # var name
        if e in symboltable :   # see if variable name is defined
            ans = "LOAD " + e + "\n"
        else :
            crash("variable name undefined")
    else :   #  [op, e1, e2]
        op = e[0]
        ans1 = compileETREE(e[1])
        ans2 = compileETREE(e[2])
        if op == "+" : 
            ans = ans1 + ans2 + "ADD \n"
        elif op == "-" : 
            ans = ans1 - ans2 + "SUBTRACT \n"
        else :
            crash("illegal arithmetic operator")
    return ans

def crash(message) :
    """pre: message is a string
       post: message is printed and interpreter stopped
    print message + "! crash!", symboltable
    raise Exception   # stops the interpreter

def compilePTREE(program) :
    """pre:  program is a  PTREE ::=  CLIST
       post: code holds the compiled byte code for  program
    global symboltable #  ns  is global to main
    symboltable = []
    code = compileCLIST(program)
    print code

For example, the program, x = 2; y = (x + 1); print y, would be compiled like this:
compilePTREE([['=','x','2'], ['=','y',['+','x','1']], ['print','y']])

The compiler traversed the operator tree and translated its meaning into a sequence of byte-code instructions that can be executed by a processor that understands byte code.

There is a small but important technical point to notice: The original interpreter collected all the assignments within a namespace structure, ns. But when we compile a program, the assignments are not done by the compiler, but by the machine that executes the bytecode. For this reason, ns is removed from the compiler. But in its place, there is a new structure, symboltable, that remembers which variables might be created and assigned when the byte-code program executes.

The symboltable is a kind of ``ghost'' that foreshadows the run-time memory, and it keeps track of variable declarations and can help spot illegal uses of variables. In this way, the compiler can print error messages that indicate when the program will fail at run-time. (If the command language contained declaration statements with data types, this information would be saved in symboltable and used to type check the program's commands during the translation process.)

Finally, note that the byte code generated for while-loops is overly simplistic --- a real-life compiler would generate jump commands and labels when translating a loop. For example, x = 2; while x : x = x - 1; print x

compiles to                    where a realistic compiler produces this:

LOADNUM 2                      LOADNUM 2
STORE x                        STORE x
BEGINLOOP                      LABEL1:
LOAD x                         LOAD x
LOAD x                         LOAD x
LOADNUM 1                      LOADNUM 1
SUBTRACT                       SUBTRACT
STORE x                        STORE x
ENDLOOP                        JUMP LABEL1
PRINT x                        LABEL2:
                               PRINT x
We have omitted label generation to keep the compiler small and simple.

1.3.5 Semantics of commands: interpreter architecture with parameter passing

The tree diagrams in the earlier section suggested that the storage vector is a "parameter" to the subtrees. We can rewrite the command interpreter so that ns is no longer a shared global variable but is an argument that is passed from one function to the next. This exposes possibilities for parallel execution. Here is the revised interpreter:

"""Interpreter for a mini-language with variables and loops.

def interpretCLIST(p, ns) :
    """pre: p  is a program represented as a  CLIST ::=  [ CTREE+ ]
                  where  CTREE+  means  one or more CTREEs
            ns is a dictionary, the current value of the storage (namespace)
       returns:  ns,  holds all the updates commanded by program  p
    nextns = ns
    for command in p :
        nextns = interpretCTREE(command, nextns)
    return nextns

def interpretCTREE(c, ns) :
    """pre: c  is a command represented as a CTREE:
         CTREE ::= ["=", VAR, ETREE] | ["print", VAR] | ["while", ETREE, CLIST]
            ns is a dictionary, the current value of the storage (namespace)
       returns:  ansns,  holds all the updates commanded by program  p
    operator = c[0]
    if operator == "=" :   # assignment command, ["=", VAR, ETREE]
        var = c[1]   # get left-hand side
        exprval = interpretETREE(c[2], ns)  # evaluate the right-hand side
        ansns = dict.copy(ns);  ansns[var] = exprval  # build updated dictionary
    elif operator == "print" :   # print command,  ["print", VAR]
        var = c[1]
        if var in ns :   # see if variable name is defined
            ans = ns[var]  # look up its value
            print ans
        else :
            crash("variable name undefined")
        ansns = ns
    elif operator == "while" :   # while command, ["while", ETREE, CLIST]
        expr = c[1]
        body = c[2]
        if interpretETREE(expr, ns) != 0 :
            nextns = interpretCLIST(body, ns)
            ansns = interpretCTREE(c, nextns)  # repeat
        else :     # exit loop
            ansns = ns 

    else :   # error
        crash("invalid command")
    return ansns

def interpretETREE(e, ns) :
    """pre: e  is an expression represented as an ETREE:
           ETREE ::=  NUMERAL  |  VAR  |  [OP, ETREE, ETREE]
                      where OP is either "+" or "-"
           ns is a dictionary, the current value of the storage (namespace)
      post:  ans  holds the numerical value of  e
      returns:   ans
    if isinstance(e, str) and  e.isdigit() :   # a numeral
        ans = int(e)
    elif isinstance(e, str) and  e[0].isalpha() :  # var name
        if e in ns :   # see if variable name is defined
            ans = ns[e]  # look up its value
        else :
            crash("variable name undefined")
    else :   #  [op, e1, e2]
        op = e[0]
        ans1 = interpretETREE(e[1], ns)
        ans2 = interpretETREE(e[2], ns)
        if op == "+" : 
            ans = ans1 + ans2
        elif op == "-" : 
            ans = ans1 - ans2
        else :
            crash("illegal arithmetic operator")
    return ans

def crash(message) :
    """pre: message is a string
       post: message is printed and interpreter stopped
    print message + "! crash! core dump: ", ns
    raise Exception   # stops the interpreter

def interpretPTREE(program) :
    """pre:  program is a  PTREE ::=  CLIST
       post: ns  holds all updates within  program
    ns = interpretCLIST(program, {})  # start with ns == {}
    print "final namespace =", ns


1.3.6 When to interpret? When to compile?

When you design a new language, you write an interpreter first, so that you can understand the language's semantics. Also, it is easier to write an interpreter than a compiler.

If time-and-space performance requirements are critical, revise the interpreter into a compiler: The compiler does the tedious steps of operator-tree traversal/disassembly, and it performs the routine tests related to variable declarations, expression compatibilities, etc. This leaves only the primitive computation steps that must be translated into the compiled code. The result will be a smaller, faster program to execute.

If the program must be placed in firmware or burned into a chip, make the interpreter into a compiler so that the process of operator-tree disassembly can be done once and for all and need not be included in the code placed in the firmware/chip.

If program correctness is critical, stay with the interpreter --- It is easier to analyze and prove an interpreter correct than it is a compiler.

If the language will be repeatedly revised or extended, stay with the interpreter. Revising compilers is a painful job.

1.4 Parsing: How to construct an operator tree

Because operator trees are processed so easily by recursively defined functions, it is best to write a program that reads the input text program and builds the operator tree straightaway. (The derivation tree itself is never built!) This activity is called parsing. The compiler or interpreter for every programming language does parsing before it does translation or interpretation.

For example, say we want a program, parseExpr, that can read a line of text, like ((2+1) - (3 - 4) ), and build the operator tree, ["-", ["+", "2", "1"], ["-", "3", "4"]]. The program's algorithm will go like this:

  1. Separate the symbols in the text line into their individual operators and words, discarding blanks. Make a list of the words.
  2. Read the words in the list one by one, using the grammar rules to guide building the operator tree.
The second step looks like a serious challenge, but we can use the same technique seen in the previous section: we write a family of functions, one per grammar rule, that reads the words and builds the tree. This technique is called recursive-descent parsing.

1.4.1 Scanning: collecting words

For the first step, here is a little function that disassembles a line of text and makes a list of words that were found in the text:


def scan(text) :
    """scan splits apart the symbols in  text  into a list.

       pre:  text is a string holding a program phrase
       post: answer is a list of the words and symbols within  text
             (spaces and newlines are removed)
    OPERATORS = ("(", ")", "+", "-", ";", ":", "=")  # must be one-symbol operators
    SPACES = (" ", "\n")
    nextword = ""  # the next symbol/word to be added to the answer list
    answer = []

    for letter in text:
        # invariant:  answer + nextword + letter  equals all the words/symbols
        #     read so far from  text  with  SPACES  removed

        # see if  nextword  is complete and should be appended to answer:
        if letter in SEPARATORS  and  nextword != "" :
            nextword = ""

        if letter in OPERATORS :
        elif letter in SPACES :
            pass  # discard space
        else :    # build a word or numeral
            nextword = nextword + letter

    if nextword != "" :   

    return answer

For example, scan("((2+1) - (3 - 4) )") returns as its answer, ['(', '(', '2', '+', '1', ')', '-', '(', '3', '-', '4', ')', ')'].

1.4.2 Parsing expressions into operator trees

Now, we use the grammar rule to guide writing the function that reads the list of words and constructs the operator tree. Here is the grammar rule for arithmetic expressions:

               where OPERATOR is  "+"  or "-"
                     NUMERAL  is a sequence of digits
                     VAR  is  a string of letters
For each construction in the grammar rule, there is an operator tree to build:
for NUMERAL,  the tree is  NUMERAL

for VAR,  the tree is  VAR

      where T1 is the tree for EXPRESSION1
            T2 is the tree for EXPRESSION2
We write a function, parseEXPR, that reads the words of an arithmetic expression and builds the tree, based on the words. Like the eval function seen earlier, the grammar rules show us what to do.

There is a critical property of the EXPRESSION grammar rule that lets us build parseEXPR --- notice that each construction of EXPRESSION begins with a distinct "keyword". That is, the first construction, NUMERAL, begins with a digit-word; the second construction, VAR, begins with a letter-word, and the third construction, ( EXPRESSION OPERATOR EXPRESSION ), begins with "(". These leading keywords tell parseEXPR which form of tree to build.

We will use these global variables and a helper function to parcel out the input words one at a time to parseEXPR:


# say that  inputtext  holds the text that we must parse into a tree:

wordlist = scan(inputtext)  # holds the remaining unread words
nextword = ""  # holds the first unread word
# global invariant:  nextword + wordlist == all remaining unread words

EOF = "!"      # a word that marks the end of the input words
getNextword()   # call this function to move the first word into  nextword:

def getNextword() :
    """moves the front word in  wordlist  to  nextword.
       If wordlist is empty, sets  nextword = EOF
    global nextword, wordlist
    if wordlist == [] :
        nextword = EOF
    else :
        nextword = wordlist[0]
        wordlist = wordlist[1:]

The function that builds expression-operator trees uses if commands to learn the leading keyword and choose the correct tree to build:

def parseEXPR() :
    """builds an EXPR operator tree from the words in  nextword + wordlist,
          where  EXPR ::=  NUMERAL  |  VAR  |  ( EXPR OP EXPR )
                 OP is "+" or "-"
      also, maintains the global invariant (on wordlist and nextword)
    if  nextword.isdigit() :   # a NUMERAL ?
        ans = nextword        
    elif  isVar(nextword) :    # a VARIABLE ?
        ans = nextword
    elif nextword == "(" :     # ( EXPR op EXPR ) ?
        tree1 = parseEXPR()
        op = nextword
        if op == "+"  or  op == "-" :
            tree2 = parseEXPR()
            if nextword == ")" :
                ans = [op, tree1, tree2]
            else :
                error("missing )")
        else :
            error("missing operator")
    else :
        error("illegal symbol to start an expression")

    return ans

def isVar(word) :
    """checks whether  word  is a legal variable name"""
    KEYWORDS = ("print", "while", "end")
    ans = ( word.isalpha()  and  not(word in KEYWORDS) )
    return ans

def error(message) :
    """prints an error message and halts the parse"""
    print "parse error: " + message
    print nextword, wordlist
    raise Exception


We tie the pieces together like this to make a parser that builds EXPRESSION trees:


# global invariant:  nextword + wordlist == all remaining unread words
nextword = ""  # holds the first unread word
wordlist = []  # holds the remaining unread words
EOF = "!"      # a word that marks the end of the input words

def main() :
    global wordlist
    # read the input text, break into words, and place into wordlist:
    text = raw_input("Type an arithmetic expression: ")
    wordlist = scan(text)
    # do the parse:
    tree = parseEXPR()
    print tree
    if nextword != EOF :
       error("there are extra words")


1.4.3 Parsing commands into operator trees

We use the above functions to build a parser for the mini-programming language. Using the same technique, we make functions that parse commands and lists of commands. For commands, notice that the leading keywords for the grammar rule,
are VAR, print, and while. Since these are distinct, the parseCOMMAND function can build the correct form of tree:

def parseCOMMAND() :
    """builds a COMMAND operator tree from the words in  nextword + wordlist,
       where  COMMAND ::=  VAR = EXPRESSSION
                        |  print VARIABLE
                        |  while EXPRESSION : COMMANDLIST end
      also, maintains the global invariant (on wordlist and nextword)
    if nextword == "print" :      # print VARIABLE ?
        if isVar(nextword) :
            ans = ["print", nextword]
        else :
            error("expected var")
    elif nextword == "while" :    # while EXPRESSION : COMMANDLIST end ?
        exprtree = parseEXPR()
        if nextword == ":" :
        else :
            error("missing :")
        cmdlisttree = parseCMDLIST()
        if nextword == "end" :
            ans = ["while", exprtree, cmdlisttree]
        else :
            error("missing end")
    elif isVar(nextword) :       # VARIABLE = EXPRESSION ?
        v = nextword
        if nextword == "=" :
            exprtree = parseEXPR()
            ans = ["=", v, exprtree]
        else :
            error("missing =")
    else :                       # error -- bad command
        error("bad word to start a command")
    return ans

We finish with the function that collects the commands in a COMMANDLIST:

def parseCMDLIST() :
    """builds a COMMANDLIST tree from the words in  nextword + wordlist,
                          that is,  one or more COMMANDS, separated by ;s
       also, maintains the global invariant (on wordlist and nextword)
    anslist = [ parseCOMMAND() ]   # parse first command
    while nextword == ";" :        # collect any other COMMANDS
        anslist.append( parseCOMMAND() )
    return anslist

def main() :
    """reads the input mini-program and builds an operator tree for it,
       where  PROGRAM ::= COMMANDLIST
       Initializes the global invariant (for nextword and wordlist)
    global wordlist
    text = raw_input("Type the program: ")
    wordlist = scan(text)
    # assert: invariant for nextword and wordlist holds true here
    tree = parseCMDLIST()   
    # assert: tree holds the entire operator tree for  text
    print tree
    if nextword != EOF :
       error("there are extra words")

This style of parsing is also called top-down parsing, predictive parsing, and LL-parsing because it constructs the operator tree from the root at the tree's top downwards towards the leaves, predicting the correct structure by looking at the words in the input program, one at a time. You can see how important it is to have exactly the correct number of keywords and brackets at the exactly correct positions in the input program so that this technique will succeed. Parsing theory is the study of how to write grammars and parsers successfully.

Once you have mastered writing parsers by hand, you realize that the process is almost completely mechanical --- starting from the grammar definition, you mechanically write the correct code. Now, you are ready to use a tool called a parser generator to do the code writing for you: The input to a parser generator is the set of grammar rules and the output is the parser. Yacc is a well known parser generator, and PLY is a version of Yacc coded to work with Python. Antlr is another popular parser generator.

Exercise: Copy the scanner and parser into one file and the command interpreter into another. In a third file, write a driver program that reads a source program and then imports and calls the scanner-parser and interpreter modules.

Exercise: Add an if-else command to the parser and interpreter.

Exercise: Add parameterless procedures to the language:

COMMAND ::=  . . . |  proc I : C  |  call I
In the interpreter, save the body of a newly defined procedure in the namespace. (That is, the semantics of proc I: C is similar to I = C.) What is the semantics of call I? Implement this.

1.5 Why you should learn these techniques

Anyone who uses a programming language should know the rules for writing syntactically legal programs. The rules are the grammar. Anyone who writes a program should know what the program means, what it is intended to do. This requires study of the language's semantics. Most languages have ``documentation'' written in a stilted English, peppered with examples. Sometimes, this documentation is well-enough written to answer your questions about what the language's constructions mean. But sometimes, a person must peer inside the language's definitional interpreter, which is written like the ones in this chapter, to see what a construction means.

Someday, you will be asked to design a language of your own. Indeed, this happens each time you design a piece of software, because the inputs to the software must arrive in a sensible order --- syntax --- for the software to process them. Software used by humans requires an input language so that a human knows the rules (grammar) for communicating with the software. Sometimes, the grammar is just a matter of the order of mouse drags and clicks; this is a kind of point-and-shove language that a human might use to another human when the two people are unwilling to speak words to each other.

But when a human wishes to speak (type) words to a program, a real language of words, phrases, and sentences is required. What should this language look like? What operations, data, control are needed within it? When a GUI must map a sequence of mouse drags and clicks into target code, what kind of code should it generate? If you are designing a piece of software, you must design its input language, and you must write the parser and the interpreter for the language. This is why we must learn the technques in this chapter and this course.

Programming languages that are designed to solve problems in some specialty area (e.g., avionics, telecommunications, word processing, database access, game playing) must have operations that are tailored to the specialty area and must have data and control structures that support the forms of computation in the area. A language oriented towards a specialty area is called a domain-specific programming language. By the end of this course, you will have basic skills to design such languages.

By the way, grammar (BNF) notation is a domain-specific programming language --- for writing parser programs! There are automated systems (Yacc, PLY, Antlr, Bison, ...) that can read a grammar definition and automatically write the parser code that we wrote by hand in this chapter. So, when you write a grammar, you have, for all practical purposes, already written its parser --- what's left to do is purely mechanical.