CIS505 Assignment 7

10 points; due Wednesday, December 10.

Question 1

Prolog is an excellent language for specifiying simple and correct solutions. Let's specify a database like the one you finished for Question 3, Exercise 4:

Say that a database must be built from these key-value bindings: [(b,2), (a,1), (c,4)] These are saved in the Prolog database as these clauses:

mapsTo(b, 2).
mapsTo(a, 1).
mapsTo(c, 4).
There is a Prolog operator, asserta, that lets you add a new clause to a running database. Say that we want to update a to 99. We can say this:
?- asserta(upd(a, 99)).
Now, we see that
?- listing.
upd(a, 99).
mapsTo(b, 2).
mapsTo(a, 1).
mapsTo(c, 4).
To undo an update, we "retract" the last-inserted upd clause like this:
?- retract(upd(K,_)).
There is also an operator, retractall, which removes all clauses. E.g., retractall(upd(_,_)) removes all the upd clauses.

When it is time to "commit" the updates to the database, we must

Your job is to finish the starter database I have already written: you implement the lookup and commit commands. The code you start from is at (You should test what I wrote before you try adding any code to it.)

Here is a demo of how the finished database will behave:


1 ?- addDB([(b,2), (a,1), (c,4)]).

2 ?- listing.
mapsTo(c, 4).
mapsTo(a, 1).
mapsTo(b, 2).

3 ?- lookup(a).

4 ?- update(a, 99).
a updated

5 ?- listing.
upd(a, 99).
mapsTo(c, 4).
mapsTo(a, 1).
mapsTo(b, 2).

6 ?- lookup(a).

7 ?- update(b, 1000).
b updated

8 ?- revert.
b reverted

9 ?- commit.
Updates to commit:[ (a,99)]
New contents:[ (a,99), (c,4), (b,2)]

10 ?- listing.
mapsTo(a, 99).
mapsTo(c, 4).
mapsTo(b, 2).

Once you have your solution working, do the above demo and also do an interesting test session with it. Copy-and-paste both sessions into a file, dbtests.txt.

Question 2.

We will use Prolog to specify a backtracking parser and an interpreter for an assignment language. Here is the syntax of a simple, declaration-free assignment language:


P : Program
CL : CommandList           E : Expression
C : Command                I : Identifier
                           N : Numeral
P ::=  CL
CL ::=  C  |  C ; CL

C ::=  I = E  |  while E : CL end  |  print I
E ::=  N  |  I  | ( E1 + E2 )  |  ( E1 - E2 )

N ::=  strings of digits
I ::=  strings of lower-case letters

A Program is just a CommandList. There are no declarations (like in Python) --- this means a variable is added to the memory the first time it is assigned to. After that, the variable's value is updated in memory each time it is reassigned. The while-loop repeats its body as long as its test evaluates to an non-zero int. (It stops when the test evaluates to 0.)

Here are some example programs. To keep the parser simple, there must be one or more blanks between all words and symbols.

"x = 2".

" x = 2 ;  y = ( x + 1 ) ;  print x".

"x = 3 ; y = 0 ;  while x : x = ( x - 1 ) ; y = ( y + 2 ) ; print x  end".
The system asks for a program, splits it into words, parses it, evaluates it, and prints the final value of memory:

?- run.
Type program as a string followed by a period:
|: "x = 3 ; y = 0 ; while x : x = ( x - 1 ) ; y = ( y + 2 ) ; print x  end".

Scanned program: x = 3 ; y = 0 ; while x : x = ( x - 1 ) ; y = ( y + 2 ) ; print x end 

Parse tree: [assign([120],num(3)),assign([121],num(0)),while(iden([120]),[assign([120],sub(iden([120]),num(1))),assign([121],add(iden([121]),num(2))),print([120])])]

Final contents of memory
x == 0
y == 6


You will finish the system,, which is posted with this assignment sheet.

What's left for you to do

I've written a driver, parser, and interpreter that works with expressions. You must write the clauses that parse and evaluate Commands:

We will model "computer memory" as a collection of predicates, e.g., the result of these two assignments, z = 2; xy = ( z + z ), would be these clauses added to the interpreter:

mapsTo("xy", 4).
mapsTo("z", 2).
I inserted the details as comments in the file,


This is an individual exercise --- do your own work!

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