CIS505 Assignment 1

8 points; due Monday September 8

Use Python to finish an interpreter for the mini-command language in the Lecture Notes, Chapter 1, extended with if-commands, global declarations, and procedure calls. A sample program looks like this:


int x;
proc p: x = (x - 1) end;
x = 2;
while x : print x; call p end;
if (x + 1) : call p else print (x-9) end

Here is the execution of this program:
Type program; OK to do it on multiple lines; terminate with  !
  as the first symbol on a line by itself:

int x;
proc p: x = (x - 1) end;
x = 2;
while x : print x; call p end;
if (x + 1) : call p else print (x-9) end
Parse tree:
[[['int', 'x'], ['proc', 'p', [['=', 'x', ['-', 'x', '1']]]]], [['=', 'x', '2'], ['while', 'x', [['print', 'x'], ['call', 'p']]], ['if', ['+', 'x', '1'], [['call', 'p']], [['print', ['-', 'x', '9']]]]]]
final namespace = {'x': -1, 'p': [['=', 'x', ['-', 'x', '1']]]}
The program is parsed into its tree and interpreted, which causes the namespace (storage) to hold values for x and p. While the loop repeats, 2 and 1 are printed as x counts down to 0. The final value of the namespace is displayed.

Here the grammar of the language we implement:


             |  print EXPRESSION
             |  while EXPRESSION : COMMANDLIST end
             |  if EXPRESSION : COMMANDLIST else COMMANDLIST end
             |  call VAR
OPERATOR is  +  or  -
NUMERAL  is a sequence of digits from the set, {0,1,2,...,9}
VAR  is a string of lower-case letters, not a keyword

I have already modified the parser from Chapter 1 to build parse trees for this grammar.

Interpreter input format

The input to the interpreter you write is the list-represented tree constructed by the parser. The syntax of trees is this:


DLIST ::=  [ DTREE* ]
           where  DTREE*  means zero or more DTREEs
DTREE ::=  ["int", VAR]  |  ["proc", VAR, CLIST]
CLIST ::=  [ CTREE+ ]
           where  CTREE+  means one or more CTREEs
CTREE ::=  ["=", VAR, ETREE]  |  ["print", ETREE]  |  ["while", ETREE, CLIST]
        |  ["if", ETREE, CLIST, CLIST]  |  ["call", VAR]
           where  OP  is either "+" or "-"

Notice how the trees match the grammar constructions. Since the trees are nested lists, it is easy to disassemble them and compute on their parts.

Interpreter operation

You will extend the mini-command interpreter so that it processes the trees for if-commands, declarations, and procedure calls. Here are the semantic concepts you must implement:

IMPORTANT: You must revise the semantics of commands and expressions so that (i) a variable must be declared before it is referenced in an expression or command; (ii) only int variables may be used in arithmetic or assignments; (iii) only proc variables may be called. Othewise, it's an error that stops execution. When an error arises, the interpreter must print an appropriate message before stopping execution.

Implementation and testing

I have provided a folder that contains the drivers, scanner, modified parser, and interpreter for the mini-command language. You will find it on the CIS505 assignments page. The first thing you should do is download this folder, open it, and test it. To test it, you should either
  1. Double-click on the icon for run, or
  2. Open a command window and execute python
You should see a prompt that asks you to type a program. Try this:
Type program; OK to do it on multiple lines; terminate with  !
  as the first symbol on a line by itself:

x = 2; y = (x + 1); print y
Parse tree:
[[], [['=', 'x', '2'], ['=', 'y', ['+', 'x', '1']]]]
final namespace = {'y': 3, 'x': 2}
That is, the interpreter understands the mini-command language from Chapter 2.

Now, your job is to revise (and that file only --- no others!) to have if-commands, declarations, and procedures. Extend the interpreter in the standard "interpreter design pattern," that is, each form of parse tree has its own interpret function. So, you must modify interpretCTREE and add two new functions, interpretDLIST and interpretDTREE.

Remember to document the two new functions and modify the documentation of the other functions to match the extended language.

Important: Read the short explanation, Notes on lists and dictionaries, to learn how to implement procedures. (There are other links to Python documentation on the CIS505 home page.)

IMPORTANT: Python uses indentation to show the nesting of commands. You can indent using either spaces or tabs, but you cannot mix them. In my code, I used all spaces to do indentation. (If you mix leading tabs with leading spaces you will get strange syntax errors.) You are warned.

Write and test the interpreter in three stages:

  1. implement if-commands
  2. add int-declarations and modify accordingly the semantics of expressions and commands to operate correctly on int-variables
  3. add proc-declarations and procedure calls
There is a suite of test programs included in the folder with the prototype interpreter. Use at least these tests to check your implemetation. You should also devise addtional tests to see if the interpreter detects program errors and prints appropriate messages. Copy and paste all the test-cases-and-output into a file named tests.txt, which you will submit with your interpreter.

Submission and grading

Make a new folder, named YourFirstNameYourLastName1, and place in it your final version of and also tests.txt. Zip the folder into the .zip file,, and submit the .zip file to the CIS505 site on K-State Online. (The TAs are using software to download and unzip your submissions. If you do not use the naming convention,, your work will not be graded.)

The teaching assistants will study your work and your tests and apply some additional tests before scoring the submission.

Important: This assignment must be done by you, individually, so that you acquire some basic skills with scripting and dynamic data structures. It is certainly OK to discuss the assignment with the instructor, TAs, or your colleagues, but all the coding must be typed by you alone, and all the concepts in the coding must be stored in your head so that you can reproduce them on demand.