Copyright © 2010 David Schmidt

Chapter 4:
Control- and data-structure extensions

4.1 Data-structures
    4.1.1 Semantics of data structures
    4.1.2 Data-structure extension
4.2 Control-structures and extension
4.3 Combining control and data: Iterators
    4.3.1 Map, filter, and reduce
4.4 Summary

Once a language's characteristic domains and their operations are fixed, the language's computational abilities are largely decided. But there is now the matter of convenience --- how easy is it to organize data and to control the order of operations on it? A language should provide data structures and control structures to make it easy to program.

The purpose of this chapter is to introduce two language-extension principles for adding data structures and control structures to a core language.

4.1 Data-structures

A language should provide data structures, that is, ``containers'' that hold multiple values. Lists, arrays, record structs (structures), hash tables, stacks, trees, etc., are examples. A typical language provides one or a few such structures, and a programmer is expected to be expert at simulating other structures in terms of the built-in ones.

Data structures might appear within any of the language's characteristic domains. Consider an array, for example:

In Fortran-like languages, arrays are denotable (``declarable'') but not expressible and not storable. (Instead, you express and store the array's elements, one by one.) An object-oriented language might use an array as an expressible, denotable, and a storable value.

Any data structure must have operations for constructing a new instance, perhaps with starting elements, inserting values into it or updating the values already there, and extracting (indexing, referencing) the values within it. Insertion and extraction are often done with the aid of indexes or keys. Here are common techniques for indexing:

  1. numerical indexing, as used in arrays, e.g., a[2], which references the element in array a numbered by 2
  2. identifier (key) indexing, as used with structs and hash tables, e.g., table["horace"] or table.horace references the value indexed by string/name horace in table.
  3. structural indexing, as used with stacks and trees, e.g., or head(stack) use the operator names, top and head, to reference the front value in stack.

Here is a short list of commonly used data structures:

  1. array: a sequence of elements, indexed by nonnegative integers, updated by assignment using integer indexes. Often a fixed length and cannot grow. Often, all the elements must be of the same data structure, e.g., all ints or all chars or all int arrays. Standard examples of operations go
    int[] r = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11} // declaration and initialization merged
    print r[x + 1]             // reference
    r[x + 1] = r[x] + 1        // update
    Sometimes, the array is allowed to grow, e.g., r.append(13). There might be additional operations for searching, sorting, etc.

  2. list: a sequence of elements, indexed by head (front elements), tail (rest of the sequence), and assembled by cons (appends an element to the front of the list). Sometimes indexing by nonnegative ints is allowed. Often allowed to grow, with the use of an append operator. Also, the elements can be values and structures of different forms, e.g., a list that holds an int, a string, and another list.
    mylist = ["two", 3, [5,7]]        # initialization
    print head(mylist)                # prints  twp
    newlist = cons(2, tail(mylist))   # assembles [2,3,[5,7]]
    newlist.append(11)                # updates  newlist  to  [2,3,[5,7],11]
    There might also be operations for appending two lists or referencing a sublist, e.g., in Python, one can write
    flatlist = mylist[:2] + mylist[3]  # assembles  ["two",3] + [5,7] == ["two",3,5,7]

  3. struct: a finite set of elements, indexed by names, updated by assignment to its elements. A C-like example looks like this
    struct x: { int a;
                int[100] b;
              }             // the indexes for struct  x  are  a and b
    x.a = 11; 
    x.b[99] = x.a + 12;
    print x.b[99]           // prints  23
    The two declarations within x are called its fields. Once declared, a struct cannot grow in size.

  4. hash table: a struct that can grow in size, found in scripting languages like Perl and Python:
    hash = {"a": 11; "b": [2,3,5,7]}   # constructs and initializes the table
                                         # the keys are strings, "a" and "b"
    print hash["a"]      # prints 11 if "a" has an entry in  table,
                         # else it crashes
    if "c" in hash :     # the expression,  KEY in TABLE,  asks if KEY is present
        print hash["c"]
    hash["c"] = "abc"    # extends the table with an entry for key "c"
    hash["a"] = 0        # updates "a"'s entry
    Usually, there is no restriction on the value or structures placed within the hash table.

  5. immutable sequences: sequences of characters (``strings'') or numbers or other values. Can be indexed like an array but once created, their elements cannot be altered. Are used because they have a small representation in storage and can be shared (because once created, they never change). Come with a rich collection of operations for lookup, assembly, and sorting. An example:
    myname = "horace"
    yourname = "horace"   # the variables share (the location of) the string
    myname = myname[3:]   # myname gets (the location of) substring "ace"; 
                          # the string, "horace" rests unaltered in storage
    print yourname        # prints "horace"
    indexnum = yourname.find("ac")   # assigns 3 to  indexnum

  6. inductively defined structures, where grammar equations as used to define the data structure and its constructor operations. Here is an example binary-tree data structure, bintree, whose nodes and leaves hold ints, defined as one might in ML, Haskell, or Ocaml:
    datatype bintree = leaf of int  |  node of int * bintree * bintree
    val mytree = node(1, leaf(2), node(3, leaf(4), leaf(5)))
    fun printTree(t) =
        if  t is node(n,left,right):
            print n
       elif  t is leaf(m):
            print m
    printTree(mytree)   // prints  2 1 4 3 5
    Sometimes the grammar equation defines parameter patterns that can be used in function definitions, e.g.,
    fun printTree(leaf n) = print n
      | printTree(node(n, left, right) =
                printTree(left);  print n;  printTree(right)
    Inductively defined structures are usually immutable, that is, once constructed, they never change. If you want to ``change'' an immutable structure, you are stuck rebuilding a copy of the original structure where you insert the new value in place of the original. For example, here is a function that replaces all occurrences of integers at the leaves of a bintree by -1:
    fun eraseLeaves(t) =
        if  t is node(n,left,right):
            answer = node(n, eraseLeaves(left), eraseLeaves(right))
        elif  t is leaf(m):
            answer = leaf(-1)
        return answer
    mytree = eraseLeaves(mytree)
    Function eraseLeaves constructs a new bintree from the ints and structure embedded in the original mytree. The new tree is assigned to variable mytree. The original tree remains in heap storage but is orphaned --- it has no name. Later, a garbage collector program will examine heap storage and deallocate all orphaned objects, including this one.

4.1.1 Semantics of data structures

In an earlier chapter, we studied the interpreter-coded semantics of an imperative C-like language and the semantics of an object language. In the former, memory is a long sequence of cells. In the latter, a heap holds distinct objects.

Adding data structures to the memory used for C is a bother, because the data structure must be ``flattened'' into a long sequence of cells so that it matches the memory. For example, say that a C-like program declares and initializes these variables:

int x = 7;
int[4] y = [1,2,3,4];
int[2][3] z = [[00,01,02],[10,11,12]];
The interpreter configuration for the program would look like this:

Notice that the storage location associated with array y is 1, the address of the array's first element. Hence, an expression like y[x-4] computes to storage location 1 + (7-4) = 4. Array-indexing errors are detected only if the C-compiler inserts extra program instructions that explicitly check that x-4 >= 0 and x-4 < 4 for the bounds of array y. In a similar way, the matrix z is flattened into a sequence of two rows, each row owning three elements. If we add structs to this interpreter, the fields of the struct must also be flattened to fit memory, and the C-compiler must translate the field lookups into integer indexes.

In contrast, it is simple to add arrays to the interpreter for the object language --- an array is just an object. Here is a picture of the above three declarations as configured in an object interpreter:

Here, a linear array is a self-contained object, and a matrix is a linear array of handles to linear arrays.

Exercise:Extend one of the interpreters, either the one for C-like languages or the one for object languages, to process multidimensional arrays. Alternatively, add structs to either interpreter. (This will take some effort for the C-like interpreter.) Finally, if you have accomplished both steps, allow arrays to hold structs and structs to hold arrays.

4.1.2 Data-structure extension

What can one place in a data structure? Should there be restrictions? For example, an immutable string is a sequence of characters --- you build a string out of characters, not out of hash tables or trees. What about arrays? Can an array hold only ints or can it be an array of arrays?

When exploring the range of use of data structures, a language designer can exploit the data-structure extension principle:

Every kind of data structure may be used as elements for another kind of data structure; that is, data structures may be nested.
For example, if a language supports both arrays and hash-tables, then the data-structure extension principle states that the language should also support arrays of hash tables, arrays of arrays, hash tables that hold arrays and hash tables that hold hash tables. In this way, the full power of the data structures become available.

Here is a simple example: If we apply the data-structure extension principle, then we allow arrays to hold other arrays. We express this freedom in the grammar rule for Declarations for a C-like language:

D : Declaration
T : TypeStructure

D ::=  T I  |  D1 ; D2
T ::=  int  |  int*  |  T[N]  
The new syntax domain, TypeStructure, defines the types of data structures supported in the language. An array of array (a matrix) of pointers to ints would be declared like this:
int*[3][4] r
because int* is a type structure (the ``int pointers''), then so is int*[3], then so is int*[3][4]. Another example is int[3]** (a pointer to a pointer to an array of three ints) and int**[3} (what is it?).

Here is an example of an Algol/ Pascal-like language, where structs, arrays, integers, and pointer variables can be combined:

D : Declaration
T : TypeStructure

D ::=  var I : T  |  D1 ; D2
T ::=  int  |  array[N1..N2] of T |  struct D end  | ptrTo T
Perhaps you never considered this, but BNF rule clearly shows that a ``struct'' (record) defines a collection of variable declarations. For example,
var s : struct f: int; g: array[2..4] of int end
declares variables f and g, collected under the struct name, s. We access the variables by dot-notation, e.g.,
s.f = 2;  s.g[1] = s.f
We saw in the previous chapter that the semantics of a struct/object is a namespace. We will see in the next chapter that a module is also like a struct, in that its semantics is a namespace.

The BNF rule for declarations shows which data structures are denotable. We consult the BNF rule for expressions to see which data structures are expressible. Consider again ints, arrays, pointers, and structs: For example, 4 is an int-expression, and {2,3,5,7,11} is an int-array expression. How do you express a pointer to an int? Can you express a struct? Can you do this in C? In Python? (Python uses dictionaries rather than structs.)

Finally, you must look at the BNF rule for commands to see how data structures are stored into memory. (Look at the assignment construction as well as any writeData or writeFile instructions.) Warning: it is not always the case that every value that is expressible is also storable! (The syntax of assignment, L = E, can be a bit misleading --- you must study the semantics definition of assignment to learn if there are any restrictions on forms of E that can be assigned.)

4.2 Control-structures and extension

A language provides control structures for ordering or organizing multiple operations. For example, if a program contains two assignment commands, then a control structure orders the commands so that the order the commands perform is clear.

Common forms of control structures include

  1. sequencing, which makes one operation start and finish before another can commence
  2. choice, which chooses one operation from a collection; the choice can be made by evaluating one or more true-false conditions. If- and case-commands are examples.
  3. repetition, which performs an operation over and over until some completion condition is achieved. While, repeat, and for-loops are examples.
  4. parallel, which performs multiple operations at the same time.
  5. break, return, raise, or goto, which abandons the usual control and reset it to another point in the program's syntactic structure.

An important and often-neglected question is this: Which characteristic domains can be controlled? For example, it is common to have control structures that control computation on storable values, that is, control the order of commands that update storage and buffers (e.g., assignments, input/output).

But many languages let you control computation on expressible values (expressions). For example, in C, one can choose which value to assign to variable x's location like this:

x = b ? e1 : e2
where b is the condition whose value determines whether e1's or e2's value is assigned to x. In Python, there is also a conditional expression that looks like this:
x = e1 if b else e2
where e1 is the ``usual value'' assigned to x and e2 is the ``exceptional'' (rarely used) value.

Although we do not consciously think of it, there is usually a control structure that orders how functions, modules, variables, etc., are declared. This can be important for determining, say, the order in which one module imports other modules in a large system. If a language has control structures, there is the Control-structure extension principle:

Every syntactic domain may be extended by control structures.
For example, say that the domain of commands looks like this:
C ::=  L = E  |  C1 ; C2  |  if E { C1 } else { C2 }  |  while E { C }  |  print E
There are three control structures here: sequencing, C1;C2, conditional, if, and repetition, while. We can extract these and consider the structure of control:
K ::=  P  |  K1 ; K2  |  if E { K1 } else { K2 }  |  while E { K }
where P represents the operations of the underlying syntax domain (e.g., assignment and print in the above example). But we might also add control to, say, expressions or declarations. Consider declarations with control structure:

D ::=  T I  |  D1 ; D2  |  if E { D1 } else { D2 }  |  while E { D }

Are these sensible? Yes --- it makes perfect sense to sequence one declaration before another, so that the second might reference the structures defined in the first (D1;D2). Also, based on some starting input values, perhaps a programmer might choose to declare data structures appropriate to the input values, and conditional control would be used. (This is useful to macroprogramming and generative programming.) Finally, iteration might be used to declare a family of related data structures.

Although it is not realistic to demand all control structures for all syntax domains of a language, a language user should search their chosen language to see which control structures are available and a language designer should carefully consider inserting such structures at the various levels of the language.

4.3 Combining control and data: Iterators

As noted at the beginning of this chapter, each form of data structure comes with operations for construction, retrieval, and updating. Now that we have examined both data and control structures, we note that a data structure often comes with control structures for examining and processing all its elements.

For example, we know that an element of an array can be referenced with an integer index (e.g, print r[3]) and can be updated by means of an index with an assignment (e.g., r[3] = 99.) But it is also standard to process all the elements of an array with a loop. For this reason, an array might come with its own form of loop for processing its elements.

A first form of loop customized to arrays was Fortran's for-loop, which enumerated an array's indexes, 1, 2,..., while processing the array's elements:

for i = 1 to n by i = i + 1 :
    r[i] = r[i] * 2
This example doubles all the values in integer array r. (Fortran array indexes start counting at 1: 1,2,3,....) The loop's header line initializes, increments, and tests for termination an index variable. The Pascal and C languages also use this form of loop.

Data structures are collections, and a standard way to process a collection is to examine its elements one at a time. If the order in which one examines the elements does not matter, then one might use an iterator control structure to process the data structure. Iterators work well with sequences like arrays, lists, stacks, and queues. A foreach loop is an example of an iterator that lets you simply examine all the elements of a sequence.

Here is an example in Python of using a foreach iterator to find the largest integer in a structure. (Say that r is an array or stack or list holding nonnegative ints.)

max = -1
for element in r :  # in Python, 'foreach' is spelled just 'for'
   if element > max :
       max = element
print max
The foreach iterator in C# works the same.

Some languages (Ocaml, Python, Miranda) embed the iterator directly into a representation of the data structure, so that you can simultaneouly examine the elements of one data structure and build a second structure with the results. For example, say that vec is a list/array of ints and we wish to construct a new list, vec, that holds the integers squares. We could write this:

vec = [2, 4, 6]
vec2 = [x*x  for x in vec]   # sets  vec2  to  [4,16,36]
This is the same as
vec2 = []
for x in vec :
which is the same as
for i = 0 to len(vec)-1 by i = i + 1 :
    x = vec[i]

It is also possible to add a side condition, e.g., we wish to retain only the squares of the odd-valued ints:

vec2 = [ x*x  for x in vec  if x % 2 == 1 ]
that is,
vec2 = []
for x in vec :
    if x % 2 == 1 :
These examples are sometimes called (list) comprehensions

4.3.1 Map, filter, and reduce

The iterator control structure (foreach) lets us examine the elements of a data structure without listing explicitly all its indexes/keys. The previous examples showed us combined data/control structures, where iteration is combined with computation.

The origin of combined control/data structures like comprehensions follow from some basic principles:

Most of the work we do with data structures can be understood with the concepts of map, filter, and reduce.

One more time, we consider lists (arrays): For array r and an operation, f, that computes elements of r, a map structure might look like this:

map(f, r)
We might use it like this:
answer = map(f,r)
and its behavior would be understood like this:
answer = []
for i = 1 to n by i = i + 1 :
    answer[i] = f(r[i])
You can see how this leads to the comprehension-style representation: answer = [f(e) for e in r] and you can see how there is a set-like intuition to this: answer = { f(e) | e in r }.

If map was defined to be an in-place update, we would say map(f,r), and its semantics would be

for i = 1 to n by i = i + 1 :
    f[i] = f(r[i])

Next, the filter operation selects elements that satisfy a boolean condition coded by a function, f, that maps an element to a boolean. filter(f,r) computes like this:

answer = []
for i = 1 to n by i = i + 1 :
    if f(r[i]) :
        answer = answer + [r[i]]
return answer
This can be written in the set-like comprehension style, like this: [ e for e in r if f(e) ]. In this style, you can also see why map(g, filter(f, r)) is written as [ g(e) for e in r if f(e) ].

Finally, a reduce operation is useful, for say, adding up all the integers in an int array or for selecting the largest element in an array. The format of a reduce operation is reduce(f, r, start), such that the operation goes like this:

answer = start
for i = 1 to n by i = i + 1 :
    answer = f(answer, r[i])
return answer
For example, if we have
def larger(x,y):
    if y > x : return y
    else : return x
Then we select the largest element of array r of nonnegative ints like this:
max = reduce(larger, r, -1)
If the starting value (here, -1) is not clearcut, there is a simplified version of reduce that omits it but then demands that the data structure, r, possess at least one element, which is used as the starting value for the reduction.

4.4 Summary

A core language is almost always extended by data structures and control structures. There are two principles for extension:
  1. Data-structure extension principle: Every kind of data structure may be used as elements for another kind of data structure; that is, data structures may be nested.
  2. Control-structure extension principle: Every syntactic domain may be extended by control structures.
Since a data structure holds a collection of elements, we also employ iterator-like operators that systematically let us examine and process the elements of a data structure. The iterators are based on the map, filter, reduce principles of data-structure computation.