Exercise for Lecture 12: Remote Proxy Download the Exercise, unzip, and study the class diagrams. They show the architecture of an ATM assembly that connects to a bank's remote database and its accounts via RPCs. The ATM already uses a remote-proxy object for the database object. Rebuild and run the VS Solution. It's slow, because the database-remote-proxy uses RPCs for every request --- login, logout, balance check, and withdrawal. Improve the ATM by altering the database-remote-proxy (class RProxy) so that, on login, it constructs a remote-proxy object for Account, so that balance checks and withdrawals are processed locally in the ATM assembly. Your system will look like the third (last) class diagram in Section 12.1 of Lecture 12. 1. read method Main in class Program. study the methods login and logout in class RProxy. study methods loginRemote and logoutRemote in class AccountDB. 2. alter class RProxy ONLY: (i) rewrite method login to call remoteDatabase.loginRemote and to construct new Account(id, ...), the remote proxy for the Account (ii) change method logout to call remoteDatabase.logoutRemote YOU WILL CHANGE ONLY 6-8 LINES OF CODE. 3. zip your solution and upload it to KState Online.