Second Exercise for Lecture 05: Using Delegates 0. Download and unzip Lecture05VS. Study and demo DealCardsNaive. Open Lecture05.ncp and look at Diagram Naive (double-click on its name) 1. Study and demo DealCardsWithController. Study Diagram Controller. DO THIS: Add the missing arrows to the Diagram so that it matches the code --- Get it exactly correct! 2. Study Diagram Delegate --- notice delegate EventHandler. Study DealCardsWithControllerDelegate. (It's not quite finished.) DO THIS: (i) Insert all missing associations in Diagram Delegate. (ii) *Without changing the code I gave you* in DealCardsWithControllerDelegate: finish the Main method in Program.cs and code method button1_Click so that the application matches the class diagram and executes correctly. When you finish 1 and 2(i)(ii), signal Pavel or me. ====================== Solution: For (1), there should be ordinary arrows from Form1 to GameController and Hand, labelled with the correct field multiplicities. There should also be ordinary arrows from GameController to Deck and Hand, labelled with multiplities For (2i), there are dashed arrows from GameController and Form1 to EventHandler. There are also ordinary arrows from GameController to Deck and Hand For (2ii), Application.Run(new Form1(c.addCard)); private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { c = c + 1; label1.Text = f(c); }