Solutions for Session 1

  1. ?- book(ISBN,_,_).
  2. ?- book(ISBN,Title,_),hates(Person,ISBN),author(Person,ISBN).
    Notice that this shows the bindings to the variables Person and ISBN as well. If we want to 'hide' those, we can define a new predicate and query that predicate:
    ?- hated_book(Title).
  3. ?- author(Person,ISBN),book(ISBN,Title,_),write('The book '),write(Title),write(' is written by '),write(Person).
    Notice that if you want to hide the variable-bindings here by introducing a new predicate (as in exercise 2)
    	write('The book '),
    	write(' is written by '),
    prolog will only print 'Yes' when you ask the query ?- print_info.. Why? Since there are no variables in the query, prolog does not have to show you all possible bindings. You ask prolog: 'can you print info?' and since it can do this once it ansers 'Yes'. So it is not possible to hide the variable-bindings here.
  4. proud_author(Person):-
  5. This is not possible with what you've learned so far!! Everything you did processes individual books, one at a time. But to count the number of books, you would have to consider 'all' books at the same time. This is not possible until we will see meta-predicates such as findall/3.
  6. The most important difference between 'books' and 'books in a library' is that often a library has more than one copy of a specific book. In other words, the difference between a book (the result of intellectual work, which is unique) and a copy/print of a book (which is usually not unique) becomes important. One possible representation is to extend the book/3 predicate with an extra argument: a copy-number. A library with two copies of The art of Prolog will then look like this:
    book(1,'The art of Prolog',400,1).
    book(1,'The art of Prolog',400,2).
    As you already see from this, the danger is the introduction of redundancy, with all the problems it may cause (extra work to add data and correct data, chances of introducing inconsistency, extra storage space,...).
    An alternative, cleaner representation is obtained by introducing a new predicate bookcopy/2. We then represent the same knowledge as follows:
    book(1,'The art of Prolog',400).
    This nicely seperates the concept of a book from the concept of a copy/print of the book. This eliminates the redundancy, so this is clearly the prefered representation.
  7. For Dutch it would look as follows: