Exercises for Chapter 5, Part 2

10 points. Due Friday, March 16
The answers to Questions 1-4 should be prepared as .ndp files, as you did in the previous assignment, and verified with the checker tool.

The answer to Question 5 should be typed as a .txt (text) file. (You do not use any checker tool to validate it.)

Place your answers in a zipped folder and submit to K-State Online.

Questions 1 to 4: Use the checker tool to prove these claims:

1. p -> q, ~q |− ~p
   (Hint: use ~i and ~e)

2. q -> r, p -> ~r |− p -> ~q

3. p -> q, ~q |− p -> r
   (Hint: use ~e and ⊥e)

4. (~q) -> (~p) |− p -> q
   (Hint: use Pbc)

Question 5. (Please read to the end to see your exercise.)

Compilers do data-type checking with propositional logic. Here's how: Say we have this mini-programming language, with int and array variables, assignments, and baby functions. Here is a sample program in the language:

new int x;      # allocates one cell and names it  x
new int[4] r;   # allocates an array of 4 cells, names it  r
x = 0;
def f(int a) : return a + 1 end;   # defines function  f
r[x+1] = 1;        # assigns to a cell of  r
x = f(x)           # calls  f  and assigns result to  x
Here is the language's grammar; it lists all the legal syntax combinations:

                # that is, one or more COMMANDs
          |  new TYPE [ NUM ] VAR
          |  def VAR ( TYPE  VAR ) return EXPR end
          |  VAR = EXPR
          |  VAR [ EXPR ] = EXPR

EXPR ::=  NUM  |  VAR  |  EXPR + EXPR  |  VAR [ EXPR ]  |  VAR ( EXPR )

NUM  is a sequence of digits from the set, {0,1,2,...,9}.
VAR  is a string beginning with a letter,
       but not 'new', 'int', 'array', 'def', 'return', or 'end'.

TYPE ::=  int  |  TYPE-array  |  TYPE1 -> TYPE2


Now, think about C# or Java. These languages look a bit like the one above. The C# and Java compilers use a type checker to detect in advance some programming errors (the "type errors"). If the type checker determines that a program contains an error, the program is not translated into an .exe or bytecode file.

The type checker is actually a theorem-prover program for a propositional logic of data types. In the above program, variable x has type int (we write x: int), variable r has type int-array, and function f has type int -> int.

Here are the deduction laws for the above language, which prove propositions of the form, program-phrase: data-type. (Read program-phrase: data-type as saying, ``program-phrase has type data-type''.)


decvar: -------------- v  is a new    decarray: ---------------------  v  is a new
        new A v: A      var name                 new A[n] v: A-array     var name

      | v2: A    assumption
      |   ...
      | e: B
def: ------------------------------- v1 and v2 are new var names
      def v1(A v2) return e: A —> B

      def v1(A v2) return e: A —> B     e2: A
call: ----------------------------------------------------
                  v1(e2): B

            v: A   e: A  
assign: ------------------
              v = e: A  

                           e1: int    e2: int    
num: -----------     add: ---------------------
       n: int               e1 + e2: int 

          new A v: A                new A[n] v: A-array   e: int
ref: ------------------   arrayref: -------------------------------------
           v: A                          v: A-array

         v: A-array    e: int
index: ---------------------
             v[e]: A

A compiler uses the deduction rules to prove that a program is well-typed. Here is the proof that the example program is well-typed:
1. new int x: int                decvar

2. new int[4] r: int-array       decarray

3. x: int                        ref 1
4. 0: int                        num
5. x = 0: int                    assign 3, 4

|  6.  a: int            assumption
|  7.  1: int            num
|  8.  a + 1: int        add 6,7
9. def f(int a) : return a+1 end: int -> int   def 6-8

10.  1: int                                    num
11.  x+1:  int                                 add 3,10
12.  r: int-array                              arrayref 2
13.  r[x+1]: int                               index 12, 11
14.  r[x+1] = 1                                assign 13, 10

15.  f(x): int                                 call 9,3
16.  x = f(x): int                             assign 3, 15
This is how type checking works.

Here is your exercise: Write a proof in the above style that shows this program is well-typed:

new int a;
a = 2;

new int[9] b;
b[a + a] = a;

def g(int-array c) return c[4] end;

a = g(b)