Exercises for Chapter 3

15 points. Due Friday, September 18
For each of the problems that follow, please check your work with the CIS301 proof checker, using the checker's v (verbose) option. When you submit your work, please make a folder and place in it the file of your original solution and the html file generated from it by the checker. Then, zip the folder and submit the zipped folder to the CIS301 page at K-State online.

Bring your work with you to class on the 18th, so that we can review it on the board.

1. Assume that this function is already proved to satisfy its specification. (The checker will prove the correctness of succ on its own.) Write the proof that the function is called correctly:

# Q1.py
def succ(x) :
    """{ pre  x > 1
         post y > x
         return y
    y = x + x
    return y

a = readInt()
assert a > 0
# PROVE HERE that  a + 1 > 1
b = succ(a + 1)
# PROVE HERE that   b > a  and  a > 0

2. Write the missing code and its correctness proof for this specification:

# Q2.py
def max(x, y, z) :
    """{ pre  True
         post  (ans >= x  and  ans >= y)  and ans >= z
         return ans  


    # PROVE HERE that   (ans >= x  and  ans >= y)  and ans >= z
    return ans

3. Prove that this function meets its postcondition and preserves the global invariants. Then, prove that the subsequent call is legal and leads to the final correctness property:

# Q3.py
time = 88
"""{ 1. time == 88   premise
     2. time > 0     algebra 1
# Now, we assert the global invariant on  time:
"""{ globalinv  time > 0 }"""
# And for  bonus:
bonus = 2
"""{ globalinv bonus > 0 }"""

def tick(howmany) :
    """{ pre   howmany > 0
         post  ans > 0  and  ans + howmany == time - bonus
         return ans
    global time, bonus
    ans = time
    time = time + (howmany + bonus)
    # PROVE:  (ans > 0 and  ans + howmany == time - bonus)  and  (time > 0  and bonus > 0)
    return ans

# Now, we can call the function:
oldtime = tick(2)
# PROVE HERE that  time > oldtime

4. Here is a module that models the movement of an object along a diagonal. Prove the module's data-structure invariant and the correctness of its move method:

# Q4.py
### module SpritePosition maintains the position of a sprite on a grid.
range = readInt()   # the total range of movement of the sprite on the grid
assert range > 99
xpos = 80           # the x-position of the sprite on the grid
ypos = range - 80   # the y-position of the sprite on the grid

# PROVE HERE that  xpos + ypos == range  and also  xpos > 0

"""{ globalinv  xpos + ypos == range
     globalinv  xpos > 0 }"""           

# The checker will automatically verify the postconditions and invariants for these
# two methods, because they are so simple:
def getX() :
    """{ pre  True
         post ans == xpos
         return ans
    global xpos, ypos, range
    ans = xpos 
    return ans

def getY() :
    """{ pre  True
         post ans == ypos
         return ans
    global ypos, ypos, range
    ans = ypos 
    return ans

# You must prove this one:
def move(increment) :
    """{ pre increment < xpos  and  increment > 0
         post ypos > ypos_in  # note: as the Lecture notes explained,
                              # ypos_in  is the value of  ypos  when
                              # the function was entered. 
    global xpos, ypos
    xpos = xpos - increment
    ypos = ypos + increment
    # REPROVE HERE the two globalinvs and PROVE the postcondition

5. Finish the correctness proof of this recursively defined function:

# Q5.py
# exp(n) defines exponentiation of 2, e.g.,  exp(3) == 2^3 == 2 * 2 * 2 == 8

"""{ def exp(0) == 1
     def exp(n) == exp(n-1) * 2  }"""

def pow(n) :   # computes 2^n
    """{ pre  n >= 0
         post  ans == exp(n)
         return ans  }"""
    if n == 0 :
        ans = 1
        # PROVE HERE that  ans == exp(n)
    else :
        ans = pow(n-1)
        ans = ans + ans
        # PROVE HERE that  ans == exp(n)
    return ans