CIS300 Spring 2005


After the array, perhaps the most important data structure is the stack. A stack structure restricts dramatically how elements are inserted, retrieved, and removed: The most recently inserted element in the stack is the only one that can be retrieved or removed. (Thus, if you wish to retrieve an element inserted long ago, you must first remove all the elements that were inserted after the desired one.) This strategy of removal and retrieval is sometimes called, ``last in, first out.''

A good real-life example of a stack is the pile of dinner plates that you encounter when you eat at the local cafeteria: When you remove a plate from the pile, you take the plate on the top of the pile. But this is exactly the plate that was added (``inserted'') most recently to the pile by the dishwasher. If you want the plate at the bottom of the pile, you must remove all the plates on top of it to reach it. Another, sadder, example of a stack is the slogan, ``last hired, first fired,'' which is typically utilized when a company reduces its work force.

Many computer algorithms work best with stacks --- stacks are used for

  1. remembering partially completed tasks, and
  2. undoing (backtracking from) an action.
An example of 1. is described in the next section, where subexpressions of an arithmetic expression are remembered for later computation. Another example is presented in the next lecture, where we see how the Java Virtual Machine uses a stack to remember all of a program's methods that have been called but are not yet finished.

An example of 2. is the ``undo'' button on most text editors, which lets a person undo a typing error, or the ``back'' button on a web browser, which lets a user backtrack to a previous web page. Another example is a searching algorithm, which searches a maze and keeps a history of its moves in a stack. If the algorithm makes a false (bad) move, the move can be undone by retrieving the previous position from the stack.

Example: Arithmetic expression evaluation

We begin with a famous example that uses a stack to remember partially completed computational tasks: Evaluating an arithmetic expression written in postfix notation (``Lukasiewicz notation'').

Postfix notation is an parenthesis-free way of writing arithmetic expressions, where one places the operator symbol after the operator's two operands. For example, the addition of 3 to 2 is written 3 2 +, and the multiplication of the result by 4 is written 3 2 + 4 *. Remarkably, parentheses are never needed. An example like

((3 + 2) * 4) / (5 - 1)
is written
3 2 + 4 * 5 1 - /
To see why parentheses are unnecessary, let's manually compute the expression:
3 2 + 4 * 5 1 - /
=>   5 4 * 5 1 - /
=>  20 5 1 - /
=>  20 4 /
=> 5
We see that an operator evaluates with the two operands that immediately precede it. This explains why the division operator is written last in the original expression, because the division is performed only after all the other subexpressions are evaluated.

Postfix arithmetic is more than an interesting oddity --- it is the standard format for writing arithmetic expressions that must be executed by a CPU. Recall that the CPU's arithmetic-logic unit works with the CPU's registers to do arithmetic. A CPU cannot compute the result of the expression, ((3 + 2) * 4) / (5 - 1), but it can compute the result of 3 2 + 4 * 5 1 - /, because the operands and operators are now arranged in the correct order for loading numbers into registers and doing the operations. Here is an assembly code sequence that tells the CPU how to compute the postfix expression:

loadconst R1 3   // load Register 1 with constant 3
loadconst R2 2   // load Register 2 with constant 2
add R2 R1        // add Register 1 to Register 2
loadconst R1 4   // etc.
multiply  R2 R1
loadconst R1 5
loadconst R3 1
subtract R1 R3
divide R2 R1
The register names, R1, R2, R3, are a bit distracting --- notice the pattern hidden in the instructions (erase the register names):
loadconst 3
loadconst 2
loadconst 4
loadconst 5
loadconst 1
It is exactly the postfix expression! Indeed, the simplified version of the assembly code is called stack code or byte code, and it is in fact the format of code embedded in the .class files constructed by the Java compiler.

The Java compiler translates programs into posfix notation

Because postfix format is ideal for computation with a CPU, the Java compiler not only checks the grammar of your Java program, it also translates the program into postfix format --- even the assignments, conditionals, and loops are reformatted into postfix format. If you write a program like this:

x = x + 1;
if ( x > 2 ) 
   { y = 2 * ( x - 3 ); }
the Java compiler produces the postfix-reformatted version:
x 1 + =x ; 
x 2 > if
    2 x 3 - * =y ;
and then writes the byte code (stack code) for the postfix version into the program's .class file:
load x
loadconst 1
storeinto x
load x
loadconst 2
test_and_jump_if_false_to LabelA
loadconst 2
load x
loadconst 3
storeinto y
LabelA: ...

The example leaves us with two fundamental questions:

Both questions are answered with the assistance of the stack data structure.

The Java Virtual Machine uses a stack

A stack is the ideal data structure for evaluating an arithmetic expression written in postfix notation.

Recall again that the postfix version of ((3 + 2) * 4) / (5 - 1) is

3 2 + 4 * 5 1 - /
Figure 2 illustrates how we might use a stack to compute the result of this expression --- the stack holds the results of subexpressions that are awaiting further computation.

In the Figure below, the stack is drawn as if it were a stack of dinner plates---it grows vertically. The arithmetic expression shrinks horizontally as it is read and computed.

FIGURE 2: postfix expression evaluation with a stack data structure========

 Stack    Expression

|   |
 ---        3 2 + 4 * 5 1 - /

| 3 |       2 + 4 * 5 1 - /

| 2 |      
| 3 |       + 4 * 5 1 - /

| 5 |       4 * 5 1 - /

| 4 |
| 5 |       * 5 1 - /

| 20|       5 1 - /

| 5 |
| 20|       1 - /

| 1 |
| 5 |
| 20|       - /

| 4 |
| 20|       /

| 5 |      (finished)

The symbols of the input expression are read, one by one; numerals are inserted onto the ``top'' of the stack; and operators retrieve the top two numerals from the stack, perform the operation, and insert the result onto the stack.

This is simple and mechanical, and it is easy to write a computer algorithm that does the steps:

begin with an empty stack and an input stream.
while there is more input to read, do:
   read the next input symbol;
   if it's a numeral, 
      then push it onto the stack;
   if it's an operator
      then pop two numerals from the stack;
           perform the operation on the numerals;
	   push the result;
end while;
// the answer of the expression is waiting for you in the stack:
pop the answer;

Indeed, the algorithm sketched above forms the heart of the Java Virtual Machine, which ``reads'' and ``executes'' your Java program.

Recall that the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is itself a computer program, whose job is to read byte code and do the instructions. As we saw in the previous section, both Java statements as well as expressions are translated by the Java compiler into byte code. The JVM reads the byte code instructions, and uses a stack, just like the one we used in the arithmetic example, to compute the results of arithmetic expressions. The stack is sometimes called the temporary-value stack, because the subresults of arithmetic expressions are ``temporary'' and the final result is popped and stored into some variable's storage cell.

The algorithm for the JVM looks something like this:

begin with an empty stack and the byte code.
while there is more byte code to read, do:
   read the next byte-code instruction;
      if it's  loadconst n,
            then push n onto the stack;
      if it's  load x,
            then look up x's value in storage and push it onto the stack;
      if it's an operator
	    then pop two numerals from the stack;
	    perform the operation on the numerals;
	    push the result;
      if it's  store x,
            then pop a numeral and store it in x's cell in storage;
      if it's  test_and_jump_if_false_to LabelL
            then  pop the stack and see if the value is false (0);
	          if it is, reset the JVM's instruction counter to  LabelL
       ... etc. ...
   end while;
This algorithm is written in machine code, and it is read and executed by the CPU. So, the CPU executes the JVM, which reads and executes byte code. It all works well because of a stack!

Writing one's own stack

Table 3 specifies the methods one needs for a stack.
TABLE 3: specification of a stack========================================
Stack collection of objects such that the most recently inserted object is the only one that can be retrieved or removed.
push(Object v) inserts v ``onto'' the stack
pop(): Object removes from the stack the most recently inserted element (of the ones contained in the structure) and returns it. If the stack has no elements, an exception is thrown
top(): Object retrieves the most recently inserted element (of the ones contained in the structure) and returns it. The object is not removed from the stack. If the stack has no elements, an exception is thrown
isEmpty(): boolean returns whether the stack holds any elements
The names, push, pop, and top are traditional; isEmpty is the stack's ``length'' operation.

A stack can be implemented in various ways; we start with Figure 4, which uses an array, s, to collect the stack's elements. An extra variable, top, is used to remember which array element contains the most recently inserted object.

FIGURE 4: array-based implementation of stack============================

/** Stack0 models a stack data structure  */
public class Stack0
{ private int INITIAL_SIZE = 5;
  private int top;     // how many elements in the stack
  private Object[] s;  // the stack
         // invariants: elements on stack are  s[top-1] s[top-2] ... s[0]
         //             top  is always in range  0 .. s.length-1

  /** Constructor  Stack0  creates a stack. */
  public Stack0()
  { s = new Object[INITIAL_SIZE]; 
    top = 0; 

  /** push  inserts a new element onto the stack
    * @param ob - the element to be added */
  public void push(Object ob)
  { if ( top == s.length )
         { // array is full---create a new one to hold more objects:
           Object[] temp = new Object[s.length * 2];
           for ( int j = 0;  j != top;  j = j+1 )
               { temp[j] = s[j]; }  // copy elements into  temp
           s = temp;   // set  s  to hold address of  temp
    s[top] = ob;
    top = top + 1;

  /** pop  removes the most recently added element
    * @return the element removed from the stack
    * @exception RuntimeException if stack is empty */
  public Object pop()
  { if ( top == 0 )
       { throw new RuntimeException("Stack error: stack empty"); }
    top = top - 1;
    return s[top];

  /** top  returns the identity of the most recently added element
    * @return the element
    * @exception RuntimeException if stack is empty */
  public Object top()
  { if ( top == 0 )
       { throw new RuntimeException("Stack error: stack empty"); }
    return s[top - 1];

  /** isEmpty  states whether the stack has 0 elements.
    * @return whether the stack has no elements  */
  public boolean isEmpty()
  { return ( top == 0 ); }


If we create a stack, operands, from Figure 4 to perform the computation in Figure 2, the eighth configuration in that Figure would look like this in computer storage:

Stack0 operands ==| a1 |
 a1 : Stack0
 --------------        ---
 | int INITIAL_SIZE ==| 5 |
 |            ---      ---
 | int top ==| 3 |
 |            -------
 | Object[] s ==| a2 |
 |               ----
 |  ...

  a2 : Object[5]
 |    0    1    2     3      4   
 |  -----------------------------
 | | a7 | a8 | a9 | null | null |
 |  -----------------------------

  a7 : Integer         a8: Integer           a9: Integer
 ---------------      --------------        --------------
 | (holds 20)         | (holds 5)           | (holds 1)
That is, array s holds the addresses of three Integer objects, and top remembers that the stack holds three objects. (Review the section, ``class Object and Wrappers,'' in Chapter 9 to learn why the integers, 20, 5, and 1, must be embedded into Integer objects before they are inserted into the stack.)

The next step in Figure 2 removes two objects from the stack (using pop twice), does a subtraction, and inserts a 4 (using push). The resulting configuration looks like this:

Stack0 operands ==| a1 |
 a1 : Stack0
 --------------        ---
 | int INITIAL_SIZE ==| 5 |
 |            ---      ---
 | int top ==| 2 |
 |            -------
 | Object[] s ==| a2 |
 |               ----
 |  ...

  a2 : Object[5]
 |    0    1     2     3      4
 |  -----------------------------
 | | a7 | a10 | a9 | null | null |
 |  -----------------------------

  a7 : Integer         a8 : Integer          a9 : Integer      a10 : Integer
 ---------------      --------------        --------------    --------------
 | (holds 20)         | (holds 5)           | (holds 1)       | (holds 4)
Because the value of top correctly marks the top of the stack, there is no need to erase the value in element 2 of the array---this value will never again be used and will be overwritten if a push is executed next.

The Java Compiler Uses a Stack

A stack is the key data structure for translating a program into postfix format (and then, into byte code).

To keep it simple, think about how we might translate an infix arithmetic expression, like ((3 + 2) * 4) / (5 - 1) , into 3 2 + 4 * 5 1 - /. This time, the stack holds operator symbols (rather than the operands); the algorithm goes like this:

begin with an empty stack and an input stream.
while there is more input, do:
  read the next input symbol;
  if it's a numeral, 
     then print it to the output filestream;
  if it's an operator,
     then push it onto the stack;
  if it's a '(',
     then discard it;
  if it's a ')',     // marks the end of an expression!
     then pop an operator from the stack and print it
end while;
As an exercise, use the algorithm to translate ((3 + 2) * 4) / (5 - 1) .

You can see from the algorithm that the parentheses (especially the right one) plays a critical role in directing stack pops and translation. This is not an accident --- stacks are used to translate so-called bracket languages, and both arithmetic and Java are examples of bracket languages.

It is not an accident that Java makes you insert all those tedious { and } symbols and punctuation like ; and keywords like class and while. These are brackets that the Java compiler uses to disassemble a Java program and rebuild it in postfix form!

As an exercise, you should try to modify the above algorithm so that it can translate a baby-Java language of arithmetic, assignments, and while-loops into postfix format. If you can do this, you are very close to writing your own Java compiler.

Exhaustive Search

Stacks are also used to remember the paths that one travels when one ``searches'' through a graph, network, or tree. Here is a simple example: Say that you must list all four-letter word permutations of the letters, 'a', 'b', 'c' and 'd'. To think of the solution systematically, you might draw a ``tree,'' whose paths show the choices for a word's first letter, second letter, and so on. A sketch of the tree appears in Figure 5.

FIGURE 5: search tree for permutations of "abcd"===========================

                                              "" (empty string)
                                /                   /           \           \

First letter:                a                      b             c           d
                     /       |      \             / | \         / | \        /|\
                    /        |       \           /  |  \
Second letter:     b         c        d        a   c   d        ...         ...
                  / \       / \      / \      / \ / \ / \
                 /   \     /   \    /   \
Third letter:    c   d     b   d    b   c         ...           ...         ...
                 |   |     |   |    |   |
(Last letter:)   d   c     d   b    c   b         ...           ...         ...


Such a tree is sometimes called a search tree, and the paths through the tree are called the search space. (Think about an adventure game where you must open the doors, a, b, c, and d, and the order in which you open the doors affects the outcome of the game. The smartest way for a computer to play the game is to study all possible sequences of moves before making its first move. The computer would generate the search tree seen above.)

To ``search'' the tree for all four-letter permutations, you follow the paths from the tree's top (its root) to its end points (it's leaves).

At the top of the tree, you select one of the four paths to reach a word's first letter; say that you select the leftmost path, choosing a. This gives you three possible paths to the second letter, and so on. Of course, to generate all permuations, you must traverse all the paths of the tree. Traversal of all paths is simply done with a stack---as one path is traversed, the stack remembers the paths that must be explored later.

Figure 6 illustrates the traversal process, where the stack is drawn on its side, its ``top'' positioned to the right.

FIGURE 6: tree traversal that generates permutations=====================

Stack contents        Tree traveral steps
--------------        ------------------------

""                      Start with a stack that holds the empty string.

(empty)                 Pop stack.  The valued popped, "", represents the
                        position at the top of the tree.  Next,
                        extend string, "",  by  a, b, c, d,  and push the
                        resulting four strings:
"d" "c" "b" "a"       

                        Pop stack.  Value  "a"  represents the  a-position in
"d" "c" "b"             the tree.  Extend "a"  with  b, c, d, and push:

"d" "c" "b" "ad" "ac" "ab"

                        Pop stack, extend "ab" by c and d, and push:

"d" "c" "b" "ad" "ac" "abd" abc"

                        Pop stack, and extend "abc" by d, and push:

"d" "c" "b" "ad" "ac" "abd" abcd"

                        Pop stack.  The value popped, "abcd", is a completed
                        string, so output it.

"d" "c" "b" "ad" "ac" "abd"
                        Pop stack, and extend "abd" by c, and push:

"d" "c" "b" "ad" "ac" "abdc"

                        Pop stack.  The value popped, "abdc", is a completed
                        string, so output it.

"d" "c" "b" "ad" 
                        Pop stack, extend "ac" by b and d, and push:

"d" "c" "b" "ad" "acd" "acb"


The Figure shows that the search traverses the paths of the tree from left-to-right, completely to the end points (``leaves''). This form of traversal is called depth-first search because it descends to the ``depths'' of the tree as quickly as possible. A stack naturally supports depth-first search.

Search trees like the one in Figure 5 are used to represent choices of possible moves in a computer game; a computer ``player'' of say, tic-tac-toe (noughts and crosses), can use such a tree to systematically explore all sequences of moves and calculate all possible outcomes. Stacks help the player remember which move sequences remain to be analyzed.

Another well-known example of search, called the ``travelling salesman problem,'' finds the shortest path from a start city to a destination city on a road map; the paths between cities are summarized as a tree, and a stack helps a program calculate the total distance travelled in each path from the start city to the next city to the next, etc., to the destination.

A bit of thought will convince you that the search tree itself need not be constructed when programming a solution to the travelling salesman problem: A table that lists adjacent cities and the distances between them will suffice for building the stack. (This is also true for the permutation example, where the letters in the string can be consulted in place of the search tree.)

Demo programs

Here the programs that implement the examples in this Lecture:

API for Stack

Directory of array-implemented Stack

API for postfix application

Directory of postfix translation/evaluation application

Directory of permutation-generator application