Package edu.ksu.cis.viewer

A package of tools for viewing and manipulating trees.


Interface Summary
BSTInterface This interface is implemented by each of the data structures whose functionality is equivalent to a binary search tree.
Colorizer An interface to encapsulate a mechanism for associating colors to Objects.
TreeInterface This interface may be implemented by a tree in order to allow a TreeDrawing to be constructed from the tree.

Class Summary
AATree An immutable AA tree that can draw itself.
AVLTree An immutable AVL tree that can draw itself.
BinarySearchTree An immutable binary search tree that can draw itself.
BinaryTree An immutable binary tree that can draw itself.
BSTFrame A Frame for creating and manipulating a data structure with functionality equivalent to a binary search tree.
ConsList An immutable linear recursive structure with a head, which is an Object, and a tail, which is a ConsList.
Node The objects used as the nodes of trees in the BinaryTree class.
PatriciaTrie An immutable Patricia trie that can draw itself.
RedBlackTree An immutable red-black tree that can draw itself.
SplayTree An immutable splay tree that can draw itself.
Stack A stack built from an immutable ConsList.
TreeComponent A component displaying a graphical representation of a tree.
TreeDrawing An immutable high-level representation of a drawing of a tree.
TreeFrame A frame for displaying a tree.
Trie An immutable trie that can draw itself.
Viewer This is the driver class for the Search Tree Viewer.

Exception Summary
EmptyListException An exception thrown when an attempt is made to access the head or tail of an emtpy ConsList.
EmptyTreeException An exception thrown when an attempt is made to access the root or a child of an emtpy BinaryTree.

Package edu.ksu.cis.viewer Description

A package of tools for viewing and manipulating trees. There are two main uses for this package:

  1. A search tree viewer. This viewer is a program for displaying and manipulating search trees. Strings may be inserted or deleted from the trees, the user may move forward or backward through the history of modifications, and trees with their histories may be cloned and manipulated independently. The driver for this program is the Viewer class, which may be run as either an applet or an application. It requires no arguments or other supporting packages.

  2. A set of tree-viewing tools for use within user programs. A developer may define tree structure which implements TreeInterface. If colored nodes are desired, a class implementing Colorizer may also be defined. A drawing of the tree can then be created using the TreeDrawing, TreeComponent, and/or TreeFrame classes.

See Also:
Viewer, TreeInterface, Colorizer, TreeDrawing, TreeComponent, TreeFrame