Implementing Stacks and Queues with Linked Lists

Because linked lists store data elements in linear sequences, they can be used to give alternative implementations of stacks and queues. One advantage to using linked lists is that we don't have to worry about filling up something like an array - we can just keep allocating cells as long as we need to (unless we run out of memory).

Implementing a stack using a linked list is particularly easy because all accesses to a stack are at the top. One end of a linked list, the beginning, is always directly accessible. We should therefore arrange the elements so that the top element of the stack is at the beginning of the linked list, and the bottom element of the stack is at the end of the linked list. We can represent an empty stack with null.

We therefore need a private LinkedListCell<T> field to implement a generic stack Stack<T> using a linked list. This field will refer to the cell containing the data item at the top of the stack. A public Count property will be used to keep track of the number of elements in the stack.

The public methods Push, Peek, and Pop are then fairly straightforward to implement. For Push we need to add the given element to a new cell at the beginning of the linked list, as shown in the previous section, and update the Count. To implement Peek, if the stack is nonempty, we simply return the Data property of the cell at the beginning of the linked list; otherwise, we throw an InvalidOperationException. To implement Pop:
  1. Using Peek, obtain the element to be returned;
  2. Remove the first element from the linked list as shown in the previous section;
  3. Update the Count; and
  4. Return the retrieved value.

Implementing a queue is a little more involved because we need to operate at both ends of the linked list. For efficiency, we should keep a reference to the last cell in the linked list, as this will allow us to access both ends of the linked list directly. We will therefore have the following:

Implementing a queue with a linked list

We now need to decide which end to make the front of the queue. As we saw in the previous section, both inserting and removing can be done efficiently at the beginning of a linked list. Likewise, it is easy to insert an element at the end if we have a reference to the last cell. Suppose, for example, that last refers to the last cell in a linked list, and that cell refers to a LinkedListCell<T> that we want to insert at the end. Suppose further that the linked list is not empty (that will be a special case that we'll need to handle). Thus, we have the following:

A cell to insert at the end of a linked list

To insert this cell at the end of the linked list, we just need to copy the reference in cell to the Next property of the cell to which last refers:

last.Next = cell;
On the other hand, removing the last cell is problematic, even if we have a reference to it. The problem is that in order to remove it from the linked list, we need to change the Next property of the preceding cell. Unfortunately, the only way to obtain that cell is to start at the beginning of the list and work our way through it. If the linked list is long, this could be quite inefficient. Because we need to remove elements from the front of a queue, but not from the back, we conclude that it will work best to make the beginning of the linked list the front of the queue. We therefore need the following private fields to implement a generic queue Queue<T>: As we mentioned earlier, adding an element to an empty queue is a special case that we will need to handle separately. For this reason, it doesn't matter what values the two LinkedListCell<T> fields contain when the queue is empty - we can always detect when the queue is empty by checking the Count. The initialization of the two LinkedListCell<T> fields is therefore unimportant. It is easiest to just leave them null.

Let us now consider the implementation of the Enqueue method. We need to consider two cases. We'll first consider the case in which the queue is empty. In this case, we need to build the following linked list:

A queue containing a single linked list cell

We therefore need to:

  1. Construct a new LinkedListCell<T>;
  2. Assign it to the field denoting the front of the queue;
  3. Assign it to the field denoting the back of the queue;
  4. Store the given element in its Data property; and
  5. Update the Count.

Note that there is no need to initialize the new cell's Next property, as it will automatically be initialized to null.

If the queue is nonempty, the only step that changes is Step 2. Because the queue is nonempty, we don't want to make the new cell the front of the queue; instead, we need to insert it at the end of the linked list, as outlined above.

The implementations of the Peek and Dequeue methods are essentially the same as the implementations of the Peek and Pop methods, respectively, for a stack.

The implementations described in this section are simpler than the implementations using arrays, mainly due to the fact that we don't need to rebuild the structure when we fill up the space available. While these implementations are also pretty efficient, it turns out that the array-based implementations tend to out-perform the linked-list-based implementations. This might be counterintuitive at first because rebuilding the structures when the array is filled is expensive. However, due to the fact that we double the size of the array each time we need a new one, this rebuilding is done so rarely in practice that it ends up having minimal impact on performance. Due to hardware and low-level software issues, the overhead involved in using arrays usually ends up being less.

Last modified: Mon Jul 16 03:29:59 CDT 2018

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