On line Image Management System Implementation Scope


By Aces Group


The purpose of this Document is to provide an overview of Implementation that was done for the Project.


Implementation Platform:


In the Project Group meeting, various possible Implementation platforms were discussed. Some of them were the J2EE architecture using JDeveloper IDE and Oracle as back end, Dot Net Architecture etc.

However, because a lot of assignments in the CIS764 course were already done in JDeveloper and because also a lot of discussion was already done on Dot Net in the Class, the Team decided to opt for something new to learn and implement. Therefore, “Drupal” was finalized as the platform for Implementation. Using Drupal had two advantages: Firstly, it gave the whole team a change to learn Content Management Systems. That was something new and an unknown quantity for all members of the team. So using Drupal was expected to be very challenging and interesting. Secondly, Drupal is said to be a Rapid Application Development Tool. So given the limited time frame that was available for implementation, Drupal was thought to be a good option available.

Implementation Scope:


This project was intended to design and implement major functionalities of the On-line Image Management System. More information about the Requirements assumed and the Design Models Developed can be found in the “SRS and Design” Document and the various diagrams developed under the link “Project Diagrams”.
The part implemented is a subset of the Parts that were designed. Not all parts could be implemented because of time constraints. Following are some of the functionalities that were implemented:


  1. User Registration Workflow - A User can initially request an account with the Photo Management System and the Administrator (Manager) authorizes by granting him the correct role (customer or photographer).
  2. Forgot password Implementation - The user can request a new password sent to his email using his account or email information.
  3. User roles - Customer, Photographer and Manager Roles were implemented in the system with the following privileges:

Manager can manage Photo Gallery and Edit, View, delete photos

Photographer can Edit only his own photos and view all photos and

Customer can just view photos.

  1. Organized photo gallery - Photo gallery module was installed so that the photos can be organized into categories.
  2. Browse and Search photo gallery - Lets customers search for photos in the gallery using keywords and also browse by category as photos are organized in folder structure.
  3. Skinning - Basic theme was added for the system, some static pages were added.


Please refer to the “Implementation Screen Shots” link on the Project Website for a Snapshot of the Actual Working Project Screens.


Please refer to the “Implementation” link on the Project Website to experience a Live demo of the application.