An Inductive Study of 1st John

Lesson 4


1. John explains what our relationship with other people has to do with our Christianity. What is this connection? Is this something we should have control over? (2:9-11).



2. How does John’s comment about “many antichrists” squared with the common belief that there will be a single antichrist in the last days?  Who really is the antichrist? (2:18,22).



3. How can John say what he does in 3:6,9, in light of what he said in 2:1?



4. In 1 John 2:6, we read: “he who says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.” (RSV). Abiding here is present tense, which speaks of habitual action. John says the person who makes the claim, “I am abiding in Christ”, is obligated to walk as Christ walked.

ABIDE (MENO) is a key word in the entire first epistle of John. In Vines Dictionary, we can see that MENO has been translate CONTINUE, DWELL, ENDURE, REMAIN, STAND, TARYY, as well as ABIDE. It is important to look at a number of verses in which we find the word MENO and see how this word is translated. While most of the time it is translated ABIDE, by looking at these verses we will be better able to understand the meaning of this very, very important word in this epistle.

The King James version is being used for this exercise. Locate the verse and record it in the space provided beside the reference. Underline the word “abide” and record any thoughts or insights about the verse and “abide”.

John 3:36 –


John 5: 37, 38 –


John 8:34, 35 –


John 15:4-6 –


1 Cor. 13:13 –


2 Tim. 2:13 –


1 Peter 1:23 –


1 John 4:13 –


In the following verses, MENO is translated REMAIN, DWELL, or CONTINUE in the King James Version and in some other versions as well. In any case, it is the same Greek word, MENO.

Locate and record the following verses:

John 8:31 –


John 14:10 –


John 14:17 –


1 John 3:17 –


1 John 4:15, 16 –


In the following verses MENO is translated STAND or ENDURE.

Locate and record these verses:

1 Peter 1:25 –


Romans 9:11 –


5. As you carefully reread and carefully consider these verses, what have you learned? Does MENO all mean the same thing in all of them? Are they synonyms?



6. In 1 John, the apostle gives several tests where one can know whether or not he/she is a genuine Christian.

1.       In 1:9, he says that the true Christian confesses his sin. He confesses his sinfulness [repentance] prior to baptism and continues to confess them as he is aware of them throughout life.

2.       In 2:9, John says that the true believer, as an overall pattern of life, keeps Christ’s commands. John does not speak of perfection, but the overall pattern of one’s life, and of the heart attitude of the genuine Christian.

3.       In 2:9, a third test is given: The true believer does not continue to hate his brother. He does not do this as a pattern of life.

Read carefully 1 John 2:9-11, and record your observations. Look for contrasts (there are several). Look for the tense of verbs. Define “stumbling” (SKANDALON).