Homework 1

Due Friday, September 30 at the start of class. Late homeworks will be accepted, with a 20% penalty, until the corrected papers are returned to the class. You may discuss the problems with other students, but your submitted work should be done independently. These problems are from Chapter 3 of the text.

  1. (3.2a) Given the grammar G=
    A --> Ba | bC
    B --> d | eBf
    C --> gC | g
    determine which of the following strings are in L(G). Construct parse trees for those that are.
    bg  bffd  bggg  edfa  eedffa  faae  defa
  2. (3.5) Given the grammar
    S --> aS | SB | d
    B --> Bb | c
    the parse tree below shows the derivation of the string aadccb. Show that this grammar is ambiguous by exhibiting a different parse tree for the same string.
      / \
     /   \
    a     S
         / \
        /   \
       a     S
            / \
           /   \
          S     B
         / \   / \
        /  |   |  \
       S   B   B   b
       |   |   |
       |   |   |
       d   c   c
  3. (3.9) Our usual expression grammar
    E --> E+T | E-T | T
    T --> T*F | T/F | F
    F --> (E) | i
    can't be used as is in a predictive parser because it has left recursions. Someone had the idea that he could remove left recursions from this grammar by changing it to
    E --> T+E | T-E | T
    T --> F*T | F/T | F
    F --> (E) | i
    Show that this isn't such a great idea by (a) drawing parse trees for a-b-c using both the original and the revised grammar and (b) using the trees as a guide to determine the results of the corresponding computations if a=3, b=5, and c=8.
  4. (3.11) Find the FIRST and FOLLOW sets for the grammar
    S --> ABC
    A --> a | Cb | e
    B --> c | dA | e
    C --> e | f
    (Note the difference between the terminal e and the empty string e.)