Homework 6 Solutions

Prove the following sequents using only Peano's axioms:

  1. (3 points)
    |- -(0'=0'')
      1 (1) 0'=0''            A
      1 (2) 0=0'              1 SUCC
        (3) -(0=0')           NOT0
      1 (4) (0=0') & -(0=0')  2,3 &I
        (5) -(0'=0'')         1,4 RAA
  2. (3 points)
    |- 0'''×0''=0''''''
      (1)  0'''×0''=(0'''×0')+0'''  MULT1
      (2)  0'''×0'=(0'''×0)+0'''    MULT1
      (3)  0'''×0=0                 MULT0
      (4)  0'''×0'=0+0'''           3,2 SUBST
      (5)  0+0'''=(0+0'')'          PLUS1
      (6)  0+0''=(0+0')'            PLUS1
      (7)  0+0'=(0+0)'              PLUS1
      (8)  0+0=0                    PLUS0
      (9)  0+0'=0'                  8,7 SUBST
      (10) 0+0''=0''                9,6 SUBST
      (11) 0+0'''=0'''              10,5 SUBST
      (12) 0'''×0'=0'''             11,4 SUBST
      (13) 0'''×0''=0'''+0'''       12,1 SUBST
      (14) 0'''+0'''=(0'''+0'')'    PLUS1
      (15) 0'''+0''=(0'''+0')'      PLUS1
      (16) 0'''+0'=(0'''+0)'        PLUS1
      (17) 0'''+0=0'''              PLUS0
      (18) 0'''+0'=0''''            17,16 SUBST
      (19) 0'''+0''=0'''''          18,15 SUBST
      (20) 0'''+0'''=0''''''        19,14 SUBST
      (21) 0'''×0''=0''''''         20,13 SUBST
  3. (3 points) We choose to do induction on c, since it always occurs as the right-hand operand, which matches the given rules for + and ×:
    |- a×(b+c)=(a×b)+(a×c)
      (1) a×(b+0)=(a×b)+(a×0)                               TI 1, below
      (2) (a×(b+x)=(a×b)+(a×x)) -> (a×(b+x')=(a×b)+(a×x'))  TI 2, below
      (3) a×(b+c)=(a×b)+(a×c)                               1,2 IND

    This depends on the following two ``subroutine'' theorems:

    1. Base case:
      |- a×(b+0)=(a×b)+(a×0)
        (1) a×(b+0)=a×(b+0)          REFL
        (2) b+0=b                    PLUS0
        (3) a×(b+0)=a×b              2,1 SUBST
        (4) (a×b)+(a×0)=(a×b)+(a×0)  REFL
        (5) a×0=0                    MULT0
        (6) (a×b)+0=(a×b)+(a×0)      5,4 SUBST
        (7) (a×b)+0=a×b              PLUS0
        (8) a×b=(a×b)+(a×0)          7,6 SUBST
        (9) a×(b+0)=(a×b)+(a×0)      8,3 SUBST
    2. Inductive case:
      |- (a×(b+x)=(a×b)+(a×x)) -> (a×(b+x')=(a×b)+(a×x'))
        1 (1)  a×(b+x)=(a×b)+(a×x)                               A
          (2)  a×(b+x')=a×(b+x')                                 REFL
          (3)  b+x'=(b+x)'                                       PLUS1
          (4)  a×(b+x')=a×(b+x)'                                 3,2 SUBST
          (5)  a×(b+x)'=(a×(b+x))+a                              MULT1
          (6)  a×(b+x')=(a×(b+x))+a                              5,4 SUBST
        1 (7)  a×(b+x')=((a×b)+(a×x))+a                          1,6 SUBST
          (8)  (a×b)+(a×x')=(a×b)+(a×x')                         REFL
          (9)  a×x'=(a×x)+a                                      MULT1
          (10) (a×b)+((a×x)+a)=(a×b)+(a×x')                      9,8 SUBST
          (11) (a×b)+((a×x)+a)=((a×b)+(a×x))+a                   TI(S) ASSOC
          (12) ((a×b)+(a×x))+a=(a×b)+(a×x')                      11,10 SUBST
        1 (13) a×(b+x')=(a×b)+(a×x')                             12,7 SUBST
          (14) (a×(b+x)=(a×b)+(a×x)) -> (a×(b+x')=(a×b)+(a×x'))  1,13 CP
  4. (3 points, extra credit) This proof has a very similar structure to the previous one; again, we will proceed by induction on c:
    |- a×(b×c)=(a×b)×c
      (1) a×(b×0)=(a×b)×0                           TI 1, below
      (2) (a×(b×x)=(a×b)×x) -> (a×(b×x')=(a×b)×x')  TI 2, below
      (3) a×(b×c)=(a×b)×c                           1,2 IND
    1. Base case:
      |- a×(b×0)=(a×b)×0
        (1) a×(b×0)=a×(b×0)  REFL
        (2) b×0=0            MULT0
        (3) a×(b×0)=a×0      2,1 SUBST
        (4) a×0=0            MULT0
        (5) a×(b×0)=0        4,3 SUBST
        (6) (a×b)×0=(a×b)×0  REFL
        (7) (a×b)×0=0        MULT0
        (8) 0=(a×b)×0        7,6 SUBST
        (9) a×(b×0)=(a×b)×0  8,5 SUBST
    2. Inductive case:
      |- (a×(b×x)=(a×b)×x) -> (a×(b×x')=(a×b)×x')
        1 (1)  a×(b×x)=(a×b)×x                           A
          (2)  a×(b×x')=a×(b×x')                         REFL
          (3)  b×x'=(b×x)+b                              MULT1
          (4)  a×(b×x')=a×((b×x)+b)                      3,2 SUBST
          (5)  a×((b×x)+b)=(a×(b×x))+(a×b)               TI(S) problem 3
          (6)  a×(b×x')=(a×(b×x))+(a×b)                  5,4 SUBST
        1 (7)  a×(b×x')=((a×b)×x)+(a×b)                  1,6 SUBST
          (8)  (a×b)×x'=(a×b)×x'                         REFL
          (9)  (a×b)×x'=((a×b)×x)+(a×b)                  MULT1
          (10) ((a×b)×x)+(a×b)=(a×b)×x'                  9,8 SUBST
        1 (11) a×(b×x')=(a×b)×x'                         10,7 SUBST
          (12) (a×(b×x)=(a×b)×x) -> (a×(b×x')=(a×b)×x')  1,11 CP