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<!--#include file="includes/"-->
'Developer: Angela Johnston
'Date: February 10, 2002
'addProfessional.asp - This page enters the information from the form in editProfessional.asp
' into the faculty database.
'Included pages
' - Checks whether the user has application priviledges
' formStyle.css - The style sheet for the Faculty Application
' - A page usually included with ASP to make openning tables and running queries easier.
' It assigns names to numbers, so that you don't have to remember what each number means.
'QueryStrings (name - value)
' None
'Recordsets (name - value)
' rsUser - ( contains the current user logged on to the intranet (tblUser)
' rsFac - contains the current faculty member's information (tblFaculty)
' strSQL - ( use to store the sql string for a query
' bAdmin - ( boolean value, "True" if user is an Administrator, "False" if the user is not
' lngUserID - ( the ID number for the current user
' strUserLogon - ( the Logon Name for the current user
' lngFacID - the ID number for the current faculty member
'Form Fields
' BS - a text box for the faculty member's name
' MS - a text box for the faculty member's title or position
' PhD - a text box for the faculty member's office number
' ResearchInterest - a textarea box for the faculty member's research interests
' Honors - a textarea box for the faculty member's Honors
Dim rsFac
Dim lngFacID
If bAdmin = "True" Then
lngFacID = Session("FacID")

'Open a recordset containing the current faculty member using the variable lngUserID
Set rsFac = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblFaculty WHERE fldFacID = " & lngFacID & ";"
rsFac.Open strSQL, fp_conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
'Open a recordset containing the current faculty member using the variable lngUserID
Set rsFac = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblFaculty WHERE fldUserID = " & lngUserID & ";"
rsFac.Open strSQL, fp_conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText
End If
If Not rsFac.EOF Then

'Update faculty information
rsFac("fldBS") = Request.Form("BS")
rsFac("fldMS") = Request.Form("MS")
rsFac("fldPhD") = Request.Form("PhD")
rsFac("fldResearchInterest") = Request.Form("ResearchInterest")
rsFac("fldHonors") = Request.Form("Honors")
rsFac("fldTimeStamp") = Now

End If

Response.Redirect "professionalConfirmation.asp"